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Re: With regards to recent complaints.

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 10:25 am
by buck
caesar2 wrote:
buck wrote:Fact is noone has yet to present me any evidance, Your stateing things as fact Brdvs, but you need to present me with evidence of these facts to back up your claims. I cant act on suspiscious Minds.

So, For the last time, Evidence is needed to back up any claims, thats the point of this thread, You show me evidence of Misdoings by Mods, if you cant find this evidence, then you apoligise for makeing unfounded claims. So help yourselfs out, Post fact with evidence, or dont post at all, because i cant do NOTHING on claims without evidence. You wouldnt wanna get sent to jail for murdering someone, if there was no evidence of your involvement, would you? No. KEY WORD and Recap, EVIDENCE.

buck, this is poor BS. we all see what happenes. nobody cares about mods, only if they are rude to members. and jack is. laughing in posts, laughing in PMs. if this is the right person to be forum MOD, GM or admin... than your forum is just a poor dump.

This is the only fact i will post here. and you can add noobert too, so we have complete list of mods im complaning.

FOR MORE EVIDENCE READ FORUM DEAR BUCK! im sure if your not blind you will find many of FACTs. (i think each member has a lit of posts, so simple go to nooberts and jacks and you will find evidence.)

I would advise speaking to me in a much more polite tone in the future, Im trying to help you guys out here, i didnt have to allow this to happen, but i came up with the idea, and im happy for you to find things out and try and get facts for me to decide upon, thats the point of this thread. I

f you want to point out posts, PMs, and other such things that you feel show misdoings by mods, Then be my guest, But dont come here, and tell me to do all your work for you. You made the claims, You back them up. Your kicking off at me, who has givein you the oppurtunity to proove your claims, And i really cant see why, when you could spend that time trying to proove things to me.

So for the last time, this thread is for evidence only, Disscussion can remain in the other thread. I will not check here again until this sunday.

Re: With regards to recent complaints.

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 12:17 pm
by Noobert
This is the chance to prove moderators are bias Caesar, and you are doing nothing but throwing accusations around.

I am a loud mouth but does that prove I am bias?
buck wrote:IN reference to recent accusations made within viewtopic.php?f=132&t=136030 that thread of biased modding, we're giveing you a chance to proove it.

Prove it Caesar. Don't waste this opportunity to prove the people you hate so much are unfit to be moderators.

Re: With regards to recent complaints.

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 12:26 pm
by Brdavs
Borek, I`m not even gona bother with you, youre obviously very sucessfull at playing dumb. When I call REK what I think about him you can bet heavilly that you`ll know and it wont be as mild as that. Go reread our post exchange will you. Good lad.
And even IF I concede that could cincievably be construed as a direct RL insult, did you get warned for your insuniations about Infinity? Did noobert get warned for every post in that charming exchenge with casear? And what about ithlums "gay" compared to what went on just today, nvm what else is going on in the GC thread allone? When we all know noobert for one is one of the most abusive ones in that thread, nvm potential "bias" lol? I call absence of action an indicator enough.
Meh, why am I even trying lol.

With respect, what kind of evidence would you like? Links to what I`m saying? Pointing out of the obvios? Like when I say "a guy got warned for saying "gay" (by a mod for a comment in a war thread the guy is modding and is involved in) while there is a popular mod conscensus that calling people "scum" is ok and that those people should "grow a pair" I`m suposed to "proove" it by linking you to the topics and posts you linked yourself in this thread and topics you have to walk by to reach this subforum to answer me lol? What proof can I produce for you to deduct that that`s a bit doublestandard-ish when one thinks about it?

You know what, I`m retracting any&all "complaints" lol. Kinda obvious how motivated people are to rectify the situation, one would have to hook them up to a car battery to have them produce a spontanious connection heh...
Everything is just "peachy". Carry on. Coincidances, tis all. My mistake. Wish I hadnt spent all this time on the matter and on this forum. :P


Re: With regards to recent complaints.

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 12:35 pm
by buck
With respect, what kind of evidence would you like? Links to what I`m saying? Pointing out of the obvios? Like when I say "a guy got warned for saying "gay" (by a mod for a comment in a war thread the guy is modding and is involved in) while there is a popular mod conscensus that calling people "scum" is ok and that those people should "grow a pair" I`m suposed to "proove" it by linking you to the topics and posts you linked yourself in this thread and topics you have to walk by to reach this subforum to answer me lol? What proof can I produce for you to deduct that that`s a bit doublestandard-ish when one thinks about it?

Links to any and all of the above would be helpful yes.

Im sorry you feel that way Brdvs, I very much doubt you will get a chance to offer your proof again in such a public way on this forum. If you think you have something, Proove it, YES link me to threads, SHow me things. Dont just say it and expect me to accept it as gospel. PROOVE IT.

How hard is it to grasp the concept of proof guys? I cant do anything with it.

Re: With regards to recent complaints.

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 6:19 am
by caesar2
buck wrote:...

