Is Ascension Broken? Almost

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Re: Is Ascension Broken? Almost

Mojo Rising wrote:No S T I is not a more skillful player than I am in ascension. He just benefitted from a prejudiced update by Forum that allowed him to exceed the levels that Sinister and I were able to purchase. It has nothing to do with skill but more to dumb luck. Because he was LESS skillful, he got rewarded, which is what all of the updates in ascension have been about from the beginning.

:lol: :lol: You got so much help from updates later on like the cap in main and now your whining? lol

Im gonna build up my account now and il see you soon guess i was more skillfull after all :-D
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Re: Is Ascension Broken? Almost

How exactly did I get help from a cap in main any more than anyone else got help from a cap in main? The cap in main was put in because people were cheating/abusing a function that allowed multis in the game to gain huge army sizes quickly. The cap has actually hurt me because I could have easily been twice the size that I was prior to the CoP/CiA conflict. If anything the cap has helped alliances like yourselves to be able to take advantage of the ascended bonuses in main without having had to sacrifice any main resources to acquire them.

If you are going to make a point, please make it a relevant point to the topic at hand. The cap in main has nothing to do with the ascended update. They are two separate animals.
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Re: Is Ascension Broken? Almost

The cap in main made sure people who didnt payed much attention to ascension didnt grow way past you while you were doing that....
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Re: Is Ascension Broken? Almost

Mojo Rising wrote:No S T I is not a more skillful player than I am in ascension. He just benefitted from a prejudiced update by Forum that allowed him to exceed the levels that Sinister and I were able to purchase. It has nothing to do with skill but more to dumb luck. Because he was LESS skillful, he got rewarded, which is what all of the updates in ascension have been about from the beginning.

*Sniff* I smell jealousy ;)

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Re: Is Ascension Broken? Almost

And I smell a lock.

This thread has gotten far out of hand with insults coming from both sides. Call this a blanket warning.


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