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Re: Warning from Deni removed

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 6:29 am
by Solus
Nimras wrote:
.:VOID:. wrote:
Tetrismonkey wrote:You have completly derailed my discusion

"your" discussion? genius.

Nimras posted inappropriately, and was warned because of it. simple enough. at least he takes it through the proper channels of complaint unlike you who hijacks threads for your own "agenda".

now in the first place his post spamming the thread and talking about moderator decisions WHEN TOLD NOT TO deserves a warning. he, like I is not above the rules. now about the 'constructive criticism', that MIGHT have been a valid point if he PM'd the moderator in question and started a private discussion rather than openly challenging the moderator decision like he did. he 'mouthed off'. in the military he'd be reprimanded, or worse he'd be cleaning the poo stains from all the toilets with a toothbrush. in civillian jobs he'd have the boss applying measures of discipline, if not that then he'd be sacked. he did not take the proper course of action. now after he got the warning, he then took it to bill which is good. now bill reviewed the decision as he saw it and in a decision without bias he rejected it. stop whining.

Actually not true.

My post was withing the rules and limit and their warnings as the warning given are biased and should not be given. Secondly my answer was on topic as a USER. What i answered in mod colors to show it where done prober where as well.

you were asked not to do something. you did it again. youre not in a good position, as you would know from your time as a global mod that discussing moderator action in the thread was off limits anyway.

I still want my warning removed. I will now call for biased modding as apparently thats what people has to do for getting things done correctly.

I am at war with Deni so she diliberly went and went highwigher and warn which is not ok.

finding excuses now eh? shes doing her job.

I do not like the warning i do not condone the warning heck i still do not condone Jack's warning of something posted in this area while being a GM when it clearly shows the rules set in this area are not uphold by the ombudsman himself unless he wants to.

so you complain that rules arent upholded by others..... yet you wish them to be bent for you? wow, just wow.

And i still find my warning redicilus and way out of its way.

But tbh i do know that even doing it right it will end up being closed as a no unless offcourse i was a ceartain other people then you would see how fast the warning would have been gone ;).


you made an error. again, dont whine and get over it. you want a warning removed for a perfectly warnable offence.

Btw Tetrismonkey thanks for sticking up for me but you get nothing out of it.


Re: Warning from Deni removed

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 11:59 am
by buck
Tetrismonkey wrote:Well Buck, im offended. The fact that there is bias inside the mod team and you do nothing about it. Whats the point of me building ANOTHER case against ANOTHER mod, but all I get in return is "nope your wrong". Ill use Jacks case, the fact that I provided more than overwhelming evidence against him, and yet nothing was done by the last administration. I even tried talking to Lore about reviewing the case, but it was denied because all past problems are of the past, and the new administration is starting new.

BTW Buck, I have every right to continue doing as I please as long as its within the rules. If you hate me so damn much Buck, then do what everyone else does, cry about it.

You've come so full circle its epic. You are the reason (if anyone hates you) for them hateing you, because you have the sheer intension of causeing trouble, If you where constructive, as apposed to destructive, people might give a damn. As for me hateing you so much? Kid, I dont give a damn either way, You post on my forum and so all my feelings towards you, are that as long as you post within the rules, And dont try and purposely cause trouble, Then i dont give a damn who you are.

Get your head out of your self rightious cloud, and come back to the real world, There is little/no bias in this team, Any bias that is found is dealt with. Dont worry your little head about it.

Dont try and push me, Because you will loose. I know far more about what goes on here than you do, Its people like you that cause the problems i have to deal with. Not the mod team or the rules.

Re: Warning from Deni removed

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 3:09 pm
by Nimras
buck wrote:Your actually both Servile Philistines. Im offended.

I mean seriously, Nimras, you where told on several occasions personally before they actually warned you, to stop, So i dont know why now your comeing here , when you where given plenty of chance before it got to this point.

Lol waite i was??

1. Deni post does not have anything like that in it so no warning there.
2. Jack post was and is abusive and werent warning it.
3. PM that you talk about came AFTER i posted even tho Deni says she send it before i still did not recieve or read it before after and at that point i already had the warning.

So where was all those warnings you claim there where??

My answer is and are withing the rights of a user and even as race mod heck had i been GM i would have told Deni and Jack to back down for the very reason that no warnings to stop spam where given to the users that the fact what was writen is over the top for a topic like that.

