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Re: increase in new account stats

Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 2:51 pm
by Lore
dardar wrote:ive seen stuffs on other games were u can get directed to the forum.

PM me the game please, I'll use that info to promote this idea further

Re: increase in new account stats

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 10:28 am
by FuzzyBear
the rule about the market not in use for 2 weeks is silly, wats the point of it?

Re: increase in new account stats

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 11:58 am
by weilandsmith
FuzzyBear wrote:the rule about the market not in use for 2 weeks is silly, wats the point of it?

you can't use the market for 1st 2 weeks but you can trade in your 3 MTs for 1680 ATs. then you can do it again next week.

Re: increase in new account stats

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 4:49 pm
by Lore
FuzzyBear wrote:the rule about the market not in use for 2 weeks is silly, wats the point of it?

My understanding is its to slow multies or impulsive multis.

Re: increase in new account stats

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 9:44 am
by b4ronin
I agree with all of the previous posts about raising the starting stats not a lot but a little bit. I was lucky in being brought ot the game by a friend and being allowed into an alliance while I was well under 500 army lol given a commander and some starting funds not to mention good advice I also think some of the ideas for recruiting a commander worth looking into

Re: increase in new account stats

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 8:50 am
by Wade Wilson
I tottaly agree with the increase to the starting stats
-a bit of naq
-some uu
-Lots of ATs (personal ATs so it has little potential for abuse)
it makes them want to play a bit longer (when logging in the first time) rather then only be able to attack a few times then have to wait a long time for turns (that's what happen to me when I first played, it kinda made me piss and don't want to play although I did play the next day)

Re: increase in new account stats

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 1:25 am
by Mojo Rising
Yes, of course, let's increase the starting stats of n00bs in a game that is already suffering out of control growth. Are you folks really that stupid or did my brain miss the memo that all the others were going on a cruise to the Bahamas? Did the ascension update not prove that making it easier to grow in a game is NOT necessarily the way to IMPROVE it?

If you want to make it easier for n00b accounts to grow without losing interest, there is one very simple way and it will fix everything: RESET the servers. That way, everyone starts on a relatively equal footing then, although those that have played before will have a leg up but not much of one because, unlike some of the posters in this thread, I find the game to be quite simple to figure out, at its core, which is what Jason should go back to. Eliminate raiding, eliminate miners, eliminate MSs, eliminate planets, implement ascension right away and make descension a part of it from the beginning, only allow one ascension every six months (at most). Voila! You have fixed every problem in the game and made it so that the n00bs are on a relatively equal footing with the vets and you have curbed the out of control growth that is SGW right now.

By limiting ascensions to one every six months you won't have the spate of quick ascensions that occurred shortly after the server opened with 100s of LG+1s running around less than a month after ascension was implemented. Not only that, but implementing descension from the very beginning of ascension will force people to put LF towards the ascended stats as well as the other stats and not let them just stock up on charisma, production enhancements, and fleets (or at least, not nearly as much).

As far as money making goes, it will increase Jason's coffers as people will be buying USSs to build up accounts and get the ability to trade. I would also make it so that you can still take two PPTs per week if you wish but only one could be bought with ingame resources. The other you would have to pay cash for. This will further line your coffers Jason, but still allow the casual player to have weekends free if he so desires without paying cash

Will people quit if this happens? No doubt. But Jason, look around you, people are quitting already. I did, KGC and a few others have, and I know a lot more that are planning to quit after the war is over (note to those people involved in the war: it is over). You can either have a lot of people quit and have a game that is NOT going to attract new people to it (or if it does, make it so boring for them that they quit) or you can grow a pair, use the common sense that God gave you to see reason, and reset both servers, with the changes outlined above. You will fix every problem that you created and you will make a game worth playing again. Currently ascension is beyond broken and nothing but a total reset can fix it; main is quickly headed that way and besides, in order to reset ascension, you need to reset main with it as well.

Please note that this is a suggestion from someone who is outside the game now and has no plans on coming back, even if you were to change things. Because I know you Jason. And you can't resist the urge to muck about with things that don't need mucking about with. You also can't resist making updates that, instead of being fair to everyone, screw one group over royally while benefitting a second group immensely (the ascension updates, the MS updates). But, as a former playtester, former master of ascension, and someone who understands the fundamentals of this game, having a few good accounts and giving other people something to strive for is better than handing everything to the masses on a silver platter and having every account be the same after six months. Do the game a favor, do yourself a favor: RESET BOTH SERVERS NOW, whilst you still have a core group that will continue to play. Also, by resetting the game, it will be a lot easier to catch the people who hack the game and get cheated resources. So you won't have to worry about groups like TLE gaining control of the game as well.

