The Seed Of Freedom, Freeman On The Land Discussion & Debate

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Re: The Seed Of Freedom, Freeman On The Land Discussion & Debate

Kit-Fox wrote:No you dont have human rights, this is whats know as fiction. You only have what you can defend.

Seriously in the UK you have no rights (assuming you are considered a citizen although a better word would be serf)

If you disagree I suggest you look at how human rights are protected in war zones (ie they arent, this is because the idea of human rights is a made up concept to make us all feel somewhat special) You will find that such things go right out of the window as soon as the powers that be decide they have become an obstacle.

Just for clarification the powers that be = those with the weapons / standing army (ie those with the power to take what they want by force)

Fine that's your opinion on the matter...

It's very negative though.

TPTB will always have the advantage of resorting to violence...

I am not a serf of the crown, I hold the body, I am free and I will die on my feet as a freeman on the land when they come for me, if that's how it's got to be, then so be it...

I won't give into tyranny, EVER...

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Re: The Seed Of Freedom, Freeman On The Land Discussion & Debate

Kit-Fox wrote:No you dont have human rights, this is whats know as fiction. You only have what you can defend.

Seriously in the UK you have no rights (assuming you are considered a citizen although a better word would be serf)

If you disagree I suggest you look at how human rights are protected in war zones (ie they arent, this is because the idea of human rights is a made up concept to make us all feel somewhat special) You will find that such things go right out of the window as soon as the powers that be decide they have become an obstacle.

Just for clarification the powers that be = those with the weapons / standing army (ie those with the power to take what they want by force)

you have just provided proof positive (from your own mouth) that we now live in tyranny, and if you are a person of conscience and high moral standing (regardless of your personal beliefs) then you have to stand up and so no to it.

and just to cut you off at the pass as you say, we are living in tyranny by the very definition because they have they standing army which has all the guns...

you just shot your own argument in the proverbial foot methinks.

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Re: The Seed Of Freedom, Freeman On The Land Discussion & De

Last edited by Kit-Fox on Wed Jan 04, 2012 4:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Seed Of Freedom, Freeman On The Land Discussion & Debate

Kit-Fox wrote:No you dont have human rights, this is whats know as fiction. You only have what you can defend.

Seriously in the UK you have no rights (assuming you are considered a citizen although a better word would be serf)

If you disagree I suggest you look at how human rights are protected in war zones (ie they arent, this is because the idea of human rights is a made up concept to make us all feel somewhat special) You will find that such things go right out of the window as soon as the powers that be decide they have become an obstacle.

Just for clarification the powers that be = those with the weapons / standing army (ie those with the power to take what they want by force)

Well this seems to be an issue of relitivism and a lack of absolute truth.

Do we rely on laws and the action or inaction of immoral people or do we look towards a higher truth. I am not just speaking of God, however in America that is how the founding fathers saw it, that all men have certain unalianable rights granted to them foremost by God. We as beings created in his image have certain rights and freedoms granted not by law or by presidence but by the fact that God created us in his image as thinking beings.

I will be answering another post here sonn that deals with wether the Iraq War was right or just. I will site the same writting that I would erge you to look into and that is the Summa Theologica by Thomas Aquinas, specifically his writting on just war. These writtings gave way for the Just war theory which is widely accepted as an acceptable source for morale action in war.

I fear greatly any time someone is so easily willing to give up their own freedoms/Rights or to claim as you have that you never had them. What is written in America's constitution that we all have a right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness is not some statment of law but rather an acceptance of fact. They aren't saying we think in America we should have this, they where and are saying that we already have this and it is the role of all people to up hold it.
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Re: The Seed Of Freedom, Freeman On The Land Discussion & Debate

well said...

to be 100% honest, i fear my governments actions (which always seem to come out of the blue, maybe because i find mainstream media so lacking that i don't watch news or read the papers) more so than any other part of the country or my respective society.
my biggest grievance with the state at the moment is that it does not represent me, not 1 bit!

i'm an average person and if as an average person i don't feel that my government represents me, then why should i just shut up and not speak out, or indeed, break way from it and become a freeman on the land ?!

the more i look at the wars going on and the more i look at governments worldwide i can see a pattern that our armys are and have been for the past 100 years, carrying out the bidding of the corporations and the elite.
this was proved by one of americas greatest marines, General Smedley Darlington Butler (google him and also look up the book he wrote called: War Is a Racket).