.:VOID:. wrote:
Nimras wrote:
.:VOID:. wrote:
Tetrismonkey wrote:You have completly derailed my discusion

"your" discussion? genius.

Nimras posted inappropriately, and was warned because of it. simple enough. at least he takes it through the proper channels of complaint unlike you who hijacks threads for your own "agenda".

now in the first place his post spamming the thread and talking about moderator decisions WHEN TOLD NOT TO deserves a warning. he, like I is not above the rules. now about the 'constructive criticism', that MIGHT have been a valid point if he PM'd the moderator in question and started a private discussion rather than openly challenging the moderator decision like he did. he 'mouthed off'. in the military he'd be reprimanded, or worse he'd be cleaning the poo stains from all the toilets with a toothbrush. in civillian jobs he'd have the boss applying measures of discipline, if not that then he'd be sacked. he did not take the proper course of action. now after he got the warning, he then took it to bill which is good. now bill reviewed the decision as he saw it and in a decision without bias he rejected it. stop whining.

Actually not true.

My post was withing the rules and limit and their warnings as the warning given are biased and should not be given. Secondly my answer was on topic as a USER. What i answered in mod colors to show it where done prober where as well.

you were asked not to do something. you did it again. youre not in a good position, as you would know from your time as a global mod that discussing moderator action in the thread was off limits anyway.

I still want my warning removed. I will now call for biased modding as apparently thats what people has to do for getting things done correctly.

I am at war with Deni so she diliberly went and went highwigher and warn which is not ok.

finding excuses now eh? shes doing her job.

I do not like the warning i do not condone the warning heck i still do not condone Jack's warning of something posted in this area while being a GM when it clearly shows the rules set in this area are not uphold by the ombudsman himself unless he wants to.

so you complain that rules arent upholded by others..... yet you wish them to be bent for you? wow, just wow.

And i still find my warning redicilus and way out of its way.

But tbh i do know that even doing it right it will end up being closed as a no unless offcourse i was a ceartain other people then you would see how fast the warning would have been gone ;).


you made an error. again, dont whine and get over it. you want a warning removed for a perfectly warnable offence.

Btw Tetrismonkey thanks for sticking up for me but you get nothing out of it.


Lol you shouldn't comment here, but since your so nice, the rules i was warned on are faulty on the fact I did not breake them. The very Warning it self was given on wrong terms, she did her job maybe but then she werent doing it good enough at the time.

But tbh this is the best show on how the rules of this ombudsman corner are not uphold by the ombudsman him self heck i might even ask for that warning removed soon.

The warning was faulty the warnings they claim was given where not there for what they want to warn me for by the rules. The abusive lang is also over the top and the fact that the PM warning came after i posted as i could not recieve before that no matter what because this forum does not show you have a PM before you refresh.

Now warning from Deni is wrong, Warning from Jack is wrong i now ask for both to be removed.


Re: Warning from Deni removed

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 4:07 pm
by Solus
Nimras wrote:Lol you shouldn't comment here, but since your so nice, the rules i was warned on are faulty on the fact I did not breake them.

you posted about mod decisions in a war thread. you know that is spam. you were asked NOT TO SPAM, yet you did it again. can it be any clearer than that?

The very Warning it self was given on wrong terms, she did her job maybe but then she werent doing it good enough at the time.

oh dear. ignorant arent you? not doing her job good enough? ironic you say that.

'oh dear.... :lol: '

Re: Warning from Deni removed

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 4:12 pm
by deni
Nimras wrote:Lol waite i was??

Yes, you were.

Nimras wrote:1. Deni post does not have anything like that in it so no warning there.

deni wrote:...
If you wish to reply to this, take it to pm's or the appropriate section of the forums as I won't tolerate discussion about the mod team in a war thread. It will result in an warning, just like any discussion of the FUALL/TTF war will too. This is a public forum and everyone is free to post here, as long as they stay on topic and do not break forum rules.

Nimras wrote:2. Jack post was and is abusive and werent warning it.

Jack's Ghost wrote:...
Really, why is it sooooo hard for people to follow the rules? No more spamming, that means no replying to mod posts in this thread. If you want to discuss a mod action there is the PM button, and there is the "Talk To The Mods" section. Use them.