I shall get off my soapbox now. I wish everyone the best of luck in this game and, I hope for your sakes, as well as for future players of SGW, that Jason listens to me but am realistic enough to know that he won't because my idea makes entirely too much sense and sense is anathema to Jason. Unless something truly screws just a small group over, it is not a good update. Screwing everyone over equally is out of the question.

Re: increase in new account stats

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 10:10 am
by Lord Apollo
Mojo Rising wrote:Yes, of course, let's increase the starting stats of n00bs in a game that is already suffering out of control growth. Are you folks really that stupid or did my brain miss the memo that all the others were going on a cruise to the Bahamas? Did the ascension update not prove that making it easier to grow in a game is NOT necessarily the way to IMPROVE it?

If you want to make it easier for n00b accounts to grow without losing interest, there is one very simple way and it will fix everything: RESET the servers. That way, everyone starts on a relatively equal footing then, although those that have played before will have a leg up but not much of one because, unlike some of the posters in this thread, I find the game to be quite simple to figure out, at its core, which is what Jason should go back to. Eliminate raiding, eliminate miners, eliminate MSs, eliminate planets, implement ascension right away and make descension a part of it from the beginning, only allow one ascension every six months (at most). Voila! You have fixed every problem in the game and made it so that the n00bs are on a relatively equal footing with the vets and you have curbed the out of control growth that is SGW right now.

By limiting ascensions to one every six months you won't have the spate of quick ascensions that occurred shortly after the server opened with 100s of LG+1s running around less than a month after ascension was implemented. Not only that, but implementing descension from the very beginning of ascension will force people to put LF towards the ascended stats as well as the other stats and not let them just stock up on charisma, production enhancements, and fleets (or at least, not nearly as much).

As far as money making goes, it will increase Jason's coffers as people will be buying USSs to build up accounts and get the ability to trade. I would also make it so that you can still take two PPTs per week if you wish but only one could be bought with ingame resources. The other you would have to pay cash for. This will further line your coffers Jason, but still allow the casual player to have weekends free if he so desires without paying cash

Will people quit if this happens? No doubt. But Jason, look around you, people are quitting already. I did, KGC and a few others have, and I know a lot more that are planning to quit after the war is over (note to those people involved in the war: it is over). You can either have a lot of people quit and have a game that is NOT going to attract new people to it (or if it does, make it so boring for them that they quit) or you can grow a pair, use the common sense that God gave you to see reason, and reset both servers, with the changes outlined above. You will fix every problem that you created and you will make a game worth playing again. Currently ascension is beyond broken and nothing but a total reset can fix it; main is quickly headed that way and besides, in order to reset ascension, you need to reset main with it as well.

Please note that this is a suggestion from someone who is outside the game now and has no plans on coming back, even if you were to change things. Because I know you Jason. And you can't resist the urge to muck about with things that don't need mucking about with. You also can't resist making updates that, instead of being fair to everyone, screw one group over royally while benefitting a second group immensely (the ascension updates, the MS updates). But, as a former playtester, former master of ascension, and someone who understands the fundamentals of this game, having a few good accounts and giving other people something to strive for is better than handing everything to the masses on a silver platter and having every account be the same after six months. Do the game a favor, do yourself a favor: RESET BOTH SERVERS NOW, whilst you still have a core group that will continue to play. Also, by resetting the game, it will be a lot easier to catch the people who hack the game and get cheated resources. So you won't have to worry about groups like TLE gaining control of the game as well.

I shall get off my soapbox now. I wish everyone the best of luck in this game and, I hope for your sakes, as well as for future players of SGW, that Jason listens to me but am realistic enough to know that he won't because my idea makes entirely too much sense and sense is anathema to Jason. Unless something truly screws just a small group over, it is not a good update. Screwing everyone over equally is out of the question.

dude.. shut the hell up. nothing you said was constructive and i dont understand why you havent just been banned from posting on these forums.
why do you not want new players to be able to have a decent start in the game? just because you want everybody playing it to be as miserable as you? yeah, thought so.

Re: increase in new account stats

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 10:46 pm
by Mojo Rising
On the contrary, Lord Apollo. Most of what I said was constructive. I presented the argument, the logic behind it, and the most likely consequences of what would happen (and judging from my ability to predict the outcomes of all the other updates in the game, I would say it is a fair bet that it would pretty much play out the way I outlined if Jason were to implement it).

