Mothership defense

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exactly my thoughts lol.

It's because they destroy a percentage of your weapons, not a certain amount depening on how many you have. If you have a lot of shields, they will destroy a certain percentage. They are only supposed to destroy your shields if their strike is higher than your defence, however according to my last few attacks, my mothership's defence is doing nothing (and neither is theres).

In a fury, the two opposing forces clash!

Tibit, personally commanding Damsel in Distress, their MotherShip, initiates the battle.
The_Namek was was commanding SS Vegeta, thier MotherShip.
Damsel in Distress hovers above the battle!
SS Vegeta meets it head on!
Damsel in Distress uses its Nuclear Volley to inflict 288,000,000 damage, destroying 5 Energy Shields on SS Vegeta!
The Mothership has exhausted all of its offensive power.

SS Vegeta uses its Energy Volley to inflict 365,730,000 damage, destroying 7 Energy Shields on Damsel in Distress!

The Mothership has exhausted all of its offensive power.

My mothership's strike is 288,000,000 so unless the person I was attacking had 0 defense to his 365,730,000 strike, his defence played no part. Also, my mothership has 666,600,000 defence, meaning he shouldn't touch me but he destroys more weapons than I destoyed of his. As far as I can see, from about a dozen attacks, the game is simply acting as if everyone's mothership has 0 defence and applying the damage as such.
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Ok, when you attack a person, does your defence count when they attack you back? no?

So how come when you are attacking with your mothership all you people keep talking about your defences??

I expect my mothership to go into attacks with the attack power I've given it, and defend with the defence power I've given it. Not to attack with both the attack power and defence power.

So, when you attack another realm, and that realms mothership attacks you, your defence power won't be counted into the battle.
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Psi Kiya Trist
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motherships use both attack and defence, defence when getting hit, IE another mothership attacking it, and attack when hitting another mothership or troops

~_+Psi Kiya Trist+_~
buck wrote:well psi, upkeeping order in the universe does play its tricks on your mind...
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all's I'm saying is that when you buy your attack stuff, you know that that's going to be used when attacking. When you buy your defence stuff you know it's going to be used on defence.

I mean, if you want to bring the defence part of your rank into the motherships, then on the battlefield, when you're attacking, your defence troops should absorb the counterstrike, and when you're being attacked you're attack force should give the counterstrike.

No? then why should it be any different with the motherships?
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Motherships are sorta like a third army, which fights on both offense and defense. It has weapons, which dish out the damage (wether attacking or being attacked), and shields that attempt to absorb the damage. If the shields are failing, remaining damage goes to weapons, and finally, it will go to the ground forces. This is much more logical than the original offense/defense division. How many people did you see get killed on the show by a Time dilation field, or by invisibility tech? Usually it takes an offense weapon to do the damage. Jaffa defender: "My lord, the Tauri are invading our base." Goa'uld: "Kree Jaffa, throw the sarcofagus to his head." Makes a lot of sense doesn't it?

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Sleipnir wrote:Jaffa defender: "My lord, the Tauri are invading our base." Goa'uld: "Kree Jaffa, throw the sarcofagus to his head."

LOL! *bows to your wisdom*
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Rienna wrote:
Sleipnir wrote:Jaffa defender: "My lord, the Tauri are invading our base." Goa'uld: "Kree Jaffa, throw the sarcofagus to his head."

LOL! *bows to your wisdom*

I've just made a suggestion on behalf of my poor Jaffa's backs. Apparently they think sarcofagi are a bit too heavy to throw. So maybe sometime in the future I can have them return fire with staffweapons or zats.

As soon as you build an idiot proof system, somebody else builds a better idiot.

If it moves, kill it. If it doesn't move, kick it until it does move, and then kill it.
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Alright well, thought this was fixed, but... it's not. Once again, my mothership is doing absolutely nothing defensively to help me. Could it be because I reascended since last time?
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Alright check all my attack logs, mothership hasnt shown up once since i ascended... and last night, that little shore leave by the officers of USS The Baddest Spoon cost me the better part of 600 mil naq. ... 3&isview=1

And there are plenty more like that from whence it came from. Also, during that attack, even though my attacker was ranked around 1500 and I was ranked around 5000, 100% of his offense showed up while only 75% of my defense came to play... I thought rank modifier was supposed to help the lower ranked player? All in all, taking random chance into account, between my mothership being MIA and my defense only being at 75%, 1.7 bil of defensive capability didn't show up. That's quite a lot, me thinks.

I really thought this was all cleared up last time this topic was up, which was almost a month ago. Only thing that I can think of that happened since then was that I reascended and the massive miner upgrade. Good luck and thanks.

Fills you up right


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Can anyone else check their defensive attack logs? See if mothership comes up?
Fills you up right


Hallowed is Chunky
Hallowed are the Indu

when you ascend you loose your mothership, have you bought a new one since ascending?
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Addict wrote:when you ascend you loose your mothership, have you bought a new one since ascending?

My Intel Logs wrote:Under the cover of night, your XXXXXX Infiltration Units sneak into the realm of Chunkysoup .

You also notice an empty MotherShip docking facility...

Question answered addict?
Psi Kiya Trist wrote:ZOMG IT"S RAI!!!

not really, i only asked as he said a few posts up he had just re-ascended, i was asking the question to double check he hadn't forgot that the MS is lost when he did ascend again. There's more than enough bugs in the game to explain a spy report of an empty docking bay so you'll forgive me if i wait for the man himself to clarify.

As to the main issue then i have also found MS defense is pretty much being ignored. Problem is i never used mine much before the changes so i can't say whether it's better or worse now, lol. All i know is it really sucks that mine has a pretty damn high defense and even though it's more than the enemies attack i STILL loose shields.

Unless something changes we may as well just get 15 defense shields or so (enough to be under the limit for loosing shields when loosing an MS combat) and just put all the rest in attack weapons. Sure, probably loose weapons more often, but for a go'uld they are cheaper than shields and since defense shields don't do ANYTHING it's no loss...ATM defense score only counts for MS ranks, not for battle effectiveness.
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This is a little after the fact, but I thought I'd post it for those who don't know.

Other players can't see your battle logs when you post the links to them, because it isn't our ID. Please don't worry about re-posting your logs, we get what you were trying to express.

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