Nimras wrote:3. PM that you talk about came AFTER i posted even tho Deni says she send it before i still did not recieve or read it before after and at that point i already had the warning.

Wrong. You READ the pm after you posted. It was sent before that. Time stamps on forums do not lie, Nimras. After all you can choose just to ignore pm's sent to you and then claim that you were not verbally warned because you just did not read them yet :roll:

Nimras wrote:So where was all those warnings you claim there where??

you tell us Nimras ...

Deni out

Re: Warning from Deni/Jack (Ombudsmand) removed

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 4:05 pm
by Noobert
I wasn't really going to post in this thread but what the hell.

If Nimras doesn't get his way, he whines and cries until it happens.
Ex: Telling Teal'auc of our PM exchange.

Said my piece, and now I'm outta here. :lol:

Re: Warning from Deni removed

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 4:39 pm
by ramen07
Tetrismonkey wrote:In order to do a good job, one must care about that job. If you treat a job as a job, then nothing gets done in the right manner.

i work at best buy as a cashier. if i treat that job anything other than a cashier job (i.e. play-on-the-keyboard guy or dance-on-the-checkout-counter guy), id get fired.

and caring about a job and treating it like a job are pretty much the same thing...cuz you know, you cant care about a job and treat it like a job at the same time... :roll: bill is doing his job, and so is jack. as such, they get my full support. keep it up.

and might i say if you mouth off to a policeman (*COUGHLIKEAMODCOUGH*), youre in for some trouble.

and btw nimras, i really didnt think you would be the one to do this. heres my solution: you take a warning like a man. and get on with your posting. seriously, i dont see the fault in these warnings. besides, you said you have the rights of a user. you went here to the ombudsman, posted your argument, and your argument was rejected. should be end of story.

Re: Warning from Deni/Jack (Ombudsmand) removed

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 12:50 pm
by Nimras
I will look into this when i get time as since i am on a phone and its christmass now will i not use time on this issue but i will get back and take it.

Ramend07: It is not end of story when it was done biased as some other rulings which where done in the mod area of which i will not post about in public as i still honor my word of not posting stuff from there.

But both warnings are given falsely and wrongly by the rules thats worked on.

Had they been given on grounds that was withing these rules i would not care less and just let it go not even post here, heck i even defend everyone who got a wrong warning, ban as i would defend the mods giving a warning or ban when deserved.

Anyway i just read ramend07 answer so if there is more i am sry will get here when i get my pc back someone get me some working RAM :P.

Re: Warning from Deni/Jack (Ombudsmand) removed

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 1:56 pm
by Tacet
I agree with Ramen. This thread has gone on way too long.

The mods have certain authority on the forum, and are given certain tools with which to enforce that authority. If you get warned, take heed, and don't do it again. If you feel it was unfair, go to the ombudsman, present your case and let him review it. Then abide by his decision. This structure works quite well for the greater part of the forum's 2000-3000 active members (very rough estimate).

Anyway, Deni was the only one up to this point who presented some kind of proof. If you really want to complain about mod decisions, at least make a tangible case, rather than just saying that your post wasn't out of order, over and over again.

Re: Warning from Deni removed

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 4:09 pm
by pianomutt20000
Tetrismonkey wrote:
pianomutt20000 wrote:
Nimras wrote:I would like my resent warning from Deni removed.

I answered nice to a mod as a mod may i add so i did not break a rule, who said a user cant answer and at the same time brought the talks back to the discustion.

Plus no mods has asked for spam to be cut down which i also pointed out .

I do not accept a warning giving for answering in public to mods on what they write as there is no spam in it there is a mod talk and then a quetion about the war.

Thank you.


Wrong, I am afraid the warning will stand. For the following reasons.

1. You are only a mod in the race section of the forums, you are not a mod outside of those forums. This includes the "talk to the mods" section.
2. You posted a needless spam right after your post, which only re-enforces the warning.

Also, I suggest that you not try the mod colored posts outside of the race mod section. As that looks to me, and to everyone else like you are trying
to use mod related powers for the purpose of furthering your opinion/agenda. On a few occasions I posted in the talk to mods and so forth using my color. I did this accidently thinking it was my corner, but I had my hand slapped quite quickly. I then remedied it asap.

