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Re: Dark Brotherhood Vs Drunken Monkies

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 3:57 am
by ~Nemisis~
lord_sithis wrote:Vengeance, This is what i mean..
When we first hit you, me and marisha both couldnt hit you as we are on the same network.
As it would say, war is already raging from this location.
Hense the reason we both didnt hit you.

thats the proper responce.

Hense the reason Vengeance has stayed ontop for so long, as he had top covert, he sabbed/assinated anyone that came close to his level, then it came near impossible to actually hurt him, thats the reason we failed so bad last time we went mass him.

here a tip,in this thing most call a war game,it is normal to fight up to top,defend that spot,and stay in...that spot.
you are correct about the failed part though,it was a rough 7 minutes sitting in 2nd place heh.

So its not the fact that i hate dRUNK mONKIES, its the fact i hate its leaders.
Only people i hate is Vengeance, and Arkangel, some others i dislike but other than that i dont have a problem.

and,we are suppost to be luuuved by the players?
we lead as we lead,we leave no player down,we assist those that assist others,when faced with a challenge we improvise adapt and overcome.
sadly when givin that option you again be honest it just breaks my heart to think you hate me and ark so much so that i think we may even break down and delete our accounts..ya ok rittte LOLZ!

again i will point out a fact that any member can verify here,we are not what you and scoob make us out to be,we took over the top,we kept hold of top,and those wanting to,HAVE stayed on top.
and we havent bothered anyone at all on server since the pact nor have we done so now.
we are just sitting here getting stronger then ever waiting for the great DB war machine to actually do more then spout off,fire blanks,and die...
on behalf of myself as well as ark,all i have to say is,we never lead our members into a war that intentionally ruined them,and cause many to leave the game,and real leaders like the 2 of us ACTUALLY stand by our crew,in peace,war or other issues.we do not scream that OMG! every member is a spy and we cant trust them,we except what we have,and respond to what we befor you spout off comparing leaders look in a mirror as far as all DB and others that have PMed us,not one will ever do anything but sit back and watch those that follow you burn for your ignorant acts.

"while our current and our NEW members grow STRONGER".
biggest army in the game ppfft as i said being big,and knowing how to use it are 2 very different things,yet another leason you will eventually learn.

Re: Dark Brotherhood Vs Drunken Monkies

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 4:36 am
by Chong089
yea i admit u havnt restricted growth at current time, but you did b4.
and in doing so then killed the game.

Dont worry i know how to play vengeance, im ranked 2 atm, wont take me to long to take your rank.

Re: Dark Brotherhood Vs Drunken Monkies

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 5:18 am
by ~Nemisis~
lord_sithis wrote:yea i admit u havnt restricted growth at current time, but you did b4.
and in doing so then killed the game.
restricted growth?on 1? wow if you quit a game cause the crew on page 1 keep it thats a really sad cop out,funny if we restricted growth why do many surpass monkies on army sizes,UP,and banks?
man you really are lop sidded,oh oh a monkie told me i cant farm for UP clicks,bank sizes or covert levels,geez and scoob said i take the cake,man you got the whole bakery :smt110

Dont worry i know how to play vengeance, im ranked 2 atm, wont take me to long to take your rank.

and you think...that getting rank 1 = win?
again you are showing your true colors to those expected to fight in your failed attempt at a war,,its always me-me-me with you.
as for me im willing to go to the mat for any of our crew members,again unlike you who simply sits and watchs others crash burn and die.
as per players dropping again its a WAR game,and most JUST DONT LIKE how slow it is,i personally know over 30+ players from main that left because of this very thing.
show me where it says we cant fight,we cant take page 1 and keep it,we cant help out our crews..
oh wait ya know what from game start there are these tabs that say sab,assassinate and ATTACK!
so again,someone needs to get it straight.
and if you havent noticed yet,we are waiting for you to make our next attack worth while so please,feel free to train up whats needed for rank 1 slot,please-please do.
i think you will find that 1 vs over 40+ will result in something you really are not ready for nor will your pals be able to assist you with.
BTW where are you 40+ allies?
why havent they attacked?
where is the second strike you promised us?
where is the DB....
:smt046 :smt043

