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Re: "Chem" Trails - Could it be? O_o

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 2:06 am
by [KMA]Avenger
been waiting for this film for over a year.

this is the trailer:

Re: "Chem" Trails - Could it be? O_o

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 8:58 am
by Thriller
See Fox your using logic, but the mob doesn't care for those kinds of things when they get a new witch to hunt.

We get the weather right about 60% of the time and the forecasts themselves are fairly vague to begin with, you guys actually think we can spray chemicals into the atmosphere and hit select targets. lollollolool

Re: "Chem" Trails - Could it be? O_o

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 3:57 pm
by Kit-Fox

Re: "Chem" Trails - Could it be? O_o

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 12:51 am
by [KMA]Avenger
your entire post is wrong KF, its affecting trees and soil samples are showing elevated results of aluminium, barium and 1 other thing (cant remember which, might be strontium), in the 1000's of times all over the world. in Hawaii the mango, papaya and coconut trees are losing their outer bark with elevated findings of what their spraying-in the fruit.

and what ever it is they are spraying can be sprayed at varying altitudes. you can also go check out the geo-engineering patents for yourself.

anyways: ... id=topnews ... hemtrails/

Re: "Chem" Trails - Could it be? O_o

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 4:59 am
by [KMA]Avenger
I'd like an explanation from the naysayers about this video please:

OH, 1 more thing, you naysayers need to go check out Monsanto, they now have a seed which is resistant to aluminium...i wonder why they would need a seed resistant to aluminium, a man made alloy :-k

nothing to worry about though, after all, its only con-trails coming out of that plane #-o ](*,)

Re: "Chem" Trails - Could it be? O_o

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 4:22 am
by Alpha13snake

Chemtrail Breaking News…the Culprits

Date Line 1/19/2011
Intelligence Report
Gary Richard Arnold
Loose Lips Sink Ships and 747s Too
A major missing piece of a grand conspiracy has been targeted by a drunk pilot.

In a small town 30 miles east of the Pacific Ocean in Oregon is the center of a major global operation. At a bar in McMinnville, Oregon, an inebriated pilot attempted to impress one of the pretty ladies with tales of his secret mission.

The pilot’s pathetic attempt to portray himself as a Sean Connery or Daniel Craig caused him to (ante up) his importance and spill the secrets of the CIA’s asset, Evergreen International Aviation.

The slurred revelations confirmed suspicions that Evergreen (International Aviation) is part of the major crap dump on the planet. Chemtrails made up of aluminum, barium and other ingredients contribute to respiratory ills and change the acidity of the soil.

Evergreen works from over a 100 bases and employees 4,500 people. Delford Smith privately owns the company. They admittedly “perform” for the CIA.

Evergreen was given a no contest bid that gave them all the facilities in Marana, Arizona that previously belonged to CIA’s Air America (Pinal Air Park, Arizona).


Del Smith … CIA Asset

The security at the Pinal site is said to be as severe as that of Area 51. It is run as a military base where one lost pilot got an armed escort immediately off the operational base. The 10 year pilot said it was nothing like anything he has ever seen.


Evergreen International Aviation brags of their planes that have 7 times the capacity of other fire fighters. One can carry 20,000 gallons. Firefighting … Right … and next we will be told the chem trails are to prevent global warming as millions more are advancing to an early death.

Evergreen International Aviation has exemptions from the law that are advertised on their web site. They can fly anywhere and not stay on a designated route. Have CFR members paved the way? People like Philip Lader and John Wheeler III … they were in a position to do just that.


Evergreen’s public relations (propaganda) spokesman is handled by WPP run by Council on Foreign Relations member Philip Lader. He worked under the present head of the CIA … Leon Panetta as White House Deputy Chief of Staff under Bill Clinton.

Philip Lader is an “inside” authority on international affairs and business. He is the non-executive Chairman of WPP Group, Senior Adviser to Morgan Stanley International, and a board member for think-tank RAND Corporation. He is also a trustee of UC Rusal (largest aluminum company in the world) the British Museum and St. Paul’s Cathedral Foundation. Ambassador Lader has addressed trans-Atlantic audiences from the U.N.’s General Assembly Hall to state chambers of commerce and local world affairs councils, is a member of Rockefeller’s Council on Foreign Relations.