Race Mods do not have access to the Mod section of the forum, therefore cannot post as a mod in the Talk to mods area.
Until such time as this changes, you are limited to posting as a mod to race mod related areas of forums.

They have their own race mod section, I suggest you utilize that in the future. Also, it is not in the job description of Race Mods
to correct Super Mods. It is the same thing as walking up to your boss and saying "you are wrong, do it my way" It usually gets you fired.

Good luck in the future, please pay heed to my words.


I dont understand half of the problem, but I did notice what you said Bill. You say its not his place to correct a SuperMod. Well excuse me if im wrong, but it is. More than half the time when a person makes a mistake or does something wrong, they themselves dont see it, but someone else does. Its within his "rights" to point out things like that, and theres nothing wrong with that. Only people who have a god outlook on things and that are very narrowminded will take it as an insult.

Not only that Bill. but from the way your post is written, it shows some bias in there, not saying there is, or if your favoring one side, but the way its written says otherwise.

As for the warning itsself, if Nim is being judged as a user only, and there was previous warnings to not post in that kind of style as he did, then he deserves the warning. If he didnt, and it was an honest mistake made by Deni, then do the right thing and own up to it. Its ok to make mistakes, how else would we learn if we didnt make them?

What I am trying to point out, is that he tried to use authority that he did not have. RACE MOD is only a mod in the RACE MOD section...period.

Ignoring his argument entirely, he deserved a hand slap for that alone. Then, as he isn't a mod. He tried to correct a SUPERMOD with his authority as a RACEMOD....

Doesn't work, warning valid. Further argument not needed, you are wrong nimras, plain and simple. If you don't accept that, it's not in your power to accept or not accept....As it isn't your forum.

TETRIS - He wasn't treated as a user/player, as he didn't post as such. He posted as a Racemod, hence how he was handled. Frankly, I would have been more receptive to his arguments as a player. I don't see the bias, it was VERY cut and dry.

Frankly, he should have known better.


BTW, if I walked up to my civilian boss and corrected him in such a manner...he'd fire me.

Some jobs you can get away with **Filtered**, mine you cannot. In this economy, who can take chances :P

I suggest you learn something called tact.

Re: Warning from Deni/Jack (Ombudsmand) removed

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 10:11 am
by Nimras
In the light of christmass and the fact i do not know how long i have pc access i ask for this topic to be closed until second of january as until then i find christmass and new year a time for peace, love and forgivefullness.

So issues and discustions like this area can waite well my case can i will get to it when i get back after christmass and new year.

And tbh this is a thread for me, deni, bill and jack and no one else and i would like if you bill startet honouring your own damn house rules as you got me warned for it but until now i have seen Deni, jack, Lore and other users break your own rules without warning hence my case to get it removed was added.

So every one enjoy christmass and new year.


Re: Warning from Deni/Jack (Ombudsmand) removed

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 11:43 am
by Juliette

Merry christmas, Nim. ;)

Re: Warning from Deni/Jack (Ombudsmand) removed

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 12:02 pm
by Nimras
Universe wrote:rofl

Merry christmas, Nim. ;)

You 2 and i mean it if you do not have a merry christmass and is happy i will warn you :P.

Its christmass its a merry time not a time where we discuss and have pettyfull issues like this topic running. I can either start it again or get it reopen if closed as requested its christmass.

Have fun everyone enjoy this merry time :) I will.

Re: Warning from Deni/Jack (Ombudsmand) removed

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 11:34 am
by Mordack
The ombudsman has dismissed your complaint, Nimras, and stated that the warning will stand. I'm not sure what else you expect to happen now.

Re: Warning from Deni/Jack (Ombudsmand) removed

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 1:37 pm
by Nimras
Mordack wrote:The ombudsman has dismissed your complaint, Nimras, and stated that the warning will stand. I'm not sure what else you expect to happen now.

As stated Mordack i will take this up after new year and christmass its not time for fights and issues like this.

I do not want to use to much time on these boards when i have a few good days with pc on arguing or **Filtered** or what not on issues regarding a forum and game when i can use it on merry fun and so on as everyone else should. Its a game for crying out loud and it's christmass lets enjoy that eh??

But if you wanna take the talk i will be happy to make a short why but no more and i do not want to take the talk on this matter until after new year.