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Come_Forth[D12] wrote:I do not really buy the DaVinci code theory. I am a history major and I do not see much evidence for the theory. The Merovingian line (the royal line the theory said that Jesus started) was one of the weakest royal lines in history, surely Jesus could do better than that :P

yeah merovingians got owned by the carovingians
AncientAnubis wrote:Would you be worthy of being a God if you didn't have an overinflated ego?
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The Xeno wrote:
so which way should the discussion go now?

Meh, untill then, might I say that I have really enjoyed this?
I'd like to think that i've learned a fair bit about my own faith, as well as those of others. An unusualy nice outcome given the thread was spawned by a troll, and a testemant to the participent's (mostly) civil discourse.

A refreshing change from the normal atmosphere of the forum.

Not that i've been involved in the discussion much, but from just reading i'll agree. It's a refreshing side to the forum, with intelligent debate free of wars.

Faith is another point. What defines faith/religions? Are there an unlimited amount of religions/faiths? Such as a live-by-the-word Catholic, and me. I've read the bible a couple of times, and enjoyed it. I don't believe in God, but i believe in an almighty force. I believe that Jesus existed, but that he was not the son of God. Is that 2 religions? Or one? Does it make me an Atheist?

I bought this up, because i've always wondered about it. I have never been able to bring it up in an R.E class, because the discussion.

The Xeno wrote:
Penegal wrote:If God created the Universe, where was he before he did? He had to be somewhere, in order for him to create it. Was he in the no where which was the universe before it's "creation"? If he was, he can't exist. Afterall, there is nothing, in no where.

That is also the basis for arguments against evolution. 'Something' must have existed. Be it electron-particles, or a being that does not abide by our scientific rules.

I am more inclined to believe in God, than the electron particles. The electron particles follow our rules, God does not.

If the universe spawned (for want of a better word) from a few random Electron Particles that reacted in such a way we got the big bang. (I would describe it better, but my small mind can't comprehend such a thing at midnight) Would that not really make Electrons God? The creator of the Universe? I might find that more easy to believe than God being a Being because i prefere the Almighty Force Theory...
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well, anything you believe in is religion or faith. it doesn't matter what, but it is the belief of how you and your environment were created and how everything started. that wouldn't be two religions, every variation or difference in something is a new religion, just like the difference between Lutherans and Protestants, it's just minor things.
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Lutherans are mean Protestants and Catholics....

Martin Luther- Lutheran

Martin Luther started the PROTESTANT revolution

Lutherans=first Protestants
Our failure is obvious, we had our foot on the throat of Humanity and we failed to step down hard enough.
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Just because you believe in something does not make it a religion, it makes it a belief.

I do agree about the merovingian comment, however the whole merovingian thing has pretty much been proven false. The guy who actually found the prorie of Scion list(the list that started the whole merovingian thing) was quoted as saying that he had planted the evidence in the library.

Now that still doesn't kill the whole theory IMHO it just means that the mervingians were trying to make a quick buck on something. Not uncommon for alot of people.

Obviously we don't know if its true or not. thats the whole point though really if you can prove or disprove something then whats the point in putting faith in it.

Yes I know this is really weird comming from a guy who is a bhuddist but these are questions I have always had and no one has been able to aswer them.

Now since we got on the topic of Biblical artifacts.. how about the ark of the covenant? You got 2 parties saying that they have it and neither one will let you see it....Why?(Parties being a chapel in Ethopia and the Knights templar{Yes despite what you are told the knights templar are still around}). In ethopia though they have gone to the extreme lengths of making 1 person a guard of the said ark. to the point that he lives sleeps eats and does everything with the ark. he doesn't even leave the fenced in area that the chapel is.

Now the Knights Templar claim that they have it but you can't see it because it is buried some 30 feet behind a solid brick wall in one of their abbeys.

