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Re: An Update

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 1:02 pm
by Iƒrit

Re: An Update

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 12:19 am
by a2j
Crying NOOOOO wrote:bump

Re: An Update

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 3:47 pm
by ~P2F~
a2j wrote:
Crying NOOOOO wrote:bump

Re: An Update

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 7:22 pm
by Squishymaster
At this weeks meeting with the admin I repeated the fact that the ascended server is a concern for a lot of players or it was before they stopped playing. I told him we were trying to get a large thread going with input from many players and many alliances trying to come up with a set of updates, fixes, and changes that we believe would be good for the ascended server that once complete we would give to him to look over. He loved the idea. The reason he hasn't gotten to the ascended server is the fact that it is a complete mess and it needs a lot of time to fix. Obviously with all the other servers going he is busy and would very much appreciate a set of ideas to fix the server.

So as an annoying pest I've decided to try and put together such a proposal from the players who care about the ascended server to the admins of the game for their consideration. What I think we should use this thread for is to strictly come up with the list of issues we feel the server has and then once that is completed start a new thread for each issue to tackle individually. This will of course take much time to discuss each issue and come up with what seems to be a good solution, but I'm willing to be here and put my 2 cents in and I hope some of you will do the same.

So far it would seem the concerns I've been able to pick up on are as follows, please post any issue that you feel the game has and I'll add it to the list to discuss at a later date in another thread:

1. Command Star
2. Assassination Attacks
3. De-Ascension
4. Plague Limit
5. Ranking System

Re: An Update

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 1:37 am
by ~Insider Trader~
Squishymaster wrote: The reason he hasn't gotten to the ascended server is the fact that it is a complete mess

If a player said that we wouldn't raise an eyebrow but when it's said by Admin I reckon that's gotta be close to quote of the year.

If admin does lessen the CER % reduction rate I fear we will be seeing 80-100 billion planet accounts within the year, with attack & defence power levels in the quintillions.
If this happens I suggest as a bare minimum that multiplyer effect you get from charisma on fleets past level 1000 changes to a log or linear scale rather than continuing as an exponent. The formula as it is now gives a multiplyer on fleets of 1331 for level 1000 and then 1728 for level 1100 which will be achieved quite quickly by the top players if planet counts are allowed to expand. I can't imagine expansion rates of 3.5bill/day will be anymore palatable than the 1-1.1bills we see today

I also suggest an alteration to descention. I don't believe anyone should be excluded for 2 weeks because they couldn't stay awake or were not good enough to stay alive. Seems harsh to be handed a 2 week time out. Unfortunately I don't have a workable solution to the "how" of descention. The Life force numbers & mechanics seemed to work ok before Oct 07 but were virtually irrelevant afterwards.

Re: An Update

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 4:44 am
by Colos
Squishymaster wrote:1. Command Star

Multiply its power with 100. Or get rid of it at all.
Squishymaster wrote:2. Assassination Attacks

Decrese the effectiveness of them by lessen the current 10% kill per hit to 5%. And/OR Makse DM to destroy only attackers, or make separate actions as Destroy Attackers, Destroy Defenders and the current Destroy Intelligence. Also, make Hunt Assassin a bit more effective.
Squishymaster wrote:3. De-Ascension

Get rid of Constitution and Repulsion. Yeah, harsh, I know :P
Squishymaster wrote:4. Plague Limit

Start incresaing it slightly and constantly, like in main. OR leave it be and introduce an action that kills labour/unvisited planets.
Squishymaster wrote:5. Ranking System

The current ranking system should not be a concern, as rank never meant anything in this game. Though some things connected to rank need some changes.
Eliminate rank mod for good. Reasons are fairly obvious...
Cease the connection between ranks and AT generating. This is one of the many reasons ppl keep their planets untrained.

Also, get rid of such sensless, AT-wasting crap as Destroy and Initiate Revolution.

That is all I can think of now.


Re: An Update

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 2:30 pm
by Iƒrit
I say throw it all out look at what you have left that is good, keep it and change everything you hate.

Squishymaster wrote:1. Command Star
2. Assassination Attacks
3. De-Ascension
4. Plague Limit
5. Ranking System

1.) To be honest do you even need this at all???
2.) I like the above mention for a change, the idea of seperating attack and defense kills, not a drastic change but will raise cost to use assassins, and reducing its effect will make it seem more balanced.
3.) Personally Ive been wondering exactly what this needs to be fixed, but I've always been fond of Lore's De-ascension suggestion.
4.) I feel that the charisma effect is to powerful and that fleets are to weak, and that the effect felt from the plague limit is a joke, increase its effect thus reducing how many planets made a day.
5.) I think the rank system is a joke as well, attack modifiers are intresting, but not needed. And the ATs given at different ranks is slightly retarded....

What if their was a way to reset ascended (and yes I'm being serious)???

Re: An Update

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 3:07 pm
by Squishymaster
1. I enjoy the concept of having another device that adds to defense and attack like the mothership and command star. I was thinking that a base multiplier would be good, however, it may work well with high level characters but at low level it would be too effective. A power up ability would be best, lets say it goes linear until 1000 and then gets exponential. Perhaps before 1000 it gives an increase of 1 times for every 10% of the level so at 1000 you would be getting a 100 times bonus to your CS.

