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Re: Massing Updates

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 3:06 am
Robe wrote:
twistie666 wrote:i still prefer the game when it was standard massng not all this sabbing the new massing.
So do I.
However, the House Updates are here to stay so we need balanced updates that don't just favour one style of play.

Ditto...But atleast in the old days of the game a small Prior could pwn a big defense for Nothing really.

Now with covert levels and the 23 ascensions the small new player literally has no way of fighting back.... And that needs to be changed.

Re: Massing Updates

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 3:13 am
by Lithium
increasing allie repair/ppt slightly affect big allaince that still can use it in emergency, medium alliance rarly will use it and small alliances wont be able to use it all.

by tis rate the biggest the stronger a always killing diversity. a race who will have the biggest bank.

removing this two bonuses will just bring the normal play where it was and the alliance bank can be used for other purposes like increasing the activity of players by buying at's (or other mini bonuses) to selected players.

the cycle of these two features is almost completed resulting not beneficial except a huge alliance bank.

Re: Massing Updates

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 5:04 am
by Iƒrit
lol ok if you say so lith, or they could just disband there 4+ year old alliance and start fresh :o

Re: Massing Updates

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 5:49 am
by Lithium
when a game feature isnt any more a help then its useless and when that can only be used by only few alliances which in this case are the oldest ever since the update then slightly it benefits only some , so an update affordable only for some. figure out u start an alliance now and when u ll have 600b bank to use the bonus fr the first time.

a feature that goes against the river of the game, anyway the game needs ease, agibility and activity (attraction for new players or not bore too much old ones)

Re: Massing Updates

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 9:03 am
by Empy
Good lord this new cost is INSAAAAANE.

Please, I beg of you, put it back to the price it was before. It was perfectly fine the way it was. You reduced how many Alliance Repairs you had so much, and murdered Alliance PPT by making it in chunks of 4 hours, so why increase the price so much too? After the banks are reduced due to usage, then you're gonna get like 1 repair a week or something ridiculous...

Also, the updates were complicated WAYYYYY too much. Just sitting here and reading 2 pages of the same 3 people posting, then making an update, is quite a bad idea.

Alliance Repair effecting phasing, BAD.

Splitting Alliance Repair in to two different categories, probably bad.

Making Alliance PPT in chunks of 4 hours... what is that even supposed to do? Just makes it super annoying to use. It should be 6 uses of 1 hour each, or even 4 uses of 1 hour each. You should reduce the amount as opposed to killing the functionality.

You complicated the issue MUCH too much, and Robe had it right. Simply reduce the amount to like 120/day. You don't need to COMPLETELY get rid of people with big strikes farming low defenses for small amounts of naq or whatever the problem was. You just need to limit it so it can't ALWAYS be used as it could before, and people will stop abusing it.

If Alliance PPT and Alliance Repair is simply reduced, in the state it was before, it won't be a problem it will still be used occasional y, but it won't be used all the time.

Sitting here and making micro-updates constantly made this way too complicated, just find 1 good idea, go with it, and wait a while.

Re: Massing Updates

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 9:19 am
by Lithium
if one has a huge strike and want also to farm 50b to x-T naq then he shall afford repairs and not just using 10b to repair 1t naq worth. others spend 500 ats to farm 1t naq why another want should get it free?

repairs should not exist at all : small to medium alliances wont be able to use it , huge alliances can afford it for emergencies or rarly. remove it removes the issue and everyone builds / maintain as much as their banks allows.

Re: Massing Updates

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 9:23 am
by Empy
Lithium wrote:if one has a huge strike and want also to farm 50b to x-T naq then he shall afford repairs and not just using 10b to repair 1t naq worth. others spend 500 ats to farm 1t naq why another want should get it free?.
You clearly are ignorant of the logistics of the situation if you want to compare the 2bil cost of the alliance repair, to the anywhere from 2bil to 200bil repair cost of the weapons yourself (or whatever it may be).

To fill the bank it takes 1% of the income of every member of the alliance. So, naturally, it takes quite a while to fill. For Leaf Village the cost of one repair is 150bil... I don't know how long it would take to get that much, but probably around 2 days. So once our bank runs out rather quickly, we need to wait around 2 days (total guess) for the naq to make a repair? Okay...

Let's not even mention how totally unfair the change to the Bank Increase function was, that price should've remained the same. 150bil naq (for Leaf Village) for a 1% natural increase? Wow.

Re: Massing Updates

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 9:39 am
by Lithium
lets talk bout ignorance mr smarty

while i was in TPP alliance of max 15 members our bank was increasing as much as we could use repairs more then 100 times/day and its not that we had 400-500m accounts
on the other hand most of alliances had smth like 10-50t when alliance naq became available so do some calcs and dont speak yr mouth b4 thinking.

reapirs was abused by everyone building huge strikes to farm everything, i ve seen 20t strike hitting for 100b just cuz repairs were cheap.

Re: Massing Updates

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 9:55 am
by Iƒrit
3) The cost of alliance gifts (ppt/repair/bank) is multiplied by members/5 (twice), It also doubles the base cost each year (in increments...not all at once.) And alliance repair doubled ontop of that.