Just a little side note. The Ark of The Covenant is the ONLY artifact that is descirbed to such lengths in the bible that it could be arcurately recreated.
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no, i meant Lutherans and Presbytarians. there are extremely small differences in their religious beliefs and the way they worship, but they are still different, no matter how small the difference. it did originally start with Lutheran, but the other Protestant religions broke off due to small conflicts in beliefs of how they should worship and run the church.
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lol...xeno...*semper reaches out and shakes hand* you are like the most difficult person that ive had the pleasure to get a great debate out of. :-D but i only argue with what i know from here *taps temple* and hence what i have been taught so as far as my philosophical knowledge on god and religeon goes, the fact gender is linked to a big mistake..but quote my dear friend "Philosophy is just being able to argue and prove your own points of view"...(blooper a surprisingly wise person wen he wants to be.)..but good one guys..was a refreshing change..

and now weve moved on to naming religeon and their history...shivers* did anyone see the angelism stooff in the new borat movie..made me giggle..they believe that god touches them and they have a 'holy experience'..oh dear lord...(not only does that throw the whole god is perfect argument out there again..but im sick of arguing for that one now) also has been recently proven that religeous experiences as such..can be caused by stimulating a certain area of the brain, and as studying psychology i know that people can disipline or accidentally trigger certain areas of the brain causing effects with merely the power of ones goes to throw all that religeous experience stooff into a questionable area...
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The ascended one

Ok I don't have time to read this whole topic... don't know if this has already ended or not but i just wanna add my bit...

I don't know if God exists... No Human can find that out in his life... One thing is for sure! God if he exists is not perfect! There is a simple proof. A perfect being would not make mistakes. The Bible states Humans are not perfect. We have sin. We kill each other out of greed. That is the lowest thing i can imagine. An Almighty being such as God is represented would not make such a mistake. It is against all logic. A perfect being even if it made a mistake... would not have left the error unsolved and leave it's creation to go extinct. It is a contradiction to our ethical standards which were btw made by God.

And for the conclusion i would just like to put aside the logic and just state my own oppinion. We were made by God. Our mind were made by God... therefor we ARE GOD. Noone decides things for us... We just make it seem that way so we can have clean souls. A man that justifies his action by "God's will" is a bad man. That kind of man is a man that can't face his own problems and his own thirst for basic human instincts.

P.S. I am an atheist... I acctualy don't aprove of religion that much.
The Xeno
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At last, some life! :)
(register and let's jumpstart this thread)

The ascended one wrote:The Bible states Humans are not perfect. We have sin. We kill each other out of greed. That is the lowest thing i can imagine. An Almighty being such as God is represented would not make such a mistake. A perfect being even if it made a mistake... would not have left the error unsolved and leave it's creation to go extinct.

If you create a computer game in which the sprites are supposed to be able to make, and or fail moral decisions, how can you fault the programmer’s perfection when the sprites do exactly that?

The ascended one wrote:would not have left the error unsolved and leave it's creation to go extinct.

Eternal life as it is presented in the Christian tradition, is hardly extinction. Granted, you may be facing flames instead of harps but you won't be extinct. :)

The ascended one wrote:We were made by God. Our mind were made by God... therefor we ARE GOD. Noone decides things for us... We just make it seem that way so we can have clean souls.

So... you're a nihilist? :?
(Which Imho is the only logical end of an atheist position, but seems to be a big step for most.)

The ascended one wrote:A man that justifies his action by "God's will" is a bad man. That kind of man is a man that can't face his own problems and his own thirst for basic human instincts.

Unless it really was God's will. :wink:
Now, I am curious as to what you perceive as 'basic human instincts'... are we talking murder, or charity? Greed or virtue? I would like a further clarification.
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lol Xeno just pm me if you want to argue on one of these threads I am always ready to get pwned by you :-D

You forgot about existentialism :P

We give life meaning. Life sucks but we give it meaning by helping others and having fun. I plan to do something with my life and rise above the absurb and make it better for future generations.

What this has to do with the original post in this thread I have no idea lol

@Xeno Do you believe that we can choose to believe something? I know for me I have never really believed that God existed and never had an urge to believe or not to believe. I know you will say that it is sin in my life, but I live a pretty good life. I have my pride but that is about it :P I do not believe that I made a decision not to believe in God. Believe me life with a belief in God seems happier and I wanted to believe because my family and friends do but I could not.
"Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives."
John Stuart Mill
The ascended one

Wow you got me the Xeno...