I would advise speaking to me in a much more polite tone in the future,...

i dont think i was rude in my post, and it was not my intention to be. many thanks for this opportunity, but what i wrote in my last post was my last evidence. all what you need was posted once or more times, i personaly reported few posts. about PMs i wrote what i wanted. all was closed and now should i re-report it? NO, thanks.

PS: it is alowed to report posts one more time if i think it was closed without sufficient investigate?

Re: With regards to recent complaints.

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 7:05 am
by caesar2


ombudsamn's firts and last post was biased. we all are w8ing long time in all threads and than he come and answer with one post, dont PM players for reasons, facts, seems he dont read threads. in general hes biased or incompetent.

2. noobert

here few posts:

server war thread page: 729
Ignore him.

He probably couldn't even spell facebook properly.

Hahaha, pathetic you little **Filtered**. Give me a break. A few 15 ATs is rediculous. You want to grow up and use 15 ATs since you are "so good" then by all means, try it. Oh wait..that's don't care what I think. Remain a chicken **Filtered**. The facts stand. You lose 44K, I lose 16K. You lose 56K, I lose 18K.

I'm surprised you could spell facebook, it's a tough word. Just like lying.

No, I won't. You can use your brain, if you have one.

My super defense? Buy more duals. Buy more USS.

Oh my god! YOU SPELT FACEBOOK! HOLY CRAP! I can't believe it..jesus. Wow. I am shocked.

answer's on my spelling. i think this is RL insult, and was reported. case closed. he posted many posts using **Filtered** words on this page too, its alowed i know, but hes wearing mod suite.

war thread page: 730

It is very hard to do when your opponent is as mature as a toddler. :lol:

noobert answer on bebita'spost about noobert vc me forum duel. am i right? noobert said im mature as toddler.

war thread page: 731

this one was reported
The term you are looking for is agitated. Perhaps using the link before, or using your brain more would help you achieve said 'words of wisdom'.

Yes, I bet my "puppet" is lost. I bet I am a "depressed angry loser" but you know what? At least I can spell. At least I can contemplate things that my cat could understand. Unlike you, who seems to lack any form of a intellect, let alone a brain.

Looks like Infinity came to mass my mothership, right on time. Same as last night. He'll probably send it away.. or let it be massed then build it the same time tomorrow to mass me. :lol:

this post says, jason removed rules and noobert clearly said, he knew about it. why we all didnt know about it? i was informed by mordack in PM after all reports.

Nothing she can do. Your boys ran to Jason and got him to remove all the rules, so I can call you anything I want. Enjoy it. :lol:

Funny, really. Why would I rebuild my MS for you? Oh wait! It would be for mistake. :lol:

war thread page: 732

these posts by noobert were reported and closed:
My mistake. You know, it is very hard to understand you. You don't speak very good english.

No. I just don't mass **Filtered** who have nothing to mass. :-D

I am speaking the one language you do not, and that would be English.

Ili-whater-al? Come again? :shock:

I know a bit of French, some Swedish. Not much of both though. Besides, I don't need to learn any more languages. English is the dominant language. Next to everyone understands it ..well, except one person.

Buck, all quotes in part "2" are by noobert. if you need more evidence, ask for it.

3. jack's ghost
befopre reporrtes against noobert i respecte this GM, i like his sig and avatar. but after his PM i was disapointed and i think GM cant be alowed to talk with ppl this way:

[spoiler]Thisis one of my reportsI forgot to report few facts: im reporting n00bert, for his lack of respect as a moderator and player. Please, dont take these report as jokes, i think foprum is place for public, it means children as well. Maybe mostly we are adults, but always we should remember we cant break rules, especialy if we are in such position like n00bert. his posting against my language skill is very dangerous in these times, we live multicultural and insulting such low as this was wont help, on forums, in game, in RL. 5 ) The abuse of other users whether through verbal attacks on their character, threats against them as a person or attacks on another’s race / gender / ethnicity or other minority status are prohibited on these boards. Section 5: Language a. English Members of the SGW forums are required to speak in English at all times. Members should also respect that English is not the first language of all users and respect that some people struggle with it more than others.[/spoiler]

jack's ghost's answer:

Report closed. :lol:

Dear Buck, i think these evidence is enough. I know noobert was reported while rules were removed from server war thread. it was not anounced and basicly, nobody still wrote about this short exception a report. noobert's posts are still there, not moded (and i rememebr my post was moded just for word cow). i will be happy if mod will edit it and warn noobert.

Jack's ghost is big mouth, we see that, but from his GM position he should talk with ppl neutral, not using laughing in PMs... in email i receive from forum was written its Clarkey who i should contact about reports, not jack. Jack should be rid of GM function. hes not the right person to do this kind of work.

ombudsman, why do we have this thread with ombudsman? buck, realy... hes never around. he posted few times in last months in this ombudsman corner. he should be the most active peron here, not the last one.

Again, many thanks for this opportuinty Buck, it took me 78 minutes to make this evidence, i hope you will judge them with conscience, stay neutral. Many thanks.

Re: With regards to recent complaints.

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 12:21 pm
by Noobert
Firstly, those posts were during the time of lawless after you provoked me immensely after you called me a loser, depressed irl, and a angry child for over 20 posts.

