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Re: Pention for the removal of "Jack" as a StarGateWars Forum Mo

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 1:26 pm
by Nimras
Right could you guys keep it on topic and at least talk with some curtesy that goes for everyone it has been asked 3 times by the author.

Take the talks i have seen not regarding this elsewhere.


Re: Pention for the removal of "Jack" as a StarGateWars Forum Mo

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 3:01 pm
by thaltek
Tetrismonkey wrote:
Pention for Removing Jack as a Mod
^Click Link to Sign!
Please Use your ingame name as the UserName, and a valid Email.

For most of the details concerning Jack, here are but a few things.

Accusations against Jack

Oh Jackipoo's.....

Issues with Jack

insult from a mod

~~~~JACKS POST~~~~~~

just curious...

Insults from a Mod

Court Case - Community VS Jack

- Edited a users Post and put words in their mouth to directly insult them. Regardless of the user, the moderator has a responsibility to act in a professional manner. Jack does not live up to this professional code of conduct.

- Frequently triggers swear filters despite knowing exactly what words are banned. What right has Jack to moderate a community when he himself cannot control himself to act in an appropriate manner? Why should the community listen to his mod warnings or accept his decisions when he himself is free to abuse without setting a proper example to follow?

- Lacks an in-depth knowledge of the rules. As a result of gaining his position out of who he knows and not what he knows, Jack is found wanting in regards to rules, either through ignorance or that he just doesn't abide by them. Hell, he didn't even recognise the rules on abuse or language by user standards, nor the standards expected by mods.

- Abusive towards users. This is not a once off case, I invite everyone to spend a few mins actually going through Jack's posts in this thread, in the other threads and from a general profile view and just realise the extent of his abusive nature. He lacks Tact and does that maintain an attitude that becomes a mod. Case in point, all replies to criticism to date.

- Lacks moderating experience, makes obvious mistakes time and time again. Splits threads when they do not require splitting and again was made a mod and then supermod without any substantial experience, without any trial period, without being restricted to a smaller section to build up experience. Other mods with experience were denied promotion due to there not being a requirement for any more Supermods and yet well you see how things turned out.

- Was made Ombudsman without a revote despite having only a handful of votes as a result of his friendship with Smoosh and not out of any true ability. This assignment ties in with being made a mod and subsequently a super mod without any discussion involving the rest of the team or without any input from any other source. Just an impulsive decision made by the admin and the admin alone.

- As Ombudsman, each issue was dealt with poorly, leading to direct conflict with those who brought issues up. Never acted in a professional manner and was blinded by tunnel vision, his own pride and opinion to properly listen to and act upon user concerns. Again, this behaviour can still be seen as a supermod and so an ongoing characteristic flaw that makes him utterly unsuitable for leadership positions.

- As Ombudsman did not make the community aware of the fact he was a supermod/had supermod powers. In a thread he was personally involved in, after it was locked he managed to post in it for the last laugh through the (ab)use of his supermod powers and when this was brought up refused to concede his point leading to more conflict with several users including myself and Clarkey (which in recent debates, Jack made an unwarranted attack by implying we are in a homosexual relationship with each other and entirely inappropriate supermod or no supermod).

- As Ombudsman, he held a neutral position and yet was a best mate with the administration leading to a complete and utter conflict of interests. During the April fool’s Joke, he was aware of it as was Smoosh in advance and both played along showing a gross betrayal of their positions and duties to the community.

-As Ombudsman he worked with another mod to create cover stories for themselves and when I pointed out the fact he knew while posted something utterly ambiguous that implied he didn't, his post was magically changed to ensure I couldn't call him out on it. Also note the fact that a guilty party (Jack) volunteered to find out what happened speaks volumes about his duplicitous nature and just how compromised the position was.

- Was made a mod due to his friendship with smoosh. As a mod, he made spam threads in the general area breaking spam rules and also spammed user threads in general on purpose, drowning out their meaning and leading them to be moved to the spam temple again derailing threads which lead to breaking more rules.

- Despite there being no need for more supermods, he was made Supermod above and beyond current candidates who were denied the promotion due to the lack of need for one. No discussion was made, no one was consulted, and it was an in-house promotion over all the other workers due to the simple fact of who he is.

- Has caused several rifts within the moderation community and destabilised it a lot more than any help he has given it. One has to weigh the potential good he does with the amount of damage he does and come to your own conclusions if he should stand down or not.

