Leadership Problems - My CO made me leader and quit.

Fledgling Forumer
Posts: 145
Joined: Tue Oct 25, 2005 2:05 pm
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Location: Strawberry Fields Forever

Leadership Problems - My CO made me leader and quit.

I'm in the middle of an alliance war. I just became leader again... and I can't see the leadership page. It says I don't belong to an alliance. But I'm the leader.

And my alliance is ... messed up. Not only the members, but also the stats. I should be on page 2 with 300 billion power. It used to show me on page 4 with 80 billion power. Now it's fixed, but I lost MANY members because of how weak we looked. I lost allies. Now I'm back on page 3.

I have players ranked in the 200s coming out to destroy my alliance.

It's rather hard to fight an alliance war without communication. I'd extremely appreciate if I could have my leadership page back.


Edit: I think the reason is because my commander made me leader again and quit the alliance...
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