FS -v- NWO

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Dexter Morgan™
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Re: FS -v- NWO

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Nice covert btw.....
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Re: FS -v- NWO

Just got home from Christmas shopping, now for the wrapping..... think I need a drinky first lol

K, see the spamathon has started so few points to clarify

1) DDE Comparisons are silly, NWO are not DDE, not even close. For most of the DDE war FS was outmatched in account strengths & heavily outnumbered, and we had to find an alternative way to fight. NWO have 1 superior account ( Bruno ), the rest are similar to our own so this will be more like one of the dozens of other wars FS have been in which did not include DDE.

2) Guild, you got a big mouth, me and Brother have both separately given you spanking online before and will again, Step up or shut up.

3) FS did not start this war, FS did not want this war, FS spent 24 hours trying to resolve the issues by talking and offering solutions before retaliating for masses on us.

4) We have NOT massed your training alliance ( even though they have very tasty cheap kills on offer ) because we have never been and never want to be bullies. If they hit us we will retaliate, but we will not initiate.

5) People saying we will be statless and drag this out for year, nonsense, it wont take that long and so long as we get good online fights we will build decent amount. Of course if all the massing go offline then building will be less, no one likes to build just to be massed while in work or asleep.

Now for the record, my PMs to Bruno

PM only hours before Prince Seere massed FS member and ran to PPT clearly stating I want a new way of making war in SGW in the interests of the game and fun for all regardless of their accounts.

All good mate, bit weird not being at war, think Ive been at peace for about 6 months out of 6 years lol

Also bit strange taking leadership, have to think of whole alliance not just what I want, and kinda on that subject I have been playing with the idea of team battles in the new year. Im thinking 6 man teams with roughly equal covert/AC etc so the little guys dont get stomped on or get bored from being sat on by stronger accounts and everyone gets to fight at their own level, could put up 2 teams per alliance, maybe with ranges like team 1 ( Covert/AC 36-39 ) and team 2 ( covert/AC 30-35 ), even those ascending could fight the. Maybe put something about MSs etc in too.

Would you guys be interested in putting up a team if I can get several alliances involved ? Short 6 man team fights, say a week or 2 each fight, few rules and all kept in good fun ???

Hows things with your guys ?

PM immediately after I found out the Prince Seere mass some of FS and ran to PPT, again very reasonably with offer of solutions, and again promoting my team fight idea

Mate, if you want good relations letting your newest member mass two members of FS then run to PPT is not the way to do it.

This guy has snipered us for no apparent reason, I think the only thing we ever did to him was Easy^ turned down his application to FS.

Now vendettas are 1-v-1, as a solo sniper we had no one else to hit back at, but now he is in your alliance if he hits all FS that means WAR !!!

I see 4 possible ways this goes

1) WAR
2) Prince Seere repays the losses from these 2 massings, apologises for past actions and stays with you at peace.
3) Prince Seere makes his vendetta against just one person ( ME ) and I will beat him daily until he surrenders/quits
4) You kick him

I mentioned in my last PM about team matches, thats the way I want to go with future wars, but I cant just let this go so if old fashioned forever war is back on the table.

Another PM from me chasing a solution and again saying I want to resolve without war and move to team matches

Hey mate,

I really think 6 man short team wars is the way forward in SGW to avoid future endless bad feel type wars, keep the lesser account people interested in the game by making it so they dont get sat on by the more powerful accounts and allowing all those ready to fight to do so. I will be refining and taking this idea to several alliances for the new year.


Prince Seere massed 2 FS members and sabbed a 3rd yesterday, then jumped on PPT, even if he comes off PPT his stats are very low and those he hit wont have stuff to hit back at so right now they all want blood and since he is wearing your tags you know where they were looking for revenge. Last night I convinced them not to mass NWO and let me speak to you first but I cant hold them back forever, I really need a solution today.

I really hope we can sort this and go ahead with the team idea so please talk to Seere and get back to me ASAP



Another PM from me chasing up a solution and assuring I am not making threats but need to resolve things fast before they escalate

Im not threatening you mate, I dont do threats and if I wanted war I would have let FS go in last night without warning. Im just saying how it is, I dont want another endless war, I want team matches, I had to talk certain FS members out of massing NWO last night but I only delayed things, and I cant delay them indefinitely, I need to take something back, some kind of solution everyone will accept and fast to avoid this escalating. Im sure you can understand that, if a new member of FS had massed 2 of your guys and sabbed another how long do you think you could hold your guys back for ? Its not easy.