- As a Super Mod he's been in constant conflict with users and posters, unable to control his opinions or his emotions in a position that requires tact and a working relationship with the community. Other moderators were fired outright for this behaviour while he gets a pat on the back.

GeneralChaos wrote:Yea i noticed since be became a mod that ban thread has been active, all him, maybe he gets points from smoosh for banning people, im so glad 2 good mods were not removed and replaced with that joke, oh yea wait, they where.

I think its fair to say that our current ombudsman wont do anything to help the community and that the mods will be free to run a rampage and break whatever rules they want.

Lets face it, Jack, abuses/ insults everyone, cant keep his cool when replying to most topics ( hence the filter is triggered all the way threw it ) and nothing happens.

Severian wrote:More to the point that Jack has derailed and spammed many of the complaint threads, including those which were posted in General dealing with a lack of faith in Smoosh's ability as a Admin and even substantionally and intentionally spamming this one. His attitude hasn't charged, he is still sarcastic and condescending of users and still acting like these forums are his playground.

It has now been a full Week since the Ombudsman has "closed" the issue and stated in PM that the decision was now up to Smoosh as to what to do about it.

So Seven days later and I am yet to see a post adressing any of the concerns brought up by a multitude of users in a dozen different threads. Were it any other user or mod, I'd doubt they'd still be on these forums.

Not only is there is there the Initial unaddressed 14 Issues brought up but also:

- Specifically and intentionally breaking Ombudsman Rules time and time again.
- Spamming Critical threads until they're derailed.
- Pre-emptivly banning critics and extending bans on users with very questionable judgement.

Action taken: 0

This is because that's what happens when you leave the punishment up to an Admin where the person on trial is his best mate. Still disguisted and ashamed that the team has chosen the "Wait it out and pretend it didn't happen" option hoping that if they stay quiet long enough, that we'll all magically forget and go away.

Wolf359 wrote:
Jack wrote:Most the other mods seem to like and want me, they may or may not agree with my promotion but they do think I'm a capable mod non-the-less.

Indeed, however I do think that, as a mod, you should be able to respond to other user comments/points/accusations/whatever with a little less flippancy and a lot more courtesy. Comments such as:

Aww I'm sorry, does baby want some candy?

I don't give a flying flip about your opinion, and I could care less about you as a poster.


Suck it up, princess.

are, I would suggest, inappropriate for a mod to be directing towards a user when that user is criticising said mod in the very part of the forum where such critcism/questions are allowed. You may not agree with the comments, but there are more courteous (and more intelligent) ways to answer. As far as not caring what the opinions of others are regarding your modship - I find that somewhat strange.

I like you Jack, but you do need to tone things down a notch - Texan or not! :-D

For the record - and none of this should be new to anyone - I am still not happy about how Jack became a supermod, especially since he has no modding experience on these forums. However, having gotten to know him these last few months I honestly think he could be a good mod, but he does need to tone things down and be careful how he deals with user comments.

ok, i bothered to actually read out all of your complaints tetris......
you have contacted the ombudsman and he has replied. the issues have been reported and processed by bill (who was elected) our ombudsman whom gave tetris an answer regarding to said complaints/issues.

tetris has since proceeded to make an (butt) of himself by not using restraint in his repeated posting of (lynch) jack threads.

Re: Pention for the removal of "Jack" as a StarGateWars Forum Mo

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 3:51 pm
by Phoenix of Terra
Tetrismonkey wrote:
Thade wrote:I seriously have to ask:
1. Is your main issue with Jack the editing of the racial slur post because that seems to figure prominently in your evidence? (it was technically not against the rules and he has said he won't do anything like that again)

As you have most likly have seen me say this before, I personaly have nothing against Jack, and that I do think AGA got what he deserverd, even though hes my friend. Jack actually did break the rules by doing what he did. That I will add in just a moment, but the biggest thing he did was abuse his power. In this instance, Jack could have edited as to the guidelines he was supose to,
"5) If you move a post, leave the 'shadow'. Deleting or editing posts, please comment in post <edited by mod> or similar."
Jack made a insult about AGA, maybe not enough to get a warning, but did so as a MOD. If he is allowed to edit someones post to express his "feelings",
"4) Stay neutral and non-emotional. "
Again, Jack could ahve done so as a User, but instead chose to as a MOD. He abused his position and only got a slap on the wrist. This is not the first time.

Forum Rules:

c. Abuse / Racism
Members of the SGW community are required to speak courteously to others. Personal attacks on members are not tolerated. This includes comments about one’s sex, gender, skin colour, religion or cultural heritage. You may not post personal information about another user regardless of how it was obtained. This includes their address, phone numbers, names or any other detail about

