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Re: scamed--1919777

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 9:23 am
by Clarkey
krof wrote:
clarkey wrote:Please refrain from RL threats.

Remember it's a game.

so what it's this only a game.... he stole me allmost 7 mil UU.... and 500bil naq.... and now he find enother victims!!

so please do somethink...

I feel for you i do, but firstly if you give someone what they asked for for a trade then they increase the amount and demand more and you give it then you only have yourself to blame.

Yes scamming in this game is scummy but issuing RL threats on someone's life makes you just as low as them scum.

Re: scamed--1919777

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 2:56 pm
by Lore
SuperSaiyan wrote:
Lore wrote:Ah so that is him huh?

who? :shock:

SuperSaiyan wrote: he has been reported to the admins before by me for advertising for another game using is alliance name ;)


Re: scamed--1919777

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 9:17 am
by 12agnar0k
Message text:

can i buy 10 tril naq for $50


Message text:

yes, *removed* is my pal pal to send the $ too,

or catch me on MSN at, im online for the night so get in touch, when pay pal is done ill broker you the naq.


Message text:

sorry but send me 5 tril naq first then il send you the money then you give the rest. this is a saftey precaution as i have been scammed before


Message text:

sorry but everyones been scammed before or know someone who has been scammed, I dont Scam, Have done 1000\'s of trades and never scammed, Send the $$ upfront and you will be paid straight after.
That is how it will work out, if you want the naqudah, have a little faith.
Besides you have re-claim options if your scammed using paypal. I dont have them ingame. So When $ are sent, let me know.


The messages were from soilder99.
So yes a scammer.

To the guy who got scammed by him, be careful with who you trade with, or stick to 1:1 trades over the broker which cant go wrong (so long as you get the broker set to you, or you go on PPT when you set a broker.)

Stick to big reputable forum names, such as myself, who you should never get scammed by, their is always a small chance but its lower with players like myself than nobodies such as soildier99,

Good luck in the future.

Re: scamed--1919777

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 11:04 am
by Lithium
yea always go for safe trades wit old members

Re: scamed--1919777

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 2:20 pm
by Lore
Established well know traders are the way to go.

Having a good traders list is something no one should be without.

Know who your trading with.

Re: scamed--1919777

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 6:56 pm
by 12agnar0k

actually heres a good idea, we should make a list of good reputable traders, who you should be able to trust,

its as important as a list of traders who you shouldnt trust, as their are always gonig to be newcomers, but the list of good trustworthy traders should allow you to get through trades un-scammed, which is always good.

Good idea?

Re: scamed--1919777

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 8:23 pm
by Clarkey
It's a good idea to have a list of reputable traders.

SS the List should be different from the Trade Feedback section tho because that's individual threads for each trader, you can't expect people to go through all of them, whereas a list of names is easier and quicker to go through.

Re: scamed--1919777

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 12:58 am
by deni
Clarkey wrote:It's a good idea to have a list of reputable traders.

SS the List should be different from the Trade Feedback section tho because that's individual threads for each trader, you can't expect people to go through all of them, whereas a list of names is easier and quicker to go through.

the problem is that a list like that is seen as a "guarantee" for a safe trade although it might turn otherwise. it has happened before that "good" traders turned bad.

Also, who will decide who gets on the "good traders" list? There is no authority that could come up with criteria that can help protect buyers and at the same time not disadvantage unknown but honest traders.

Re: scamed--1919777

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 3:57 am
by 12agnar0k
Im sure one of the very trusted mods would love to help in making of a list, and yes its not 100% but fact is, maybe clarky for example who loves to find scammers can also find honhest traders, or lore who has wisdom..(lore) to make these decisions. This will be looked at more than the usual threads, so if you get up in this thread and then try and use this leverage to scam your going to be named and shamed. Which could be as hurtful as scamming others. Possibly.
But yes nto 100% but could help noobies that keep getting scammed over and over despite advice spouted everywhere, to trade with people much less likely to scam.

Its not going to be so much use to find good traders for people such as myself as I already know many id trust and just pay 2nd for the rest, but new players who cant pay 2nd because they have no reputation, and have no contacts of trustworthy traders of their own, this could help them get up a list of traders they should be able to trust more than Joe Bloggs.


Its not a trade feedback, which are useless anyway, its easy to get a group of 20 friends to say good trader, or trade nicely for a mnoth or so, get ltos of yes comments then use them to make people think "this guy is honhest, I can trust him" and then they get double crossed.

A list of traders who are portrayed as most probably safe, will be harder for a potential scammer to get into, not impossible, but harder than making some curmmy trade feedback. where you can get "GOOD TRADER< ID TRUST HIM, WILL TRADE AGAIN SOON" just for a simple broker trade which may lead people to trust you mroe than they should.


Their could even be some insurance set up, if say 50 people vet a trader lets call him fred, to always pay up when you can first, these 50 people could each cover 1/50th of your cost of being scammed by Fred, So now the victim is repaid and unhurt, these 50 players can then track down and mass and sit on fred for betraying them.
Ofcourse It will get spammed by scammers with false Insurance claims, but hey just an idea :O


Personally I dont look at trade feedback, if i think someone may be trying to scam me I just go elsewhere, or look around the "scammed" section for any mention of his name / emails or w.e, if im not 100% sure I wont get scammed I wouldnt trade.
Not saying this policy is something everyone can afford, but this list should help you in making your %'s of trust that bit higher. Not 100%, but not as risky as relying on trade feedback or "yeah that guy you can trust him" comments, which scammers have used to their advantage to woo unknowing noobies into scams plauging this game ever so much.

Re: scamed--1919777

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 10:14 am
by Colton
The problem with a list of well known/trustworthy players is that they would monopolise trading to the point of new players not being able to buy/sell anything. Take planet locations for example, would you rather buy a planet location from a guy with 20 forum posts or a guy that's on the list of "trusted traders"? :?

It's a great idea but it was hard enough when I started, and I wouldn't want to make it harder for anyone else >_<

Re: scamed--1919777

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 9:33 am
by Colton
Thanks Super :-D

Re: scamed--1919777

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 9:41 am
by Colton