Re: Dark Brotherhood Vs Drunken Monkies

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 5:27 am
by Chong089
You reli like twisting things dont you vengeance, after all who asked there members for naq just so he could get his levels..

i do help my members,but there is less of us so we help each other.
i never said we had 40+ members, and ur the one that said if we break rthis pact ul sit on us, yea your doin a great job attackin me...

roflol, silly nub

Re: Dark Brotherhood Vs Drunken Monkies

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 5:42 am
by ~Nemisis~
:smt046 :smt043
silly nub,
funny stuff as befor we have no need to waist assets until there are assets to claim.
still cant find any original content to post eh?
as per the pretty sure this is what alliances do,and your intel feeder failed to tell you that...many have been upgraded,those that give get back and those that choose get built up.
again we know we have spyz and we dont care,unlike your crew we enjoy the drama,except when someone catches one then well,our rules are pretty forward on that one.
as per attacking again,look in that mirror,seems your doing a bang up job attacking us...
oh wait...
you havent :smt046 :smt043
oh man you amuse me so much i think ill leave self trained up over my vaca just for the laughs!

Re: Dark Brotherhood Vs Drunken Monkies

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 5:46 am
by Chong089
i never said il sit on you thuo :)

Re: Dark Brotherhood Vs Drunken Monkies

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 5:47 am
by ~Nemisis~
lord_sithis wrote:i never said il sit on you thuo :)

:smt046 :smt043 @ sit on me.
you havent even put a toe on a monkie since first strike let alone attemped to sit on anyone,again please be more original k thx :smt015

Re: Dark Brotherhood Vs Drunken Monkies

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 6:03 am
by Chong089
Maybe you should read the post, i NEVER said i was going to sit on you, stupid noob..

Your the one who said you was going to sit on us.

Re: Dark Brotherhood Vs Drunken Monkies

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 6:26 am
by ~Nemisis~
lord_sithis wrote:Maybe you should read the post, i NEVER said i was going to sit on you, stupid noob..

Your the one who said you was going to sit on us.

sit on what...
DB = the nite of farming dead,only you remain,and unlike you we do understand the...
loss rates of the game,as i said train up,lets test your game skillz..
well that responce was expected
:smt046 :smt043

Re: Dark Brotherhood Vs Drunken Monkies

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 6:45 am
by Chong089
i will in time :)
working on something first..

Re: Dark Brotherhood Vs Drunken Monkies

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 6:48 am
by ~Nemisis~
lord_sithis wrote:i will in time :)
working on something first..

lol ya so are we,as i said i think when your great feable attempt is made you will find out that we are a tad smarter then your average DB leader.


Re: Dark Brotherhood Vs Drunken Monkies

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 6:54 am
by Chong089
we shall see..
Uni Lock this topic please, as war has ended for now

Re: Dark Brotherhood Vs Drunken Monkies

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 6:56 am
by ~Nemisis~
lord_sithis wrote:we shall see..
Uni Lock this topic please, as war has ended for now

the war hasnt ended unless you are posting a formal surrender so leave topic open please uni,as to prevent a new better one from starting k thx!
also i might add when surrendering its not normally wise to insinuate that you intend to strike again LOLZ!

then there is also the matter of surrender terms \:D/

a copy of the surrender terms has been sent to DB leader.
you may post them here if you wish it made public.

Re: Dark Brotherhood Vs Drunken Monkies

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 9:26 am
by ~Nemisis~
terms rejected so it continues :smt015

Re: Dark Brotherhood Vs Drunken Monkies

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 9:30 am
by Chong089
lol, shoudnt or posted such rediculous terms