Yet another PM from me making a final attempt to fix things

I just spoke to MLH who passed on your comments. Just to clarify,

1) I never threatened you, I just talk straight with no BS and tell it like it is

2) Prince Seere has been snipering us, yes. And as a solo player we had no option but to hit just him back, but as a member of an alliance we do and would no matter what alliance it is. If he wants a 1-v-1 he can have it, I already said that. What if it was the other way round, if I vendetta all NWO, I mass them all and they only have me to hit back, would you just hit me back, or would you hit all FS ???

3) The guys in FS will NOT just be massed and let it go, if Prince Seere wont repay losses and either make peace or go for a 1-v-1, then we will have to kill more on NWO than we lost.

4) What is this about a farming deal, no one has even complained about farming, we farm everyone and we allow everyone to farm us. Not an issue.

Now everyone knows I dont want this war, Ive gone out of my way to prevent it trying this diplo stuff which I hate. I already said I want future wars to be short fun with teams of equally matched players so the little guys dont suffer. The old ways of fighting are whats killing the game, the big accounts destroy the weaker ones and the weaker ones give up building and get bored.

But you are not giving me anything to work with and saying Princes war with FS is his own when he wears your tags is just ridiculous.

These are not demands or threats, this is me trying to resolve this, but time is running out and my backs against the wall so I hope you can see my point of view and compromise before its to late.

And finally a PM from me after peace talks had failed and FS had retaliated, again saying we were attacked, we retaliated, and if he wanted NWO could walk away

I only managed to get FS to give me 24 hours to sort this, 24 hours ran out. I wasnt bluffing or threatening, it was just a sense of urgency.

Now I managed to get them to leave the training alliance alone, and you are still standing only because I dont have the resources until Sunday.

Where we go from here is up to you, the bloodlust over the massing/sabbings on FS has be quenched so you can declare war or walk away.

All these PMs in 24 hours, now honestly, does anyone think I was being unreasonable ? Did I not make every effort ? Did I sound like I wanted this war ? Did I not warn about the consequences of not resolving the problems and say we had a short time to do it ?

Well words failed to settle this, now we will settle it on the battlefield

As I said in the first post, please keep it clean and fun, and since it's Christmas I expect most will be busy in RL for next few days so no whinging about PPT


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Re: FS -v- NWO

12:07 Huntalaar 189,878 untrained units kidnapped 15 4,515 27,716 118,726,608,000 4,418,250,273,490 details

Nice snipe [-(

Nice job, real nice, of course he stops when i realize its happening and doesn't finish doing to me what was done to him all morning long by FS. I like this war. :smt117
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Re: FS -v- NWO

Happy holidays, id leave you a tril while im with family but bruno already took my 11 tril defence while i slept......so that is all you get besides the snipe Hunt got on me....

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Re: FS -v- NWO

les you can blow me :P <3 bro hehe

as of now NWO will not be posting in this thread unless they are HC and ingame.

mezz contact me in relation to a resolution to this :)
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Re: FS -v- NWO

Merry christmas guys and have fun. I know we will :D
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Re: FS -v- NWO

Dexter Morgan™ wrote:Happy holidays, id leave you a tril while im with family but bruno already took my 11 tril defence while i slept......so that is all you get besides the snipe Hunt got on me....


Merry Xmas to you to mate. You could have been nice to me and just sent that 1T direct to my account ;) Lol :P

yyith wrote:Merry christmas guys and have fun. I know we will :D

And a very Merry Christmas to you to :)

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Re: FS -v- NWO

Okay (two) 1.5 tril defs yesterday and two petty 440bil defs..
Well done to all. Christmas with my mom tonight then Christmas with the old ladies parents tomorrow. Merry Christmas to all and to all a Good-Night
philipbanks 2:41 PM

Man I can mass from right here in my shower and it feels nice

lesennemis 2:42 PM

stop using massing for non pure duties in the shower and yes i am quoting that
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Re: FS -v- NWO

Les Ennemis wrote:Okay (two) 1.5 tril defs yesterday and two petty 440bil defs..
Well done to all. Christmas with my mom tonight then Christmas with the old ladies parents tomorrow. Merry Christmas to all and to all a Good-Night

Merry Christmas, make it a good 1 :)Good-Night.

