debug error

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debug error

Could not insert new word


SQL Error : 1194 Table 'phpbb_search_wordlist' is marked as crashed and should be repaired

INSERT IGNORE INTO phpbb_search_wordlist (word_text, word_common) VALUES ('160k', 0), ('162', 0), ('2bill', 0), ('666', 0), ('3998', 0), ('897k', 0), ('army', 0), ('attack', 0), ('commander', 0), ('def', 0), ('name', 0), ('naq', 0), ('plus', 0), ('race', 0), ('raid', 0), ('rank', 0), ('sellin', 0), ('size', 0), ('target', 0), ('tauri', 0), ('turns', 0)

Line : 234
File : functions_search.php
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