if i'm not mistaken and if memory serves, this HIGHLY decorated general fought many battles all over the planet and some VERY powerful people tried to recruit the general to stage a coup and take over the US government by force, if memory serves further, general butler testified before a congressional comity that this was indeed the case and that further all the wars he was involved in only served the corporations, the marines crushed the opposition leaving the corporations free to rape the resources of the country.

as it stands, none of us knows what the government is getting up to on a daily basis and this is wrong, we have allowed this state of affairs to happen and its up to us to fix it, but that wont happen so long as we remain apathetic.

also our money is being devalued on a yearly basis (if not quicker) and nobody seems to care that there is absolutely no reason to pay taxes, we only pay them because our govt chooses to borrow money from private bankers instead of printing it themselves...

if we did away with our ignorance and apathy (me included so please don't take offense anyone) and stood up against the injustice of our govts we would not to be discussing subjects like this.

food for thought...

I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world, no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.”

Woodrow Wilson

“All of the perplexities, confusion, and distress in America arises, not from the defects of the Constitution or Confederation, not from want of honor or virtue, so much as from downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit, and circulation.”

John Adams, Founding Father of the American Constitution

“Whoever controls the volume of money in our country is absolute master of all industry and commerce...and when you realize that the entire system is very easily controlled, one way or another, by a few powerful men at the top, you will not have to be told how periods of inflation and depression originate.”

James A. Garfield, assassinated president of the United States

The Government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency and credits needed to satisfy the spending power of the Government and the buying power of consumers. By the adoption of these principles, the taxpayers will be saved immense sums of interest. The privilege of creating and issuing money is not only the supreme prerogative of government, but it is the government’s greatest creative opportunity.”

Abraham Lincoln, assassinated president of the United States[/spoiler]

to be honest, i would rather remain a citizen of the UK rather than a freeman on the land, but what choice does a person have, and what use is their govt when it shows itself to be a monumental failure in every aspect of its function and in no way represents the common person?
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Re: The Seed Of Freedom, Freeman On The Land Discussion & Debate

can a mod please delete this post.

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Re: The Seed Of Freedom, Freeman On The Land Discussion & Debate

Although I am the first one to stand up and not just support the idea of health fear of government but also support one’s ability to speak on behalf of that fear, I would also be the first to say that one must use the current system to fix the system. Become involved and learn to use whatever system of government you have to make small incremental changes and educate people.

Someone may take offense to me using a phrase like healthy fear of government because “we shouldn’t be fearful” lol. In America one of the reasons people has a right to hold arms is not just for the purpose of militia which defends the state but also for the purpose of protecting ones freedoms against the state if we were ever required to do so. Now this idea seems quite foreign to us today but when the constitution and the laws where being set forth by men who had broken free of tyranny and s system of taxation without representation it was not foreign but very well understood this healthy fear of government.

I am in no way supporting any type of freeman movements however I will protect their right to do so legally and to make the argument for things that are illegal by way of the legal process.

I feel I must address some things though

I wrote my graduating thesis on PDSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) in Iraq war Veterans returning home from battle. So I am very familiar with what our soldiers are asked to do and the idea that they only fight for corporations and their only role was to make way for the “raping of nation’s resources” is beyond rhetoric and falls in the category Michael Moore and other left wing fantasists who use misinformation to make points.

If you want to make the point that power has been misappropriated and our leaders don’t listen, you have no need to make statements as you have. The argument would be fairly simple in the U.S. and so I figure it would be just as simple in any other western culture. In America I would start by sitting the Supreme Court and its affinity to legislate from the bench which is a complete override of the Congress and hence the voice of the people. Secondly I would sight the power given Paulson which although possibly needed now (after we screwed up the economic system) is still a mucking up of our system of balancing power. You could also sight the tax law which is not supported by the constitution, or if you want to get into the laws look at the issues of abortion and gay marriage which have never been a majority issue, yet they seem to continue to be driven forward by the left wing agenda which uses lobbyist to further their goals (I fully admit the right wing also has an agenda and they to use lobbyist however I use the liberals as the object of inquiry simply because I to have an agenda lol