Mod Guidelines

1) Be polite.
2) Do not take sides in 'arguments'.
3) Do not get involved in "in game" discussion. This can corrode your image of neutrality.
4) Stay neutral and non-emotional. This again breeds respect and authority.
5) If you move a post, leave the 'shadow'. Deleting or editing posts, please comment in post <edited by mod> or similar.
6) If you want to "get into it" in the forums as a player, create a 2nd forum account to use for moderating. It is not necessary to 'hide' your identity, but is recommended to separate the two very clearly.
7) No using mod powers for personal benefit, or giving information to others. IP addresses, for example, should never be divulged. Be firm. If you need to make a judgement call, go for it -and we'll all support it.
9) Support the other mods. We're a team
10) Be polite.

Again - these are guidelines, not laws but the closer we all come to a 'standard' type of presense the better the community experience and expectations of what is allowed/not allowed, the more 'fair' we will be viewed, and the higher the respect given.

So? He made a mistake and got reprimanded for it. We have had plenty of mods who messed up early on who are now well regarded, and even praised, by the community. Why? Because people got over what the mods did, realized they made a mistake, and gave them a chance to prove themselves again. And oftentimes, they pulled it off quite nicely. As for punishment, you don't have to execute every jaywalker you see. A wrist slap has seemed to have done the job quite nicely. How many times has Jack used his mod powers to insult people? Link me to another post where he does so, please. And that would require his post to be in mod colors.

Tetrismonkey wrote:
Thade wrote:2. Is your main issue with Jack his triggering of the filter? (again that's not against the rules, if he were to bypass the filter that'd be a different story)

There is no rule about triggering the filter but:

Severian wrote:You lack tact, lack any experience whatsoever, made constant silly mistakes, still spam in all the wrong areas, have that many *filters* trigger in your posts as a mod and yet are given an enourmous amount of leeway for the simple and single fact that Smoosh considers you his best mate in SGW.

That's opinion, not a rule. I can say I don't like your vigilante attitude, does that mean I can try to get your right to post taken away? Or perhaps petition to have you blacklisted so you can never be a mod? Opinions hold no real value in an argument, besides helping to define each sides bias.

Perhaps rotten wood is not the best way to repair a sinking ship?

Tetrismonkey wrote:
Thade wrote:3. Is your main issue with Jack his insults? (while I don't personally agree with him at times the insults he has flung out have been for the most part throw away comments that are not against the rules...when he broke the rules with the homosexual comment he did receive a warning for it)

The warning he recieved was issued almost a day later after it HAD been discussed and checked into.

Jack wrote:Severian is **Filtered** cause I said his posts are too long and made his bumbuddy look like an idiot.

Severian wrote:1) Why do you feel the need to trigger the filter so often. You are a mod, you are meant to be polite, you are meant to set a good example. Yet you constantly fail and are allowed to fail.

2) Why do you feel the need to insult and attack another user (Clarkey in this case) and get away with it where others would be warned on the spot?

3) Is not attacking someone's sexuality regardless of its false nature not further breaking the rules?

This is just from a single snippet. Most of your posts are along these lines and yet you are given free reign to abuse users constantly and consistently on these forums.

It was checked into and he got a warning? Sounds like a win for the system, with the OM doing a good job there. There was one comment which crossed the line, he got an official warning. Sounds like a win for your team. Why are you dismissing it so nonchalantly then?

Tetrismonkey wrote:
Thade wrote:4. Is your main concern with Jack his spamming? (hmm...while Jack is very active in the topics that are against him he does keep his posts directed towards previous comments made in those threads...not exactly spamming..evidence to the contrary that is relevant I'll look at unbiasedly)

I recieved my 3rd warning from him for spamming. I suposovly was spamming in the Obumbands sections? Because I created a new topic about the same issue which was locked for being delt with when it wasnt delt with? That isnt spam, thats me as a forum user saying that the issue was not resovled, and I wanted Bill to do something more. Oddly enough the topic was about Jack....

Reread Thade's post and you'll see he was referencing himself when he was talking about viewing things in an unbiased manner. But, to go on to your warning, you started a boatload of threads on a subject that admin already declared finished. Similar to how my hypothetical creation of a CIA/CoP war thread today would be spam, your continued creation of threads on a topic that was settled would be considered spam. The decision may not have been the one you wanted, but it was handed down, along with a punishment (again, lighter than you may have liked), so your continued regurgitation of your frustration added nothing to a process in which your part had already been played.