With basic instincts i meant our basic emotions and things that makes us human... Charity is no humanity, nor it is greed... We can't explain humanity in 1 word... It is a mixture of all things we feel... Each man has at least once in his time felt every emotion... if oyu wan't to admit it or not... at some point in your life you hated someone so badly you wanted him dead... It is who we are. Religions offer us escape from what we are to what we want to be. Everyone wants a happy life where he could do things he wants and not be mocked by anyone and not be hurt by anyone... We have made that possible by our ethical laws. If everyone would obey them we would have a perfect society. Which we do not...

This is one of my perspectives... I am very comfused at this topic right now... After reading some of your posts I had found myself for the first time in my life doubt my beliefs... This topic, believe it or now, has made a very big impact on my beliefs... I think this is the whole point of an open discussion... So I'd just like to say that all who are not ready to listen and accept what someone prooves them... well shuld not read this anyway... why would they... why would they need proof of God if they are so sure of him? why would they need someone to belive them. Belief in God is sth very personal.

So from my comfusion i'd like to present my other view of the whole thing...

It is true that i was very narrow-minded when i wrote that post... We could for all we know still be in the making... Maybe God will come to us when our society is perfect and will be proud of us. We can't understand etirnety... Maybe God looks at us as a whole. And what do you know, we're still here and we have managed to contain our urges so we can live more or less peacefully. The worlds population is still going up, human ethical standars are going up. I can honestly say that none of the people i know would do anything to make a profit while hurting someone.

You might say that we need religion to keep our ethical standards and to obey the God's laws so we can live normaly. But that is not true. We used to need religion. When people didn't have as high morals as we do now. But that was 5000 years ago... we have long passed the need for beliefs. We have a very highly developed sense of justice and ethics. We don't need God to tell us what to do. There's been a nice article in a news paper not long ago... It said.. Atheists have never fought a war. On the other hand every single religion has been spread using force. Crimes that NOONE can forgive not now not till the end of times. Hundreds of millions of people were killed to keep religion alive. It is an act against it's very nature. Religion teaches peac and sympathy, we kill people to teach people these things. Shuldn't we be the ones to learn? Obviously we haven't.

I still do not believe in God. But if someone ever in my life time gives me hard evidence that i can't argue with i will gladly believe in a higher power, but God does not teach blind faith, he teaches we shuld grow our morals and our minds. If you ask me that is the purpose of humanity. That is what we were made for... To see what we can do with ourselves.

P.S. Sorry I already have an account but I have to find the password... lol
The Xeno
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Heh, until such time as the Ark of the Covenant appears and starts zapping world leaders, or God presents some other sign; I don’t think I can reach ‘pwnage’ :P
But an informative exchange of ideas based upon the presupposition of a higher power, that I’d welcome (though I’d still prefer the public sphere) :)

Xeno Do you believe that we can choose to believe something? I know for me I have never really believed that God existed and never had an urge to believe or not to believe. I know you will say that it is sin in my life, but I live a pretty good life. I do not believe that I made a decision not to believe in God. Believe me life with a belief in God seems happier and I wanted to believe because my family and friends do but I could not.

Human’s are bound to pursue what they believe will make them happy, that is an irreversible fact of human life. That, what they perceive as happiness can be devil worship, suicide, mass-murder, grand theft auto, ice-cream, wealth, or etc. Free will is what allows us to pursue those things that are opposed to God’s message; it allows us to perceive unjust murder as something that would benefit us, it allows us to perceive theft as something that would benefit us.

Indeed, if we do not accept a higher moral authority; then by all means might must make right, for there will be no justice but that which is created by sweat and blood.

With basic instincts i meant our basic emotions and things that makes us human... Charity is no humanity, nor it is greed... We can't explain humanity in 1 word... It is a mixture of all things we feel... Each man has at least once in his time felt every emotion... if oyu wan't to admit it or not... at some point in your life you hated someone so badly you wanted him dead...