Philip Lader
(CFR) is a key player driving toward world government. In addition to running the Public Relations for Evergreen International Aviation … Lader is a director of UC Rusal, the largest Aluminum producer in the world located in Moscow, Sweden, Italy, and Australia. Nathaniel Rothschild is a big investor.

Eugenic operation of Chemtrails has had the assistance of Mitre a non-profit Corporation that manages the Federal Aviation Administration, Homeland Security, and IRS. (1) The IRS is part of the Federal Reserve which is a major transmission belt driving the conspiracy.

Philip Lader’s fellow Council on Foreign Relations member John P Wheeler III was recently dumped into a land fill in Wilmington, Delaware. Wheeler III was a consultant to Mitre the non profit corporation with jurisdictional advice over the Federal Aviation Administration’s flight patterns.

Was John P. Wheeler III too sentimental for the killing underway? And got murdered the Company?

The CIA is the enforcement arm of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Mitre is conveniently located in McLean,Virginia, home of the CIA.

Thanks to the drunken pilot and his loose lips … the Free People of the world can focus on the criminals who are poisoning our air and our water.


We can begin by having local cities and counties adopt the Air Purity Act found at

Re: "Chem" Trails - Could it be? O_o

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 4:29 pm
by Alpha13snake
Kitfox if you still doubt that chemtrails are real and are posioning our enviroment, please buy yourself a cheap soil testing kit and test some of your local soil.

What you will find is that the soil in areas that are consistanly being sprayed are becoming neutral in PH...

Why is this happening? The chemtrails contain Aluminium, Barium, Strontium (alkaline heavy metals).

Soil should be around the 4.5 - 5.5 ph, with all these alkaline heavy metals slowly decending on the soil pushing the ph up to 6.5 - 7.5 and beyond. This stuff is also landing on & killing trees, it starts by attacking the root systems and eventually attacks the bark making it soft enough to be ripped off by hand, the tree dies. Also this could be a factor in the severity of recent forrest fires, as Aluminium particles cover the trees making them infinitely more flammable.

It is also getting into the water table and eventually the food chain, while this chaff decends you will also be breathing it in...

Child are showing high levels of Aluminium in hair samples. Not to mention the increased rates of alzheimers which has been linked to high levels of Aluminium in the brain...

I think your looking for the mega death insta chemtrails, and your right they do not exist yet.

However slow kill poisoning by these chemtrails is possiable if not true.

Look up Evergreen International, they are apparently one of the main players.

Also as Avenger has pointed out before, Monsanto has created an Aluminium resistant strain of crops which it is now pushing on peoples around the world...

Why would they need to do such a thing if the chemtrail threat wasn't for real?

I have seen interviews from Hawaii where the papaya isn't growing and people are forced to buy the GMO Aluminium resistant strain...

I've seen these planes stop and start the spraying, I've seen them in the sky with real contrails...

The reason they hang around and don't go with the wind is that they are slow decending, what goes up must come down, and in this case it is heavy metals coming down....

I've seen results from lakes in America that show 61 times the safe levels of Aluminium in the melt waters feeding the lakes and ponds. On a bad day you can litterally see a film on the waters surface.

Listen I'm not lying about anything I've said just do the research for yourselves... You owe it too yourselves, your families & friends...

Re: "Chem" Trails - Could it be? O_o

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 7:16 pm
by Alpha13snake ... re=related

This is SOLID proof they can turn the spray on and off at any time.

I guess by the lack of response to the last few posts that the veil is starting to lift a little.

They are doing this, it is not a conspiracy theory, it is true conspiracy fact...

Re: "Chem" Trails - Could it be? O_o

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 3:13 am
by Kit-Fox

Re: "Chem" Trails - Could it be? O_o

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 4:10 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Kit-Fox wrote:How exactly does the lack of response prove anything??