Everything but repairs

Code: Select all

x= # of members y= # of years

Repair Functions

Code: Select all

x= # of members y= # of years

assume # of members is 30
assume # of years is 1

Code: Select all

Everything but repairs= 2(30/5)(2^1)=24
Repair Functions= 2[24]=48

assume # of members is 30
assume # of years is 2

Code: Select all

Everything but repairs= 2(30/5)(2^2)=48
Repair Functions= 2[48]=96

assume # of members is 30
assume # of years is 3

Code: Select all

Everything but repairs= 2(30/5)(2^3)=96
Repair Functions= 2[96]=192

and gifts don't even seem to be aligned to what you said the cost was, seems to be way above that....
alliance is 1002 days old

1002/365 = 2.74 with 52054794 as the repeating
will round to the next whole number for sake of easiness

members are 45 (rounded for easiness)

x= # of members y= # of years
Everything but repairs= 2(45/5)(2^3)=144
Repair Functions= 2[144]=288

not sure if everything is accurate, or not but from checking according to how I understand it, it seems to be WAY off!!
Actual costs are...
PPT= 910b+
Bank increase= 610b-ish
Repair all= 610b-ish
Repair defense weapons= 450b+

Re: Massing Updates

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 10:04 am
by Rocky
Lithium wrote:lets talk bout ignorance mr smarty

while i was in TPP alliance of max 15 members our bank was increasing as much as we could use repairs more then 100 times/day and its not that we had 400-500m accounts
on the other hand most of alliances had smth like 10-50t when alliance naq became available so do some calcs and dont speak yr mouth b4 thinking.

reapirs was abused by everyone building huge strikes to farm everything, i ve seen 20t strike hitting for 100b just cuz repairs were cheap.

In The Legion we roughly make 9bill per turn in the alliance bank. If we farm every turn before these recent updates and use a few repairs (which we did btw), we would either break even or possibly make a tiny bit of naq if we used less than 4 repairs. Whilst at war we would constantly lose naq, due to the active nature and teamwork in TL. So i don't know how you managed to repair so many times and increase your alliance bank amount.

Now i would agree that 20bill usage for 10 repairs is on the cheap side. However now it costs in the excess of 600bill. Which means it takes about 2 days to gather enough naq to use 1 repair. and thats only if we don't use alliance ppt or upgrade banks at all.

Why have we gone from one extreme to another just because 2 or 3 people don't like the current set up??? What the hell is wrong with making a few smaller changes, that don't affect the gameplay quite so much.

Imagine FIFA suddenly saying, "ok we have decided to get rid of the offside rule" Lets see what happens then...

Re: Massing Updates

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 10:51 am
by Lithium
because that feature was being abused too much we all did it and put a pressure in the whole game. its unfair.

yes in tpp we were using as many as we want we had a bank of 25t and each week our bank was increasing even to we were using repairs anyway not always we need them and they were to cheap.

Re: Massing Updates

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 11:16 am
by Juliette
What I read in this thread is people who want 2 things:
1. EXTREMELY cheap repairs. 2B to repair ALL weapons across the ENTIRE alliance? Costs for repairing even a mediocre 2T strike (10m weapons) after a good run of attacks, weapons damaged to 120/5760; repair cost per point: 60m. Total repair cost 338B repair cost. And that is just 1 person. An alliance, 20 people, an easy 6T repair cost.
So you decided, 2B was a bit too cheap. D'oh. Of course it was. But you protest when it is 600B? Are you **Filtered** kidding me? You're still saving out on 5T repair costs each time you use it.
(Ah, you're thinking; "Crazy Julie is making a mistake. We don't repair 20 people, and we don't let our weapons almost get scrapped while attacking.." Answer: The fact that you are not using the service optimally, does not mean the service should be made cheaper.)
So 2B is too low. And 600B is too high. Cheap arses. You are saving 6T of actual repair costs on average per SINGLE use of the Alliance Repair function. The cost should be higher still. And it should be possible to donate to the Alliance bank. You expect to pay for extensive repairs AND PPT's with just the alliance fee?! Think again.
2. Cheap and utterly customisable PPT. I actually like this one and agree, 1 hour periods are fine. Price should be: "(Total Alliance income per turn) / 2" for one hour of PPT. (You'd be spending a quarter of the potential income gained while on PPT, on the acquisition of said PPT. Fair price.)

tl;dr: The error in thinking is that ALL alliance repairs and ALL PPTs need to be purchaseable on the mediocre 'income' of the 1% alliance fee. No. Prices of repair should reflect cost of manual repair, and price of PPT of the income saved on it. If you cannot afford the repairs/PPT, your alliance is too small, or your incomes are too tiny. (Yes, that holds true for 50-member 50+b-avg per turn alliances as well.)

Re: Massing Updates

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 11:33 am
by Iƒrit
FYI no one would take there attack weapons that low anything under 10% (might be higher can't remember exact) heavly risks auto destruction of all attack weapons on next hit, i do not remember the precise chance but its high.

Furthermore its not just weapons that are at a price that are out of align in cost, its nearly every function. It would take how long to produce enough income to afford 30/day?? What is the reasoning of giving 30/day if I can't even use that many, your logic is off-base.

Re: Massing Updates

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 11:52 am
by renegadze
The Alliance Repair function. The cost should be higher still. And it should be possible to donate to the Alliance bank. You expect to pay for extensive repairs AND PPT's with just the alliance fee?! Think again.

I think this is kinda the whole point....people are moaning 600bil is too much because it's not possible to add more to the alliance bank. Maybe the percentile can be changeable (by 1st/2nd/3rd) upto a max of 10% of your income.

Re: Massing Updates

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 12:01 pm
by Rocky
renegadze wrote:
The Alliance Repair function. The cost should be higher still. And it should be possible to donate to the Alliance bank. You expect to pay for extensive repairs AND PPT's with just the alliance fee?! Think again.

I think this is kinda the whole point....people are moaning 600bil is too much because it's not possible to add more to the alliance bank. Maybe the percentile can be changeable (by 1st/2nd/3rd) upto a max of 10% of your income.


Otherwise with the costs of just 1 repair taking up to over 2 days to accumulate, the alliance bank has become a useless feature of the game.