Alliance Leadership Transfer

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Alliance Leadership Transfer

I was changing commanders the other day so I needed to transfer leadership of my alliance. For some reason it wouldn't work when I hit 'make leader' for my usual second in command (I hit the button, but I was still the leader), so I sent it to someone else. I changed COs.

Then my friend tried to send it back, it wouldn't work. So he sent it to another friend, that friend also tried sending it to me and that didn't work either.

I haven't had problems with this before, I don't know what the deal is...
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The gift of the warrior is to perceive that which cannot be seen
The spirit of the warrior is to strike in a single moment
The destiny of the warrior is balance in all things
And when balance is lost, all that is left...
Is the Reckoning.
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SGW is full ob bugs :S
damn...can even play in peace anymore :(
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Alliance: MaYHeM
ID: 1913730

Same problem here i gave my alliance to my cousin so i could change comanders and now he can't change it back
Mr. Anonymous

I posted this else where but why not here where it's the exact thins, I tried as well and couldn't transfer leader ship.
Fledgling Forumer
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ive given alliance control before, ive never had this problem.
Fledgling Forumer
Posts: 141
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Have you tried giving the alliance leadership to someone who has no commander? Had the same problem before and we solved it by giving it to someone who has no commander. Alliance leaders aren't supposed to have a commander (didn't know until recently) and it seems Forum has tightened the coding for this.

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