Sweet jesus you guys can make anything fit you twisted theories ffs.

We...well, i don't try and make anything fit anything. i call it as i see it, if i can see nozzles on a jet and some mist is coming out of the nozzle. i refuse to say its a contrail when it clearly is NOT a contrail. i'm sorry if that upsets you but i (unlike you, Thriller, Liquid before him, and others) will not bury my head in the sand because i refuse to do the research and admit something is not right.

If its not a contrail, then what is it?

Kit-Fox wrote:As for not responding, well whats the point? You lot think your right and wont listen to anything that doesnt fit your theories, you dont even care if what you are suggesting is scientifically possible or not. Like Thriller before me I'm beginning to not bother anymore

Yes we will listen, explain why a jet needs a nozzle on the wings to make "contrails", provide me some scientific data to back up what you say and i'll listen....

While you're at it, can you explain why soil samples are showing elevated (that's a MAJOR understatement) levels of heavy metals? explain that for me and again i will listen.

Also, please stop saying it's impossible because the patents say otherwise.

Not forgetting that Monsanto have developed seeds resistant to heavy metals....any ideas why they would need seeds resistant to heavy metals?

Tackle those key points-point by point with rock solid proof and i will listen.

To quote Sir Arthur Conan Doyle:

...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, (Sherlock Holmes)
British mystery author & physician (1859 - 1930)


KF, you also said that an internet kill switch is impossible...erm...i think that "conspiracy theory" has pretty much been dispelled by what's happened in Egypt wouldn't you say?

Actually, i can hear you now "killing the net in 1 country is one thing, killing the global net is another thing entirely" #-o ](*,)

The point i am trying to make is that NOTHING is impossible!

Re: "Chem" Trails - Could it be? O_o

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 5:35 am
by Kit-Fox

Re: "Chem" Trails - Could it be? O_o

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 5:52 am
by [KMA]Avenger
As always, ignoring the points made while attacking 1 small piece of my post in the hopes you will discredit the whole post. and further, you completely ignored the film of the chemtrailing and failed to address any of the key points.

That is standard tactics from debunkers, i expected better from you mate!

I am also expecting you to reply to this post while continuing to ignore the relevant points...another standard debunkers about you forget this post and address the points i asked you to address in the first place?!



what difference does it make how they shut down peoples access to the net...the point is, they did shut down peoples access to the net. So again, NOTHING is impossible!

Re: "Chem" Trails - Could it be? O_o

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 6:29 am
by Alpha13snake
Kit-Fox wrote:How exactly does the lack of response prove anything??

You argue the smallest details of something I said to prevoke a response...

Hahaha, did you watch the last clip I posted or are you going to attack the media it is presented on?

Did you see how they turn it on & off?

Please explain what thats about then...?

Kit-Fox wrote:Like Thriller before me I'm beginning to not bother anymore

Fine, go away then, Did I ask you to respond?

Funny how when the evidence starts to mount up the skeptics go running away to hide under a rock.

These are facts, not theories mate, If you can't see that then you deserve the fate that the Elites have planned for you...

What in the World Are They Spraying?:-

For christ sake pull your heads out of your collective arses...

Re: "Chem" Trails - Could it be? O_o

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 7:01 am
by [KMA]Avenger
TBH Alpha, i don't blame people for finding this stuff hard to digest, as Hoover said: “The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists.”

-FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover

But, what i do blame them for-is not calling a spade a "spade" when it's as plane as day, as is the case in the film that me and you have both posted which clearly shows those jet nozzles spraying something that is obvious to anyone with eyes to see that it is NOT a contrail.....

[sarcasm]BUT WAIT! jet planes are also a conspiracy, there's no such thing as heavier than air flight!...and so are rockets to the moon, the A-bomb and the internet and everything else...IT'S ALL ONE BIG CONSPIRACY! :shock: [/sarcasm]

Re: "Chem" Trails - Could it be? O_o

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 7:12 am
by Kit-Fox