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Re: Alliance Bank - Poll & Discussion

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 1:57 am
by Stickm@n
To overcome the unlimited bank space if member were to use the alliance bank to deposit and withdraw, you could cap the alliance bank size according to how many member the alliance has.

eg. 5 member - 1.25T alliance bank size. (just an exampe.)

Re: Alliance Bank - Poll & Discussion

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 12:10 am
by Epic God
Use for unlocking new Alliance features; 3rd in command, etc - Lore
no. the alliances that have the longest running alliances and largest members only get stronger... sure the point is to get stronger but not at sacrificing everyone ELSES gameplay

Use for Alliance-wide upgrades; UP,etc - Draleg
could be plausable. but i doubt it. so no... specially not for UP...

Use for purchasing resources and distribution to members - Draleg
oh nice. a secret way to build only 1 person at a time and make thier stats invincible. i like this. but many others wont.

Used as a prize, winner of war takes the looser's bank - MEZZANINE
only if the alliances agree to such a war. but WAR determination system will have to be fixed first of course...

Allow Alliance leader to set income rate - Horus God Of Light
what? no... why? that just opens up the possiblity of abuse even further for the leader to use on what HE/SHE wants

Personal Alliance Market - Horus God Of Light

Bank is used as a lottery - RobinInDaHood
within an alliance? very good suggestion. countless possiblities.

Used as a betting system; Bet on wars - Semper
bet on own wars? maybe bet on other peoples (alliances) wars when they are declared ingame... might make ingam declarations worth it now.
possibly make Military Exp Gained only. a war type to declare. good way to measure win/loss. and ME gained would only count from the alliance your warring in the betting system

Upper and lower caps on naq capacity - kojak
NO... whats the point

Allow members to deposit, but only withdraw up to the amount they deposit - .:VOID:.
Makes Personal bank pointless... wth r u people doing? tryign to worsen the game?

If Alliance is disbanded, distribute contents of bank to ingame market - ~Enigma~
Thats an idea... but thatd throw the market off even more in favor of naquahdah... how bout transforming the naq sent to the ingame market into turns to make it more worthwile...

Re: Alliance Bank - Poll & Discussion

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 6:07 am
by Lore
SuperSaiyan wrote:
Epic God wrote:Use for unlocking new Alliance features; 3rd in command, etc - Lore
no. the alliances that have the longest running alliances and largest members only get stronger... sure the point is to get stronger but not at sacrificing everyone ELSES gameplay

how will they get stronger?

its for trickets, not for stats or anything....

I wondered that myself? My idea was basicly trinkets for an alliance tax, effectively hurting alliances cost wise, but bringing them closer together as a group.

I guess information is power, thats the only way I can figure out his logic.

Re: Alliance Bank - Poll & Discussion

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 6:12 am
by semper
Draleg wrote:Nobody is stopping you from making a " big powerful alliance " and then even you can get benefits.

As for unlimited bank space , go buy your extra space in the market , that's what most of us did .

Have you seen my alliance? Must be a collective income of hundreds a bill per turn so I am speaking from the top looking down, and from there I can say with absolute clarity and wisdom that your idea regarding this one draleg, is a bad one.

Its just flooding the game more with uu to get more naq to potentially get more at's... it will just be another catalyst to the current problems.

The only people that will vote for it are the ones with no experience, the greedy ones and the just down right stupid ones.

Re: Alliance Bank - Poll & Discussion

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 9:53 am
by Draleg
Then get rid of the alliance bank , it serves only to take naq from us and give it to nobody.
Why get taxed for being in an alliance , is Jason promoting lone wolfs now ?
Its the same thing all over , take from the organised players , next thing you know we will be losing a % of the UP cos your in an alliance .

I see it already :

Your realm is over 4 years old , your MS is old and out of date , you decide you need a new one and blow up the old one , your UU is weakened of age and you lose 5% everyday be cos of old age .
Your naq mine is almost depleted and your income has gone down with 30%

Every thing Jason has done in the last 2 years is discriminate the players that put more time in then others , that and then try to balance the game with planets , slowing the game down on one side and speeding it up on the other.

Re: Alliance Bank - Poll & Discussion

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 10:23 am
by Lore
Draleg wrote:Then get rid of the alliance bank , it serves only to take naq from us and give it to nobody.
Why get taxed for being in an alliance , is Jason promoting lone wolfs now ?
Its the same thing all over , take from the organised players , next thing you know we will be losing a % of the UP cos your in an alliance .

I see it already :

Your realm is over 4 years old , your MS is old and out of date , you decide you need a new one and blow up the old one , your UU is weakened of age and you lose 5% everyday be cos of old age .
Your naq mine is almost depleted and your income has gone down with 30%

Every thing Jason has done in the last 2 years is discriminate the players that put more time in then others , that and then try to balance the game with planets , slowing the game down on one side and speeding it up on the other.

Its scary that you say that, Jason just might do it :?

Fact is, your right tho. Another fact is soooooo many people exploit the bonuses and advantages Jason installs and yet still cry for more.

WHY did you put planets in to accelerate growth? then put the population caps on?