Subject: BillusBallus has made you the leader of the TECHNOCRACY alliance

~LordRse~ has requested you join the Δ Allegiance alliance

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Re: FS -v- NWO

Merry Christmas all ;) Ill only be on again properly in around two days time as its christmas so enjoy i guess and i will only put something up again once Im back playing properly :)

Last edited by Belsamber on Sat Dec 24, 2011 3:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
MEZZANINE wrote:Hey Bels,

Hows it going bud, you know I've had song stuck in my head all day, and now think I know why, tis your theme song

Well I don't know why I came here tonight
If Im lookin' for some love or a fight
Just a searching for place with some flair
but so drunk I could fall of my chair
Massers to the left of me, Diplo's to the right
Here I am, drunk in the forum with you
Drunk in the GateWars with you
12:30 *Matherion Attack defended 15 23,986,971 0 *8,785,373,000 *,874,130,048
14:27 ~Joker~ Attack defended 15 48,418,385 0 *,966,012,800,000 *,070,746,452,590
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Re: FS -v- NWO

Merry christmas fs go NWO ;)
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Re: FS -v- NWO

I agree with what Mez said about the whole DDE thing.

And also this is a different war and a different day im sure both sides will keep each other entertained.

I miss FS people from back in the day :/ haha I started there :D

I'm keen for some onliners after the new year :D

MEZZANINE wrote:Hey Bels,

Hows it going bud, you know I've had song stuck in my head all day, and now think I know why, tis your theme song

Well I don't know why I came here tonight
If Im lookin' for some love or a fight
Just a searching for place with some flair
but so drunk I could fall of my chair
Massers to the left of me, Diplo's to the right
Here I am, drunk in the forum with you
Drunk in the GateWars with you
12:30 *Matherion Attack defended 15 23,986,971 0 *8,785,373,000 *,874,130,048
14:27 ~Joker~ Attack defended 15 48,418,385 0 *,966,012,800,000 *,070,746,452,590
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Re: FS -v- NWO

1) DDE Comparisons are silly, NWO are not DDE, not even close. For most of the DDE war FS was outmatched in account strengths & heavily outnumbered, and we had to find an alternative way to fight. NWO have 1 superior account ( Bruno ), the rest are similar to our own so this will be more like one of the dozens of other wars FS have been in which did not include DDE.

2) Guild, you got a big mouth, me and Brother have both separately given you spanking online before and will again, Step up or shut up.

ermmm ... i dont htink you have tbh ... ive never onlined you two before... you high ? :-k

but other than that if FS start to lose they will stop building and snipe same old same old...

just as everyone would expect...
Retired but still on a rampage
Rudy Peña wrote:Yea, OE is the the next FS in terms of snipers. We proud ourselves on it to the point we give out awards and see who can mass the most with a 0 def.
Drahazar wrote:Im happy to snipe anyone i want, why should i build any defences for you people
George Hazard wrote:FM is like a rite of passage for alliances.
You haven't truly made it to manhood until you've slept with the town prostitute.
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Re: FS -v- NWO

In war there is no winner or loser in this game anymore.

And who knows maybe FS keeps us tied down? it can all happen so lets relax on the sniping talk and what not and just have fun on the battlefied(ingame). Politcal wars dont get anywhere.
MEZZANINE wrote:Hey Bels,

Hows it going bud, you know I've had song stuck in my head all day, and now think I know why, tis your theme song

Well I don't know why I came here tonight
If Im lookin' for some love or a fight
Just a searching for place with some flair
but so drunk I could fall of my chair
Massers to the left of me, Diplo's to the right
Here I am, drunk in the forum with you
Drunk in the GateWars with you
12:30 *Matherion Attack defended 15 23,986,971 0 *8,785,373,000 *,874,130,048
14:27 ~Joker~ Attack defended 15 48,418,385 0 *,966,012,800,000 *,070,746,452,590
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Re: FS -v- NWO

Guild your not ingame so stay out of the thread!
^^^ Skyfighter
^^^ Phalax
{img]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x200 ... orr1-1.png[/img]
^^^ Korruption

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