The Downsides of Ascension for your Main account

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i forgot to warn my officers i was ascending, lol, i didnt know i would loose them, but anyhow is hard to remember all of them, and most of them were inactive so, im better off with the only few that are coming back one by one :-D
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Sleipnir wrote:Remember how Daniel lost his memory at first? Losing your messages is kinda like that. :-D

Is it me or is this a contradiction? ;)

Game Updates Page wrote:On the bright side, we will not leave you laying naked in a field on a foreign planet with no memories :)
You have been opinionated!!
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What you remember is and should be defined by what you actually remember, so you forgot things, that's your own personal problem, lol.
Agapooka wrote:The argument that because a premise cannot be proven false, it must be true, is known as a Negative Proof Fallacy in logic.
Mister Sandman wrote:Nothing at all near the negative proof fallacy in logic. If it cannot be proven false, it has to be true.
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