@ Avenger, In Closing I think you would have a lot more influence in your arguments if you stayed a little more main stream and worked on trying to sound less like a conspiracy theorist. You clearly are intelligent and enjoy reading, but I think you may want to spend less time reading about obscure Generals and instead read some of the great literature which makes many of the same arguments, if only in a more acceptable manner. I only say this because I value what you have to say and think it should be said if only for balance.
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Re: The Seed Of Freedom, Freeman On The Land Discussion & Debate

when i reread what i write i do indeed sound like your average "conspiracy theorist" but that's not the way i see myself, i try and stick to provable facts which can be researched easily by anyone, otherwise there's very little point in even trying to discuss such topics. if i wanted to be a "conspiracy theorist" i would make topics like, "was it the britannic that sunk in the north atlantic" and "did we really go to the moon". thats just a general heads up so people can see where i'm coming from.

my biggest concern is that government is committing grievous crimes against everyone, not just the people its supposed to represent, and i think we are WAAAAY passed incremental changes for the better, in short...we need to sweep away government and place a system in its place that truly represents everyone, rich and poor alike. the only way to achieve that would be to remove the central bank system and reduce high street banks to cheque clearing houses as their main purpose....

if we did that then there would be no reason for anyone to become a freeman of the land :wink:

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Re: The Seed Of Freedom, Freeman On The Land Discussion & Debate

The situation is currently untenable. Government corruption is out of control and has been for some time. I'm not anti government, I'm just anti corrupt government. If the corruption is dealt with I may choose to rejoin, but until then I want out, not just for me, but for all my immediate family.

Everyone no matter who you are, you have the right to step out of society or did I miss something?

I find by the way that TPTB bury the information on the freeman to be a complete admission of their guilty on the matter, they want you to stay ignorant and a debt slave to them.

In a way Kit Fox is sort of right on those that have the guns. Spouting legalese to a grunt herding you into a FEMA camp won't stop him from being ignorant. This is true, but as we are not at that stage quite yet we can still look for remedy via words.

After all, as we have established that all humans are equal when it comes to the law, so when a government official approaches you and makes demands, they are a human being using words, you are equal to them and have the right to say NO, I don't want to do that.

There in lies our remedy, the government is just a bunch of humans using words, where does it say I must contract with them???

Ok, a new source of material to be pondered over:-

Mary Elizabeth: Crofts online PDF book:-

How I Clobbered Every Bureaucratic Cash-confiscatory Agency Know To Man

Just read the first few pages... I promise you it's worth your time...

TTFN, Namaste. :smt026

Next post will be on the bond side of the freeman concept.
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Re: The Seed Of Freedom, Freeman On The Land Discussion & Debate

No matter how untenable a situation may appear one always has freedom. In the case of being face to face with a man who is armed able and prepared to take away your freedom you have the chance even at that point to be free if only through defiance of non aggression and non compliance, of course the consequence may be death but even in death you may give courage to others.

I don’t believe we as western countries have reached this place as you also agree, however I have a much more positive outlook on our ability to reign in bad policy. I would say to look to history and the story of how William Wilberforce and the Slavery Abolition Act 1833 or look at Lincoln and the Emancipation Proclamation. I use these examples because we are talking about the issue of personal freedoms which can be no better expressed then through the greatest change in civil liberty since the founding of America (I am American lol). If these men can stand against all odds and change such a widely accepted and entrenched policy then why can we not also do the same, since we are talking about much smaller issues then slavery?

I must also warn everyone to be careful of such phrases as “we need to sweep away government and place a system in its place that truly represents everyone, rich and poor alike.” We must remember history and if we do we will recall the French revolution that in many ways sought the same thing and yet look at what occurred. There is an answer to our crisis’s and I believe that answer lies not in education, or rebellion, or even the voice of many, at least not in these things alone but rather the answer is simple we must become people of character that live not by a relativistic approach to life but people who live by principles that our unyielding to pressure. You may be saying how would that change anything or maybe even be thinking how naïve. Let me make this clear there has never been change for the better brought forth by anything less than men and women of immense principle. Someone driven by greed or power can only go as far as that motivation will carry them but someone driven by principle and core belief has no ceiling for them it is not enough to get close but instead they must bring change because there is no other acceptable choice.

Let me say this in closing though it is important to have your principles supported by something greater an absolute if you will, whether that absolute is knowledge of truth as seen in people like Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi or even Gautama Buddha who although they did not believe in God they lived by true and moral principles.