As far as being miserable, I am about as far away from miserable as I can possibly be. But I appreciate you being concerned about my emotional well-being.

What I am saying is that n00b accounts do not need the EXTRA boost because they can already get significant boosts through USSs. To accelerate that process is to contribute to an already out of control growth in main. Besides, it will just make it easier and more profitable for the multi-accounters out there.

If you would possibly point out where you don't think that my argument is cogent and well-thought out, please cite examples where and what you would do to fix the problems in main and ascension. My solution solves EVERYTHING, makes the game attractive again for n00bs and vets alike, and will still result in an increase of fundage to Jason's coffers. It solves the problem of out of control growth in both main and ascension, and it makes the two servers more closely linked from the get-go (what with descension being possible after 60 days on the server). A reset would also allow Jason to add in previously unreleased updates on a level playing field that he sees fit (such as the MS update, if he decides to keep MSs). It also makes it easier (because it will be more obvious) to catch people who are multi-ing/using/creating cheated resources. It would give both main and ascension a purpose again.

By allowing only one ascension every six months, it isn't a necessity for people to ascend right away (or at all, if they choose not to). They will still have a 25% bonus to one stat, while the Priors just have 5% to all stats. Granted the priors will have access to ascended weaponry but not an overwhelming advantage in any of the stats. And they will have to be concerned with being descended as well.

All in all my suggestion makes as much sense as any update suggestion out there and more sense than any that have been implemented thus far.

Re: increase in new account stats

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 1:06 am
by dominater92
I like Mojos idea :P

But i dare say some wont...

So maybe create a brand new seperate server, and implement Mojos suggestions onto that one?

Re: increase in new account stats

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 2:32 am
by Stickm@n
Mojo Rising wrote:If you want to make it easier for n00b accounts to grow without losing interest, there is one very simple way and it will fix everything: RESET the servers.

By limiting ascensions to one every six months you won't have the spate of quick ascensions that occurred shortly after the server opened with 100s of LG+1s running around less than a month after ascension was implemented. Not only that, but implementing descension from the very beginning of ascension will force people to put LF towards the ascended stats as well as the other stats and not let them just stock up on charisma, production enhancements, and fleets (or at least, not nearly as much).

Who would want this to happen?
Very few would. There are lots of people that play and if you want to sacrifice them (because they would leave, no point starting all over again) for a reset for n00bs, that would be one of the most stupid suggestions ever.

The community here is great +- a few, we don't need to see these people dissappear and be replaced by n00bs.

Re: increase in new account stats

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 10:42 am
by Mojo Rising
people are already quitting left and right and i know of a bunch that are quitting after the war. A reset now would end the war and make perhaps 70% of the server quit (which is not necessarily a bad thing since a lot of people are quitting when the war ends). Jason makes the adjustments to the server that I outlined above, adds in the MS update (if he decides to keep the MS) and the war update so that wars can actually be won. Now the server is once again attractive to n00bs so more new players will join and feel like they can compete. The vets that stay will still have a leg up because they know how the game is supposed to be played but it is possible for a n00b account to still compete (which is what Jason has tried to achieve.....badly......with his previous updates). It isn't good to hand everything to everyone on a silver platter and let them grow at insane rates after a month of playing. Jason should realize this fact now and, instead of putting artificial limiters on the game, just reset the game and fix the problems wholecloth.

Re: increase in new account stats

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 8:32 pm
by Stickm@n
12. Main server reset. IT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN FOLKS!!!!!

From the read before you suggest topic.

Re: increase in new account stats

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 11:36 am
by Mojo Rising
Stickman wrote:
12. Main server reset. IT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN FOLKS!!!!!

From the read before you suggest topic.

Yes well Jason has said things are not going to happen that have happened before so I don't take anything he says as Gospel. But thanks for posting. And he may need to rethink things anyway since he has screwed the pooch completely with the last few updates he has implemented. The only way to fix ascension is to reset it. In order to reset ascension, you also need to reset main. It's that simple. I have proposed, in great detail, how to accomplish this feat, and how it would not negatively impact Jason's income or the game as a whole. Yes I am sure many will quit if the game is reset but hey, that's the price you pay for playing a game and EXPECTING certain things to stay the same. At least that's what everyone told me when ascension was made the joke server it has become.

Re: increase in new account stats

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 1:57 pm
by Nobody101
You really cant reset the main server unless you give all the people who have put real money into it their money back....i don't care as i never have but i bet people who put lots of money into the game would start flipping out if it just reset, of course if you put money in their is always the risk of loosing but atleast if you get massed its your own fault most of the time and you lost your own money not just the server reseting