misssing weapons


misssing weapons

could the admmins plz help me. the other day i was playing and i went to armory and about 45 staff weapons went missing along with about 50 externally powered force sheilds. i went to my attak log to make sure that i just forgot to fix them. i looked and it said i hade externally powered force sheilds and i had staff wepons that day. i looked at my last attak on feb. 26 and it said i had i think it was 19 to 18 on my sstaff weapons and i looked at the last person who attakeed me on the attak log and it said i have like 19 to 18 or 18 to 17. if u dont believe me look at my attak log cause i think u can get my information, right. if u find that i am teloling the truth could u plz give me my weapons bak because i had to go buy all new weapons which i woulnt have had to do and since i spent my money on the new ones i would like to keep the new ones and the old ones. plz help me

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Re: misssing weapons

check your 'intelligence' log... I have a feeling you have a weak covert front and allowed somebody to sneak in and mess with your weapons :)

plm wrote:could the admmins plz help me. the other day i was playing and i went to armory and about 45 staff weapons went missing along with about 50 externally powered force sheilds. i went to my attak log to make sure that i just forgot to fix them. i looked and it said i hade externally powered force sheilds and i had staff wepons that day. i looked at my last attak on feb. 26 and it said i had i think it was 19 to 18 on my sstaff weapons and i looked at the last person who attakeed me on the attak log and it said i have like 19 to 18 or 18 to 17. if u dont believe me look at my attak log cause i think u can get my information, right. if u find that i am teloling the truth could u plz give me my weapons bak because i had to go buy all new weapons which i woulnt have had to do and since i spent my money on the new ones i would like to keep the new ones and the old ones. plz help me

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Re: no

is your user name "plm" - i'll look...

plm wrote:no body sabotaged me
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I checked - definately sabotage!!
check your covert ops -- not only skill but agent count... more agent, higher skill, will stop this, and if not stop, limit the effects!!


thx for the help u really answer fast
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plm...i think there war 67 Externally Powered Force Shield and 29 Staff Weapon....am i wright?...:P....verry strage to lose weapons like that... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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big covert attack force - low to no defenses at the time (am sure they've been upgraded since :) )
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Forum wrote:big covert attack force - low to no defenses at the time (am sure they've been upgraded since :) )

are u talking about me? :?:

Sounds like no, talkin 2 plm
Jack ONiell

Lost weapons after rename

I ended up lossing a lot of weapons after i renamed my profile. Can anyone help me out.
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Renaming shouldn't cost you anything. However if you changed race, there's a big warning that tells you about all the stuff you lose. So which is it?

As soon as you build an idiot proof system, somebody else builds a better idiot.

If it moves, kill it. If it doesn't move, kick it until it does move, and then kill it.
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who sabotaged you i wanna see if they are good for farming :)
Wolf359 wrote:I agree with hidden

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