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Re: Time to take our place within the SGW world!!!

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 12:07 pm
by Osi
Great advice...since the majority already said it would never happen and that we don't want it. Go back to play with your megablocks and leave your Gods in peace.

Re: Time to take our place within the SGW world!!!

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 12:18 pm
by AncientAnubis
Semper wrote:
Prophet of Truth wrote:you babble like a slave, you must be one.

i was thinking that to. Maybe thats cos I got no sleep last night..and have just had some really bad news..but none the less.. I concur.

Bad news is a **Filtered** isn't it? I got some myself last night. Lucky for me though, I'm not entirely human and therefore feel nothing.

Re: Time to take our place within the SGW world!!!

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 12:23 pm
by Nicholai Brocov
R1cardo wrote:lol you guys really went for it.

could only make the effort to read the first few pages,went way off topic.

still even me being an other race. i admire the intentions you have.
only problem is you are starting way to big.
you will need to lay a basis from with you can pull strenght and persuation from towards other active players.

try finding common goals umoung youre remaining race alliances, build up a strong foundation with them and then you will have the tools to pursuade others more easally.

and if you really want to think big, try to find other race alliances that are willing to create a temporary collaboration. in order to create a different dinamique.

if you succeed in the fist part and are willing to talk on a temp threaty maybe i can then help you out. to persue a common yet different goal.

but the best advice.

if you want to unite, respect is the key to succes even if there are others that think otherwise.
other then that, if some off you might be able to unite manny off youre race, feel free to message me.
i'm trying to do the same, at the end it's the same goal we are strifing at and having lots of sameminded players is better then only a handfull.

different race alliances that work together to make a strong point that will set in motion a snowball effect.

as long as me and my repli brothers are the victors at the end off the ride, then my job is done.

What does a lego know about the methods it takes to unite a fuedal people?.. Nothing.

Re: Time to take our place within the SGW world!!!

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 1:17 pm
by Osi
Actually a former member of the collective I would have to admit we/they know quite a bit. Our/their solution however ends with crushing your planets into a singularity so that you don't get in the way. Not exactly win win...and we/they ran out of planet crushers halfway through Ida and production on new ones was cut during the last annual budget meeting.