We have many leaders today who claim to bring change, and unfortunately for the most part it is either a simple issue of political rhetoric or worse a downright lie. I fear most the people that desire to bring change today would not bring a change of principle or absolute morale truth but rather a populace type of change that has no foundation.
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Re: The Seed Of Freedom, Freeman On The Land Discussion & Debate

Oops, I've lost access to my other email account, so have had to create a new forum account as low and behold my browsers deleted all my passwords, now that's timing for you...

Right are you ready to see what will essentially be your key to freedom???

Well here it is, and after reading it you will understand the implications.

This one is for the UK, which is a rare and hard thing to find, it took me a long time to get it typed up, so please do me justice and read it carefully.

I thank you in advance for your participation, enjoy:-

Notice of understanding and intent and claim of right.

UK Version MKI:-

(Laying the foundation for your understanding.)

Whereas it is my understanding that the United Kingdom is a common law jurisdiction, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that equality before the law is paramount and mandatory, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that a statute is defined as a legislated rule of a society which has been given the force of law, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that a society is defined as a number of people joined by mutual consent to deliberate, determine and act for a common goal, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that the only form of government recognized as lawful in the United Kingdom is a representative one, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that representation requires mutual consent, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that in the absence of mutual consent neither representation nor governance can exist, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that all Acts are statutes restricted in scope and applicability by the Constitution and/or Bill of Rights, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that said scope and applicability is limited to members and employees of government, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that those who have an NI number (National
Insurance Number) are in fact employees of the UK government and thus are bound by the statutes created by the UK government, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that it is lawful to abandon one's NI number, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that human beings in the United Kingdom have a right to revoke or deny consent to be represented and thus governed, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that if anyone does revoke or deny consent they exist free of government control and statutory restraints, and,

Whereas a Freeman-on-the-Land has lawfully revoked consent and does exist free of statutory restrictions, obligations, and limitations, and,

Whereas I, John-Henry: Smith am a Freeman-on-the-Land, and,

(All of the above is absolutely essential this lays down your understanding, it lays down the foundation of what your going to go into with the rest of the notice and it paves the way for you to claim your rights later on in the notice. Word for word.)

(The following is also essential.)

Whereas it is my understanding that acting peacefully within community standards does not breach the peace, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that any action for which one can apply for and receive a license must itself be a fundamentally lawful action, and,

Whereas I am not a child, and,

Whereas I am a peaceful human being, and,

Whereas I am a Freeman-on-the-Land who operates with full responsibility, I do not see the need to ask permission to engage in lawful and peaceful activities, especially from those who claim limited liability, and,

(Understand you will be taking full liability for yourself and your action, freedom comes with great responsibility, do not take it lightly.)

Whereas it is my understanding that a by-law is defined as a rule of a corporation, and,

(Sited in Blacks Law dictionary in all common wealth countries.)

Whereas it is my understanding that corporations are legal fictions and require contracts in order to claim authority or control over other parties, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that legal fictions lack a soul and cannot exert any control over those who are thus blessed and operate with respect to that knowledge as only a fool would allow soulless fictions to dictate ones actions, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that I have a right to use my property without having to pay for the use or enjoyment of it, and,

(This following part is optional, but it is recommended.)

Whereas I claim the right to collect a pension if I have paid into and claim that said right is not affected if I abandon my National Insurance Number, and,

(The following part is essential.)

Whereas it is my understanding that a summons is merely an invitation to attend and creates no obligation or dishonour if ignored, and,

Whereas it is my understanding that peace officers have a duty to distinguish between statute and law and those who attempt to enforce statutes against a Freeman-on-the-Land are in fact breaking the law, and,

Where as I have the power to refuse intercourse or interaction with peace
officers who have not observed me breach the peace, and,

Whereas permanent estoppel by acquiescence barring any peace officer or
prosecutor from bringing charges against a Freeman-on-the-Land under any Act is created if this claim is not responded to in the stated fashion and time.

(We have now got through the understanding part, the following is your declaration.)

Therefore be it now known to any and all concerned and affected parties, that I, John-Henry: Smith, a Freeman-on-the-Land do hereby state clearly specifically and unequivocally my intent to peacefully and lawfully exist free of all statutory obligations restrictions and maintain all rights at law to trade, exchange or barter.

(This must be worded precisely.)

(The following are optional and down to you to choose which you use.)

