Ascended cap

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Re: Ascended cap

Removing the caps was an idea that should have been implemented six months ago to be effective. As it stands now (and I will say this till I am blue in the face), the only thing that is going to save main and ascension now is a total reset of both servers and then implementing all the updates that should have been in from the beginning. The problem is exponential growth on the servers. When you reset you do the following and believe you me, you will not see the out of hand growth that you see now:

1.) In main, eliminate miners. Income will once again be determined by UU and UU only.

2.) Eliminate raiding. IMO, this was the single biggest mistake that Jason made in the game (and that is saying something because he has made some whoppers).

3.) Eliminate the MS and planets in main. Talk about out of control growth. It's sick now the UPs and Incomes that can be achieved.

4.) Ascensions have to be spaced out at least six months apart. No one will be able to get a 30% bonus to their main account in less than a month anymore.

5.) No market or trading of resources. Everyone is entitled to one PPT per week that is priced as a percentage of your income.
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Re: Ascended cap

use this (note: if you total population size is greater than 293,150,685 disease will surely strike your lands. Above 219,863,014 and raiding is no longer possible. Above 146,575,342 and trading/buying units no longer possible. Pergatory is not accessible above 29,315,068)
it moves on its own right ? based on a percentage of what ever admins uses, well the make the cap goes up when lets say, 30% of players are over the cap, it goes to exactly biggest army is, so it will slow down the biggest dudes, and let smaller ones grow faster and easier!
could be fun to see top armies grow slower than the smaller, and from time to time be able to grow fast ! As their charisma and fleets most be huge this will go up really fast but not as they would! :-D
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Re: Ascended cap

Cap is at 2b right now, so when 30% of ascended accounts are over that it will go to biggest army size, lets say it is 7b planets, new cap will be 7b planets, it will slow down the biggest armies in a few secs or turn changes, and allow smaller ones to be close to the big one! then in time about 3 months it will grow faster as most accounts should be at a similar size!
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Re: Ascended cap

I wasnt quite sold on this suggestion at first, but what he said ^^
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Re: Ascended cap

unitedabominations wrote:Example:
Cap is at 2b right now, so when 30% of ascended accounts are over that it will go to biggest army size, lets say it is 7b planets, new cap will be 7b planets, it will slow down the biggest armies in a few secs or turn changes, and allow smaller ones to be close to the big one! then in time about 3 months it will grow faster as most accounts should be at a similar size!

I quite like that but get it to work like the rolling caps in main where it takes the average armysize of the top 400 (not in ranking but armysize) and use that as the rolling caps for the "ascended plague"

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Re: Ascended cap

i think that was what i said, he he he!
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Re: Ascended cap

A moving cap would be nice, at least it would allow growth beyond it in a more fair way for those who've reached it.
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Re: Ascended cap

unitedabominations wrote:i think that was what i said, he he he!

I justread your second one not your first... but yes

this has been something that I've said many times in the past too... it definately needs it...

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Re: Ascended cap

:-D ( maybe i took that idea from your mind and delayed your )
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Re: Ascended cap

unitedabominations wrote:use this (note: if you total population size is greater than 293,150,685 disease will surely strike your lands. Above 219,863,014 and raiding is no longer possible. Above 146,575,342 and trading/buying units no longer possible. Pergatory is not accessible above 29,315,068)
it moves on its own right ? based on a percentage of what ever admins uses, well the make the cap goes up when lets say, 30% of players are over the cap, it goes to exactly biggest army is, so it will slow down the biggest dudes, and let smaller ones grow faster and easier!
could be fun to see top armies grow slower than the smaller, and from time to time be able to grow fast ! As their
charisma and fleets most be huge this will go up really fast but not as they would! :-D

I am likeing this idea alot, im about to hit the cap too and it was too easy i have played main for about a year and a half and am no where near that cap yet i hit the ascended cap in like 6 monthes ? That isnt right.
This idea would fix the problem for both the big and little people.
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Re: Ascended cap

Sounds like a cool idea. Still keeps growth in check while letting people not all get reduced to the same total planet number.

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Re: Ascended cap

This post has to do with a few at the start of this threat, the ones that said everyone would raid the same people, and it would go back and forth....

Theres heaps of people that don't play ascended and massive UU I saw one guy that had 3bil army and 2bill was uu, his physical powerup stats were low, but ascended being were high so he don't get descended easy, theres plenty more accounts like that....

So straight up I believe that raiding should come back, even if the cap stays at 2bil, if you raid a lot than it wouldn't matter. When I first ascended I raided like mad, it was awsome, not very many players actually active, farm and raid, farm and raid hahaha but than the upgrades came, and as great as it made my account, it also brought snipers, and no raiding.

Bring raiding back, it make the inactives more noticeable, and the snipers less will be better farms lol
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Re: Ascended cap

Having raiding come back into play is a neat idea, for one snipers really are a problem, they're just a joke, if you took out being able to untrain someone's planets then raiding wouldnt be so much a problem. But the fact is so many snipers have nasty CER"s and dont train, why not make this a flaw for them. Larger players just can't do much about sniper accounts but making it so you could raid them and remove the gap of attack, so they can't hit you. Seems like it would introduce some balance and make a change of stradgey on ascended. Also if raiding on ascended was introduced it would make it far easier for the smaller to reach the cap easier, at which point you could increase the cap if needed. Im not sure how much of the populas is above the cap or at it, but I havent seen a large amount above the cap, maybe that statement is wrong. But regardless something diffently needs to change.
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Re: Ascended cap

chargin wrote:lol if there was raiding in the game now there would be a winner within 1 month with half the planets in the game trained into their would so be me lol. i don't think raiding would be a good idea really.


dazman wrote:The cap needs moving to 10bill. Don't get rid of it. the bigger players will still pull away from the smaller players if you remove it.

defenitly NOT !!!

do u really want to see snipers with 10 bil planets ??????
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Re: Ascended cap

Defense-Forcefield wrote:
chargin wrote:lol if there was raiding in the game now there would be a winner within 1 month with half the planets in the game trained into their would so be me lol. i don't think raiding would be a good idea really.


problem with that is you can only hit someone /5 of your planets so you would only be able to raid so much before you would have to find someone else. I belive the problem with raiding before was you could untrain players planets, if this was removed then raiding wouldnt be so powerful as it was before. Also before you could hit whoever and now its limited with the x5 or /5 of planets. I think the sniper account thing is really absurd, its a nice stradgey but if it keeps up its just a matter of time before to many players take advantage of this stradgey, hell I've considered it myself. Having this raiding system reinstalled with the untraining ability removed would really create more balance and force snipers to start training planets.

Defense-Forcefield wrote:dazman wrote:
The cap needs moving to 10bill. Don't get rid of it. the bigger players will still pull away from the smaller players if you remove it.

defenitly NOT !!!

do u really want to see snipers with 10 bil planets ??????

again both elements could be added and still maintain balance, I don't think that there are a large population in ascended that are in the cap as is, again maybe Im wrong. But even so moving the cap and allowing raiding as I stated would diffently make it easier for smaller players to move up in planet size allowing them to catch the larger players and possibly create more action on the ascended.

Its possible I'm wrong but Im just adding my opinions and trying to discuss possiblities. Maybe the system is fine the way it is, but the ascended server doesnt have much action (at least frm tmy perspective) and I know several players that dont choose to even do much with their ascended accounts, possibly adding a raiding aspect might get these players involved, worried they might seperate to much and cause themselve to get descended much easier thus loosing there bonus on main.
Last edited by Iƒrit on Thu Apr 24, 2008 7:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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