I do agree with you there. I was just making sure you weren’t approaching from say… a Calvinist-protestant view point, in which man is seen as naturally corrupt.
Which leads me to this:
And what do you know, we're still here and we have managed to contain our urges so we can live more or less peacefully. The worlds population is still going up, [u]human ethical standars are going up. I can honestly say that none of the people i know would do anything to make a profit while hurting someone.[u]

A belief in Orthodox Christianity (possible catholic, and some of the splinter groups, idk) assigns man’s nature a set value. The ancient pagan philosophers (on the whole) did the same. That is to say, man does not change: We become neither more holy in nature, or more sinful.
I myself try to avoid associating with the type of people you mention, however, my avoidance does not mean they do not exist. I’ve seen my car egged, my lawn-mower(s) stolen, the windows on main street riddled with some idiot’s air-rifle, the theft of laptops from a local school by a gang, etc.
On the corporate/national level, I’ve seen scandals and lying, take Nixon and Clinton (Clinton doubles as a case of sexual looseness)… Enron of course; and also the poisoning of the journalist and spy.
And on a global level, we have issues such as nuclear weapons, terrorists, AIDS, genocide, economic issues and etc.

I cannot see how the world’s society is any better or worse, after the ravages of time.
Indeed, if anything, most people fall into the opposite camp: They want to believe that the past was a golden age, when that is also not true.

We used to need religion. When people didn't have as high morals as we do now. But that was 5000 years ago... we have long passed the need for beliefs. We have a very highly developed sense of justice and ethics. We don't need God to tell us what to do.

And on what basis do those laws, ethics, and justice originate? What traditions did they develop from? If we have used Christianity as a building block for the moral foundations of modern government, how can we possibly remove that brick? Atheism, you say, but atheism denies a higher power, and by consequence a higher moral authority. If the ‘ethical’ standards of a government have no divine authority, then we will have a situation in which might makes right.
And that is not morality, its not even justice.

It said.. Atheists have never fought a war. On the other hand every single religion has been spread using force. Crimes that NOONE can forgive not now not till the end of times. Hundreds of millions of people were killed to keep religion alive. It is an act against it's very nature. Religion teaches peac and sympathy, we kill people to teach people these things. Shuldn't we be the ones to learn? Obviously we haven't.

I think the author was looking through a very small scope. In fact, there is quite a heated debate going on about Stalin and whether or not he can be used to refute such a statement as “atheists have never fought a war”, he among several other world leaders.

But to answer your question, Religion does not always preach peace and sympathy. To assume such, would suggest you are mostly familiar with Christianity, or perhaps Buddhism.
To a Satanist, I would imagine bloodshed is welcome.

Now, do remember, wearing a gilt cross does not make you a saint. Claiming to be a Christian does not make you one. Therefore, one must look beyond the men and at the religion before determining its gospel’s message. Otherwise, I’m sure you’d find Cain and Able to show some linkage to the Jewish faith being ‘blood thirsty’: Absolutely, you would abhor the Catholic and Islamic faith.

If you can provide me with a specific instance of Christian conquest (I’d guess the crusades spring first to mind), I’ll be happy to discuss it, speaking in generalities would be an arduous task.

If you ask me that is the purpose of humanity. That is what we were made for... To see what we can do with ourselves.

Unless we put that into a moral context, then we will have people pushing the envelope of every experience, murder, death, shag dancing etc.
While I assume that you do mean the pursuit of something good, I.e. we should see how virtuous we can be… if there is no God, there can be no virtue.

If there is a God, then we must delve into which interpretation of Him correct, for that will define such things as Virtue.

P.S. Sorry I already have an account but I have to find the password... lol

I must have quit seven or eight forums becuase I forgotten my password/login name... :D
If interested, you could probably try Psi Kiya Trist, or another super admin, and see if they can reactivate your account for you.
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Humans do not need a God to be moral. If some humans do need a belief in God to make them behave right then their belief in God is nothing but a crutch. I find it sick to believe that someone would live a different life if there was no God than if there was one.

Everything we do is selfish there is no such thing as a saint. Morality works because we are selfish.

Atheists are no better than religious people morally some atheists have done horrible things. Atheism has been spread by violence a few times.