Further more I claim the right to lawfully:

(1) Exercise my "common law right to travel", unhindered, unencumbered at my discretion in my private conveyance of the day, to wit, my private, unregistered, unlicensed automobile.

(You are NOT driving a vehicle, your are traveling in a automobile, Back this up with the following.)

(2) Exercise my God given right to travel as stated in the Queen's Bible.

(This is powerful in the common wealth.)

(The next part is absolutely vital.)

(3) Exercise my "common law right" to refuse to obtain by submission: any application for any government issued license, permit or seek permission to
perform any fundamentally lawful action or, enter into any government contract under duress, threat and or intimidation which would involve committing an act of fraud and/or theft, or any other crime, by way of deception by "I" and/or any involved government principal, employee or agent, (in compliance with my Common Law Rights, the Magna Carta etc.)

(4) Exercise my right to possess, cultivate or use medicinally any plant of the genus Cannabis.

(5) Exercise my right to possess unregistered, unlicensed firearms and
ammunition and to use the same for target practice at a range or hunting for food and further swear under oath never to open fire on another human being unless as a last resort to protect human life.

(The next part is essential also.)

I claim that pursuant to any action by any government and/or any principal, member, employee, agent, servant, person thereof in Right of Great Britain, a province, or municipality:

"I reserve my right not to be compelled to perform: under any contract or commercial agreement that I did not enter knowingly, voluntarily and intentionally and I do not accept the liability of the compelled benefit of any contract or commercial agreement not revealed to myself, which are my rights pursuant to Common Law".

Furthermore, I claim the right to engage in these actions and further claim that all property held by me under common law being, any and all intellectual property, real estate, trade tools, private automobile(s) and contents, firearms and ammunition, potted plants: contents at the private posted residence known as "Street, Town, CITY, POST CODE" are held under claim of right.

Furthermore, I claim that, the Crowns claim of: "escheat to the Crown or the Duchy of Lancaster or the Duke of Cornwall or to a mesne lord for want of heirs", as referred to in the Administration of Estates Act 1925, stands as a lawful claim and whereas the UK is an Insolvency, an estate, where everything is owned by God and currently held in trust under the Crown until a competent heir(s) appears and lays a lawful claim of jurisdiction.

Furthermore, I claim that the intentional blurring of the lines with smoke and mirrors, deception, outright lies are too numerous to mention false claims as to the well settled division, between the Crown created legal
entity known as the "PERSON" and the flesh and blood creation of the creator known as a "man" is nothing short of theft, fraud, breach of trust and forced slavery, a heinous criminal activity of the most odious form.

Furthermore, I claim that "all persons, acting as, governments, principals,
employees, agents and justice system participants claiming. "retained legal
counsel" have, by virtue of their own and/or their principal actions, claimed "total incompetence", in handling any of their own affairs in law and have become an instant ward of the court, hence, they are imprisoned by their own actions in hand or lack thereof.

Furthermore, I claim that due to the self evident facts in truth at hand, that all persons, the Crown, governments, principals, employees, agents and justice system participants claiming limited liability or immunity are doing so under the pretense of being in fact deemed totally incompetent and under law made instant wards of the crown and/or courts and therefore, cannot claim good faith or colour of right over anyone who is thus blessed as being a competent heir.

Furthermore, I claim that, "Ignorance of the Law" is not a lawful or legal claim when used by the Crown, government principals, employees, agents and justice system participants at any and all levels to my harm or detriment, especially by those claiming limited liability.

Furthermore, I claim that these actions are not outside my communities' standards and will in fact support said community in our desire for truth and maximum freedom.

Furthermore, I claim that anyone who interferes with my lawful activities after having been served notice of this claim and who fails to properly dispute or make lawful counterclaim is breaking the law, cannot claim good faith or colour of right and that such transgressions will be dealt with in a properly convened court de jure.

Furthermore, I claim that the court in the United Kingdom are de-facto and are in fact in the profitable business of conducting, witnessing and facilitating the transactions of security interests and I furthermore claim that they require the consent of both parties prior to providing any such services.

Furthermore, I claim all transactions of security interests require the consent of both parties and I do hereby deny consent to any transaction of a security interest issuing under any Act for as herein stated as a Freeman-on-the-Land I am not subject to any Act.

(Now we move onto the final part of the notice.)