Tetris, the matter was settled. You can talk as much as you want, but admin does not have to listen to you. And, in case you haven't noticed, he's not. Your part has been played, you can do no more besides continuing to shout to world your displeasure. But you have no power to change the decision reached by those who made it, and you will not attain that power by making more threads on the matter. Please, stop beating a dead horse, for your own sake.

Re: Pention for the removal of "Jack" as a StarGateWars Forum Mo

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 5:52 pm
by thaltek
well sated ol chum.... tetris is beating a dead horse..... which means something like this might happen

Re: Pention for the removal of "Jack" as a StarGateWars Forum Mo

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 4:26 am
by Iƒrit
you guys are off subject. The author has requested no spam, and a mod hsa posted that as well, this thread is about a pention not your opinions, go make a different thread for your opinions.

I realize my post is as well spam, so I will graciously accept a warning.

Re: Pention for the removal of "Jack" as a StarGateWars Forum Mo

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 5:29 am
by Zeratul
one thing that has been bugging us for a while... why does the title say "pention"? according to the dictionary we checked, there is no such word... there is a word "petition" that would fit this though...

the truth is, jack has been punished for the original problem... just because you cant see it, doesnt mean he is unpunished... for all you know, there could be a rather large chunk of his stomach that is missing...

Re: Pention for the removal of "Jack" as a StarGateWars Forum Mo

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 12:43 pm
by Phoenix of Terra

Tetrismonkey wrote:This topic is about the discusion of the petition, not personal vendettas you all hold for each other.

Found here

I said before, this thread is unearthing corpse of a topic, one that was settled weeks ago. It could be argued it's very creation is spam and written off as so, if someone took the hardline. And thus concludes my attempts at self justification.

As it is, I stand by my previous post.

Re: Pention for the removal of "Jack" as a StarGateWars Forum Mo

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 8:50 pm
by thaltek
and again your problem has been delt with tetris. you have yet to make a valid point about jack or any other moderator that you disagree with... punishments have been done yada yada....

dead horse-> :smt062<-tetris

let it go.

Re: Petition for the removal of "Jack" as a StarGateWars Forum M

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 4:37 am
by Phoenix of Terra
I did make my point, but apparently I wasn't clear about it. I'm not going to dance around the fact that Jack did over step the boudaries of mod etiquette. He did. But his infraction has been dealt with. Perhaps it was not the way you wished for him to be punished, but the decision was handed down and it's time to move on. He has not abused anybody with mod powers again, and his other insults as a user are on par with most users on this forum. As a mod, he has not crossed the line again, and has done a pretty successful job keeping this forum policed.

I tried to keep quiet in the original proceedings (directly following Jack's actions, before the issue was dealt with), precisely because I was friends with him and that gave my posts a bias that conflicted with my ideals of justice. Now however, this issue has stepped out of the forum of justice into that of public opinion and vigilante action imo.

Re: Petition for the removal of "Jack" as a StarGateWars Forum M

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 10:50 am
by Skunky
Jack is not a Mod. Hes a SUPER MOD :D

Re: Petition for the removal of "Jack" as a StarGateWars Forum M

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 11:20 am
by Bazsy
Skunky wrote:Jack is not a Mod. Hes a SUPER MOD :D

:idea: Hint: We call them global mods since the transition to phpbb3.

Re: Petition for the removal of "Jack" as a StarGateWars Forum M

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 11:23 am
by Skunky
Bazsy wrote:
Skunky wrote:Jack is not a Mod. Hes a SUPER MOD :D

:idea: Hint: We call them global mods since the transition to phpbb3.

[-( shh dnt tell them that

Re: Petition for the removal of "Jack" as a StarGateWars Forum M

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 6:42 pm
by Phoenix of Terra
And he's talking as a user, not as a mod atm.

Re: Petition for the removal of "Jack" as a StarGateWars Forum M

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 2:25 am
by killtacular
Sounds like you need to start contacting Smooshable if he is the one protecting Jack.

again common courtesy isn't so common, even from you Tetris.

Re: Petition for the removal of "Jack" as a StarGateWars Forum M

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 3:37 am
by Phoenix of Terra
Phoenix of Terra wrote:And he's talking as a user, not as a mod atm.

That's not spam, it's a point that I'm not making clear. Yes, he may be over the top as a user. But so are a lot of people. He has not crossed the boundary as a mod since his last warning. And if people stopped baiting him, I doubt there would be as much "abuse" coming from him as there is atm.

It's similar to the police officer who, while out on the town (and off duty), gets into arguments with citizens, but when he puts on the uniform, he does his job the way it's supposed to be. And has been scolded by the cheif of police the one time he crossed the line as a cop.