I look at the universe and see evidence that there is no God. Why the heck would God create earth if we could have free will and no pain in heaven? We were created to worship God but why does God need worship or why should I give it? Why does the universe appear billions of years old? Why do fossils go from simple to complex? Why create the tree of knowledge of good and evil? Why not create people that would choose to worship God? Why allow satan to run free? If the angels have free will why create humans? If the angels do not have free will then how did satan fall? Why why why Etc. I debate Christians in rl and have only heard crappy answers to questions such as these.

sorrry about the anger i am just a little mad in rl atm
"Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives."
John Stuart Mill
The Xeno
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Humans do not need a God to be moral. If some humans do need a belief in God to make them behave right then their belief in God is nothing but a crutch. I find it sick to believe that someone would live a different life if there was no God than if there was one.

What I do not understand, is if we deny God, If we believe that a human is the sum of its parts; i.e. just a bunch of electrons... whence can we draw 'right actions'?

In that light, 'killing' a person, has only disrupted a few atoms with other atoms (say in the form of a bullet). Stealing, doesn't really involve disruption at all, as unless the property is broken, nothing is physically disturbed. (Although the transitory period may annoy same air-particles).

Come_Forth wrote:I look at the universe and see evidence that there is no God. Why the heck would God create earth if we could have free will and no pain in heaven?

Last time beings with free will lived in heaven, one of them lead a legion of his fellows in betrayal.

We were created to worship God but why does God need worship or why should I give it?

A common misconception, spurred perhaps by some protestant groups.
God does not need worship; He does not need saints or sinners.
If we accept views such as orthodoxy, God has given to us without actually providing that we give back unto him.

Now, my personal take:
I look at it as being similar to a pair of parents. They have chosen not to buy a robot, or a TV, things that cannot bring them anything but joy (in principle...) and have instead had a child.
These parents know that in the end, they will not be able to control their Childs destiny. They know he/she may hurt them, perhaps physically, perhaps emotionally. They Know that every single murderer had a mother and father.

But, does not that lurking evil make each 'good' achievment all the more exemplary? Does it not make each parental success sweeter?
After all, how can you praise a robot for doing what it is supposed to do? You can praise the Robot's creator, but not the thing itself... to do otherwise, would be to injustice: Giving the robot praise where it was not earned.
How then, if we believe in a Just God, a God who wants to give joy; if He does not first make us earn that joy?

Now, of course, some religions do not believe in a ‘Just’ God. But if God is not just, then you’d best hope he/she/it is feeling whimsical when it comes judgment day (assuming he doesn’t just axe eternal life, in which case, might as well prescribe to athiesm)

Come_Forth wrote:I debate Christians in rl and have only heard crappy answers to questions such as these.

Are they Orthodox, Catholic, Luthern, Presbyterian, Episcopal, Calvanist, Reformist, Latter-day-saints, Mormons, Baptists, Sunday Baptists, Jehovah's Witnesses, Unificationists, Urantian's, United Pentecostal's, Quakers, Gnostics, Christadelphians, Amish, Seventh-Day Adventist's, etc?
There are for example, great differances between a Once-Saved-Always-Saved protestant and a Catholic/Orthodox.

Then you must break it down further; How much do they actually know about their own faith?
I know very little, one of the reasons I enjoy these online discussions so much.

A quick google search produced this page: ... eliefs.htm
Which offers a very simplified example of the diveristy.
The ascended one

I'll reply on the last posts when i have the time... I just wanna give you a quick question...

As you have pointed out there are many different understandings of religion, faith etc. How do you know which one is correct? How for example can you know that Catholic church is the one that's right, how can you be sure it's this God and no other? If you ask me all religions have valid explanations... none can be rules out. That is what kept them going for so long with out any hard proof. So how do you know(if you believe in the after life) that you are going to heaven if you believe in a certain God? Maybe it is another God and you have done a terrible sin under his perspective, as you know there are many, for our times, silly rules in some religions... in all acctualy.

And another thing... if you blindly believe in a God your faith means absolutaly nothing. However if you can see God if you can feel him if you just know he exists... That is something i admire. That is something I am not capable of. I can't see God. I see problems, mysteries and riddles. None of which in my case have God as a part of an explanation.

And I expressed myself wrong when i said atheists have never started a war... I meant that no war was started in the name of atheisem. Altho I do not have any proof and i realy don't know what kind of people live on this planet from my point of view it makes no sense. An atheist that would start a war for bringing down a religion is a mad man. Religions can't be beaten by wars. unless we all kill each other then there'd be noone left to believe in anything...
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