Furthermore, I claim my FEE SCHEDULE for any transgressions by peace officers, government principals or agents or justice system participants is (GB £250.00) TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY POUNDS PER HOUR or portion thereof if being questioned, interrogated or in any way detained, harassed, searched or otherwise regulated and (GB £2,500.00) TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED POUNDS PER HOUR or portion thereof if I am
handcuffed, transported, incarcerated or subjected to any adjudication process without my express written and Notarized consent.

Furthermore, I claim the right to use a Notary Public to secure payment of the aforementioned FEE SCHEDULE against any transgressors who by their actions or omissions harm me or my interests, directly or by proxy in any way.

Furthermore I claim the right to convene a proper court de jure in order to address any potentially criminal actions of any peace officers, government principals or agents or justice system participants who having been served notice of this claim fail to dispute or discuss or lawful counterclaim and then interfere by act or omission with the lawful exercise of properly claimed and established rights and freedoms.

Furthermore, I claim that the law of agent and principal does apply and that service upon one is equal to service upon both.

Furthermore, I claim the right to deal with any counterclaims or disputes publicly and in an open forum using discussion and negotiation and to capture on video tape said discussion and negotiation for whatever lawful purpose I see fit.

(Now the final part.)

Affected parties wishing to dispute the claims made herein or make their own counterclaims must respond appropriately within TEN (10) days of service of notice of this action.

Responses must be under Oath or attestation, upon full commercial liability
and penalty of perjury and registered in the Notary Office herein provided no later than ten days from the date of the original service as attested to by way of certificate of service.

(Make sure the notary doesn't put that "the PERSON handed to me"... Otherwise the whole thing will not stand. Be very specific when getting your notice notarized. Have them put that the Man/Woman, Freeman-on-the-Land, Freeman-on-the-Soil, but never ever the PERSON. You are not a PERSON, that is what this is all about.)

Failure to register a dispute against the claims made herein will result in an
automatic default judgment and permanent and irrevocable estoppel by acquiescence barring the bringing of charges under any statute or Act against My Self Freeman-on-the-land John-Henry: Smith

Place of claim of right:- ??????

Date:- ??/??/????

Claimant:- John-Henry: Smith

Name and address of the Notary Public: ??????

Get the whole thing notarized and send it to all concerned parties, and thats it, enjoy your freedom.

Namaste... 8)
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Re: The Seed Of Freedom, Freeman On The Land Discussion & De

Last edited by Kit-Fox on Wed Jan 04, 2012 4:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Seed Of Freedom, Freeman On The Land Discussion & Debate

Well they should be able to travel by horse and carriage as the Amish do in America :? :shock:

We should give Solid Snake some credit though that is a ton of information and some interesting if not imaginative thoughts.
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Re: The Seed Of Freedom, Freeman On The Land Discussion & Debate

my understanding of all this is EXTREMELY limited and need to research all this allot more, my question i this...if i become a free man on the land, how does that affect my children's ability to gain education?

Infinite Love Is the Only Truth: Everything Else Is Illusion.

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Re: The Seed Of Freedom, Freeman On The Land Discussion & Debate

Honestly I don't know all that much about it either and don't care because is all truthfulness I am a nationalist in the sense that every freedom I have and many of the things that have contributed to who I am are because of the United States and the blessing it has been to so many.

I consider myself an intellectual while at the same time being a supporter of my great country, sure we aren't perfect but I would lay my life down for it any day of the week, if called upon to do so. Most intellectuals find that is necessary to attack or oppose the status quo to make them seem more intelligent. I on the other hand believe that being intelligent in an issue of personal honesty and integrity to truth and the truth is that my country is the greatest in the world and I think if you are in the U.K. you can take pride in a statement like that in regards to your own nation. Sure we haven't always done the right thing but we drove back Hitler we crushed the stream and flow of communism and we have freed Iraq, Afghanistan. We use our power to uphold freedom and justice and as long as we continue to do that I will consider myself a nationalist.

Avenger take pride in the accomplishments of your country instead of spending time searching after obscure laws, try reading the history books and marvel at all the amazing things your country has endured and accomplished. I write this not as an attack but I honestly implore you not to continue down this path of freeman of the land but rather pursue what is right and good in the world not looking for loop holes but looking for a place to serve.

I close with these words that drove a nation to react.

My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.
John F. Kennedy
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