WHY did you cut the plague limit growth, and then make duels eaisily avalible?

You reasoning is madness.

Re: Alliance Bank - Poll & Discussion

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 11:21 am
by Lord Raf
Draleg wrote:Nobody is stopping you from making a " big powerful alliance " and then even you can get benefits.

As for unlimited bank space , go buy your extra space in the market , that's what most of us did .

but most of you done it back when you got it with a ppt - now you can only get 1 a week if you still want those 4 days ppt

Re: Alliance Bank - Poll & Discussion

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 11:31 am
by Lore
Lord Raf wrote:
Draleg wrote:Nobody is stopping you from making a " big powerful alliance " and then even you can get benefits.

As for unlimited bank space , go buy your extra space in the market , that's what most of us did .

but most of you done it back when you got it with a ppt - now you can only get 1 a week if you still want those 4 days ppt

ppt stil increases bank space mate.

Re: Alliance Bank - Poll & Discussion

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 11:36 am
by Norbe
Never did get the point in the alliance bank being there. IF you want to make it a decent function you HAVE to be able to use it somehow. Perhaps the alliance leader should be able to send a % of the resources to members, say up to 20% of the alliance bank per person per week BUT at a reduced rate, perhaps 10:1 (eg with 100b naq in the bank, spending 20b of it gives one member 2b naq in their personal bank). The withdrawl ratio limits personal gain but it can be assigned to the member who deserves it the most by the alliance leaders. A small boost compared to what could be done via other means. Or if you dont want it as a manual process perhaps auto-assign it depending on parameters such as time logged in over the week, or even the biggest army size, ascensions, ME increase? I dont know if this is the same as Draleg's suggestion or not...

I like Lore's suggestion of additional trinket upgrades. That would be a good one to introduce as well.

"Alliance Market" sounds interesting too, would need to know more about it before commenting further.

Alliance disbanding goes to the ingame market doesnt make any difference really, its fine either way BUT PLEASE put a "are you sure?" box on the disband alliance function. Its too easy to hit that by mistake.

All of the others I dont like for various reasons. Alliance wide tech/up upgrades no thanks, that would widen the power gap further and annoy the newer smaller players (who are the future of the game after all).
Leader doesn't need to set the % until there is a decent use for the naq and afterwards still dont need to. Keeping it at 1% ensures that any potential exploitation is minimised.
Bets on wars... well thats not going to work as wars always end up in stalemates.
Member deposit and withdrawls? We have our personal banks for that.
Taking the banks contents as war winnings is a good idea on paper, but could be exploited pretty badly as Lore pointed out.

Re: Alliance Bank - Poll & Discussion

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 11:48 am
by Lore
The actual birth of the idea was a "tax/penalty" for alliance protection. Then he started thinking about how to use it. The "trinkets" idea I promote is actually from Jason, I just made it actually useable, and helped it make sense in user playability.

But the jest of the original concept is the price you pay for being in an alliance.

Re: Alliance Bank - Poll & Discussion

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 12:53 pm
by Draleg
So basicly it was put in place to slow down ppl using something Jason put in to keep ppl playing.

ps : Jason if you read any of this , its nothing personal , i think you did great things to the game , i also think its time to change things in favour for the loyal players , we don't need extras , but at least give us back what belongs to us , SGW has already lost to many players just cos they feel ripped off in the long run.

Re: Alliance Bank - Poll & Discussion

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 1:29 pm
by Draleg
SuperSaiyan wrote:explain to me how 1% of your income is slowing you down......

you start off with 100 % and you take 1% of that away ,

you now have 99% , 1% less .... not that hard , even for me.

you do the maths , i make over 47 bil / turn , try calculating it on a day , week , month and year base and you will see what 1 % is.

Re: Alliance Bank - Poll & Discussion

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 6:50 am
by Jack
Draleg wrote:
SuperSaiyan wrote:explain to me how 1% of your income is slowing you down......

you start off with 100 % and you take 1% of that away ,

you now have 99% , 1% less .... not that hard , even for me.

you do the maths , i make over 47 bil / turn , try calculating it on a day , week , month and year base and you will see what 1 % is.

1% is pocket change, period.

Re: Alliance Bank - Poll & Discussion

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 6:54 am
by Lore
Jack's Ghost wrote:
Draleg wrote:
SuperSaiyan wrote:explain to me how 1% of your income is slowing you down......

you start off with 100 % and you take 1% of that away ,

you now have 99% , 1% less .... not that hard , even for me.

you do the maths , i make over 47 bil / turn , try calculating it on a day , week , month and year base and you will see what 1 % is.

1% is pocket change, period.

so you think the
Alliance: (cost 1% income)
Alliance Bank: 54,458,783,251,865
is pocket change Jack? Can I borrow some of your "pocket change" then? :lol:

How about you SS?

it just pocket change afterall 8)

Re: Alliance Bank - Poll & Discussion

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 6:57 am
by Lore
SuperSaiyan wrote:collectively no, but from 1 person, yes its nothing

well if its an alliance tax, and it benifits the alliance as a whole, then it is collectively, and no singularly.

well thats what I was trying to say anyway LOL