You expect me to sit there and have you insult me? Get real. You also forgot to mention I stopped after all of those posts and didn't post another insult yet whenever I posted you still called me a loser. :roll:

Don't forget, that doesn't prove I am bias. Just that I really hate you.

Re: With regards to recent complaints.

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 4:56 pm
by Jack
Tetris not every time someone calls someone gay is it an insult. For instance if I say that Sir Elton John is gay, I'm not insulting the man, I'm stating a fact.

Re: With regards to recent complaints.

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 5:58 pm
by MajorLeeHurts
Don`t allow people at war to mod topics about their war.

This I agree with.

I would imagine it would be very difficult to maintain a level of intellectual indifference when having to moderate a war with the deep emotional attachment that the server war has inspired from both sides.

It obviously is not helping matters atm and there is to much opportunity for situations such as this.

It has also seems there is a higher sensitivity :shock: to even implications of insinuations and remote possibilities of insult within the "dange danger" "Roleplaying zone" as a result, even after a loosening of the rules :shock:

A change of guards may also release some of the pressures on the mods who are involved in both the war and modding the thread, hopefully restoring the more enjoyable aspects of the conflict for them.

Over all best Idea Ive heard all day!

Don`t allow people at war to mod topics about their war.

As far as the insults " gay, scum, cross dresser whatever" Yes they are personal insults and most here in this thread are guilty of such transgressions at one time or another to some degree and we have probably been accused of the same and survived. It however has been made perfectly clear that while the rules have been loosened this rule will be strictly enforced and should be.

My comment about Grow a pair, I meant it ! The level of maturity expressed when crying all over forum about being called a name is embarrassing really especially when some as as guilty as the accused.

Re: With regards to recent complaints.

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 9:14 pm
by Manetheren
MajorLeeHurts wrote:
Don`t allow people at war to mod topics about their war.

This I agree with.

That would work best but if staffing doesnt allow it, make mods mod their own side and not the other.. ie.. ttf mods issue the warnings to ttf players. Then you wont have anyone complaining of bias.

Re: With regards to recent complaints.

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 10:25 pm
by Zeratul
people seem to claim bias for any reason, no matter the alliance a person belongs to...

Re: With regards to recent complaints.

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 5:51 am
by caesar2
Noobert wrote:Firstly, those posts were during the time of lawless after you provoked me immensely after you called me a loser, depressed irl, and a angry child for over 20 posts.

You expect me to sit there and have you insult me? Get real. You also forgot to mention I stopped after all of those posts and didn't post another insult yet whenever I posted you still called me a loser. :roll:

Don't forget, that doesn't prove I am bias. Just that I really hate you.

as i wrote, nobody was infirmed about "lawless"... you knew that and fully used that. thats te reason why im reporting this, you abused your Mod position, used insults and was laughing on it. another Mod, reported as well, was laughing as well. thats abusing mod power, cuse you knew about something what was not announced, and even if it was anounced, Mod/GM/Admin cant be alowed to post like you did, or PM like jack did.

and if you hate me, its your problem. not mine. but insults are insults.

Re: With regards to recent complaints.

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 6:16 am
by Jack
No one hates you C2, well atleast I don't. I'm more apathetic, very few are worthy of my hatred. :lol:

There is nothing wrong with laughing, you should try it sometime.

Re: With regards to recent complaints.

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 11:35 am
by Lowra
While not having people involved modding the war threads would be good, I don't think there is enough staff. And even if there was, say MajorLeeHurts, mods the Server War, both sides will accuse her of bias when she makes a decision against them. And quite seriously, would someone not involved in the war be active enough to mod any war? Some wars would be okay, they don't produce pages of stuff in 5 mins. The server war would require, in my opinion, a very dedicated team of non involved parties. Kudos if they exist but I don't think they do.

The suggestion to have each side mod themselves only embeds alliances into the modding, though is perhaps a nice compromise but in the long run may be a step in the wrong direction as it encourages alliance boundaries. However, I think it would be more fun to reverse it. An 'Fuall' mod can only mod TTF players and a TTF mod can only mod Fuall players.

Give it about a week and the thread should be rather quiet :D

@Buck, while I can see the reason for this thread, a part of the issue, as has been explained to me by a few people is timing. The posts and stuff which show biased modding are gone and it's more a matter of consistency and timing. For example, a TTF mod will warn someone in FUALL for something but they will overlook the same insult from their own side. Then the FUALL mod comes along and warns the TTF person. Hence the post and person is modded just that it potentially should have been done at the same time but wasn't. Or in some cases a warning will be issued with modding but not when the second warning was given.

So I believe the question is more consistency because usually what happens is something gets modded, then people notice the same thing being said from the other side and yell Moderator Bias until the offending post is also edited.

So while this thread is a good idea, I'm not sure you are going to get what you want out of it, since the evidence you are requesting is gone in a lot of cases, or requires precise time stamps and more knowledge of who did what that most have.

Re: With regards to recent complaints.

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 11:39 am
by Jack
I disagree, there is no evidence of biased mods, because there are no biased mods on this team. Just users trying to weasel out of a warning anyway they possibly can.