2. I also really like splitting up the assassination attacks as well. But I don't think that is enough. I would say if you did that and cut the damage down to 10% of its current damage it would be good. So instead of killing everything you have in 30 attacks it would actually take you 300 attacks to kill all of either there defense or attack and then another 300 attacks to destroy the other. 600 attacks = 9000 attack turns at 15 an attack.

3. I've heard a little bit of Lore's idea about deascension and I would like to see it repeated so I could tell as well. But obviously if you reduced the affect of Max Life Force and increased damage you would be good.

4. Plague limit affect should really be about 5 times more hurtful than it is.

5. Ranking System. Well I like the idea of giving lower level guys more ATs, but with the ability to completely change your own rank at will it is not good. If the number of planets you had was half the weight of your rank and the other half was based on your stats I believe that would work nicely with the current the way you get ATs.

As for having a reset I will say that I had an idea I have been throwing around with Crying No in real life. I feel that it is a really good idea and could work very well with ascended but I want to think about it more and see how us trying these updates works before I post some long and drawn out speech about it. Plus most ideas get ripped apart too quickly if they aren't well thought out.

Re: An Update

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 5:39 am
by ~P2F~
If you are de-ascended then you stay de-ascended until you re-ascend

Re: An Update

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 1:40 am
by ~Insider Trader~
OMG I just read number 4.

Squishymaster wrote:4. Plague limit affect should really be about 5 times more hurtful than it is.

I'm at 9.6 billion planets right now. If it were 5 times more hurtful than it is, my 44mill CER (already reduced from 468mill) would be reduced to 8.8mill/day. That means I wait more than 3 months for my next billion planets when people closer to 2 bill size can do it in a matter of days. Not fair.

Currently I pay 1 quadrillion dmu for an effective CER increase of 150,000/day. I am certainly not going to be paying 1 quadrillion dmu for an effective increase of 30,000 planets a day. Thats 33.33 billion per planet! And Fremen/rflash et al are paying 3-4 times that. Imagine paying 33.33 billion for an extra solitary unit on main. The mind boggles at what would happen to the numbers and ratios on this server and I am drawing a giant freaking line in the sand on that one.

Those (few but ever increasing few) at 14billion planets a day would be reduced to under 1% of their CER. By then you could be paying trillions for an increase of 1 planet per day. My god that would be truly sad.

Re: An Update

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 2:35 am
by Ridd1ck
Working on my first ascension. I've been on a little over two weeks and am half way there. I don't know much about the ascended server yet, but I will next week. All I can say is I would still like more ships. You would never catch ANY race relying on just one MS.

I guess since I haven't played near as long as some of you, I can't dislike the game yet. I REALLY enjoy playing. It kind of helps me escape the reality of real combat for a little while........ :(

Re: An Update

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 4:54 am
by Colos
peace2thefederation wrote:If you are de-ascended then you stay de-ascended until you re-ascend

I think we should focus on fixing descention itself before talking about the punishment you get if you get descended :wink:

I earlier suggested that Constitution and Repulsion must be gone. Well, I meant it :)

Nowadays, if you boost your anti-descend skills (Def skills, Con and Rep) to 500, you are vitrually undescendable, as only about 40% of the descender's TOC actually reaches you. Well you can be descended, but it would require you to be offline for days (unlikely). The problem is, you can get to these stats from 0 consuming less then a Q DMU.

However, with the removal of Con and Rep, that ratio would go up to 56%. Which is still low compared to the price of 500 def skills, but at least that's a start.

Therefore, another solution might be the slight decrease of the effectiveness of Personal Defence skills. Right now (with the given 500 values) these stats absorbs 56% of the incoming TOC, which is too high, I think. It should be halvened.

Adding up the two ideas, with these little stats of 500 per def skills, you would suffer the 78% percent of the incoming TOC, which is more fair considering the price gap between a big TOC and these little stats.

I see my theories are quite simple, but in many cases, the simplest solution is the best solution. But I would like to hear some thoughts of my solution before I share my ideas on punishing descention with the Community :P


Re: An Update

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 4:25 pm
by ~P2F~
Perhaps Admin can create a beta server for ascention where your purposed updates can be played by many for testing.

Re: An Update

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 2:49 am
by ~Insider Trader~
Colos, you are right. The simple ideas generally work the best. We can't fix everything in one go, but we can take little steps in the right direction. I think many of us have been guilty of trying to suggest a 'massive' change forgetting we are in this situation because of a 'massive' change back in Oct 07

I would like to add to the descention suggestion by including a change to the conversion rate to life force reserves. If you want to convert cache to LF reservers, increase the cost from 1/1 to 1000/1 or even 10000/1. Make it harder to get LF reserves like it was a couple of years ago.

Re: An Update

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 11:56 am
by GeneralChaos
Its been said 1000 times before, the server is beyond saving, it just needs to be scrapped completely, i stated in another post it could maybe be redone for the Origins server some time next year where it could be done properly.