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Re: search by race

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 4:26 pm
by Sarevok
But everyone CAN have a unique race name, making it the same as searching by name.

Plus i don't think race wars would be as good as they could have been, since there'll be more individualism, so less of a specific race to war with

It's just my opinion. Admin may think it a good idea, but I'd rather see other updates coming through, then search by race, which atm, is almost the same as search by name

Re: search by race

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 4:34 pm
by Empy
Sarevok wrote:But everyone CAN have a unique race name, making it the same as searching by name.

Plus i don't think race wars would be as good as they could have been, since there'll be more individualism, so less of a specific race to war with

It's just my opinion. Admin may think it a good idea, but I'd rather see other updates coming through, then search by race, which atm, is almost the same as search by name

It's completely different. By your logic is search for Alliance the same as search for name? I hope it isn't... You want to know the name of everyone with a certain race name, you don't know their names so you obviously can't search by name... If anything Race Wars will be better and more used now with more choices. What could you do before? Ancients vs System Lords? Tollan vs System Lords? Not much. There are many races to war against now, Jedi vs Sith, Pirates vs Ninja, and anything else you can think of.

It's a good idea and wouldn't be hard at all to add I don't think... Searching a database is a pretty simple thing.

Re: search by race

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 4:36 pm
by bigcakes
i'd appreciate it if u added cakester into that equation next time empy. lol. but yeah u nailed it.

Re: search by race

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 5:10 pm
by Empy
bigcakes wrote:i'd appreciate it if u added cakester into that equation next time empy. lol. but yeah u nailed it.
Hobos vs Cakesters :P

Re: search by race

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 5:17 pm
by ramen07
Sarevok wrote:Plus i don't think race wars would be as good as they could have been, since there'll be more individualism, so less of a specific race to war with

Now that you can choose what you want, you can change from asgard to ancient, or tauri to tollan, etc. Plus there are actual stats you can look at to see who's winning

Re: search by race

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 5:42 pm
by Lore
you could just make it so in the " race ranking " they are displayed as an alliance? You can click on the count to get the list.

Re: search by race

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 6:32 pm
by Sarevok
Alliance is different, as it composes of more then 1 player, race could well be individualistic, if you know someones race (assume all are unique) then you would more then likely know their name. Also, does Pirates vs Ninja also the same as Pirat3s vs Ninja? Or is that another search you'd have to do? Is Pirates vs Ninga another race war?

I still don't see the point of adding more function that probably won't work correctly, while there are other things added many updates ago, that are still buggy

Re: search by race

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 6:40 pm
by Fallstar
I don't seem to get where you coming from Sarevok.
Its just an RP tag now for people to band together and have more ownership over the game in terms of having the ability to RP since now you can have pretty much a whole alliance themed around anything.

And in terms of coding it wouldn't be that much of a job I don't believe since it would be just the search name function based on the race field instead of name field.

And I'm assuming the free changes for race name will be locked up after a period and you would have to use a race change point to change your name or bonuses.

Lastly, it is all in the name of fun and there can't be anything wrong with trying to make the game more fun for people.

Re: search by race

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 6:56 pm
by Sarevok
I'm not trying to remove fun believe me, i think it's a good idea. I'd just like to see many of the other bugs fixed first. I realize that the coding is simple, but that doesn't stop it from potentially going wrong. The ME should be almost as simple as this, yet it has bugs throughout.

If you were to have an alliance based around a race, then why not make it an alliance search instead? Or, disband your current, to join a temporary alliance based on a race, fight the war, then return to the old alliance.

Re: search by race

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 7:47 pm
by Empy
I think your missing the point...

It's cut and clear. It's a simple task to do this coding, so don't use that as an excuse. Name some of these bugs you keep referencing? I know of none right now really... some changes that need to be made, but come up with an idea and fine, change. There is nothing that could possibly go wrong, it'd probably take 15 minutes to add all the coding, how does that time used really effect anything else adversely?

Races aren't unique, in any race war it's obviously going to be a large race vs another large race, ignore the races of just one person. Say there are 25 Hobos and about 20 Cakesters, would it not be easier to search by race name instead of looking through each page and finding anyone with the race name Hobo or the race name Cakester. You are just looking at this the wrong way, in my opinion.

Re: search by race

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 8:40 pm
by Sarevok
Would it not be simpler for them to just join an alliance, and have an alliance vs alliance, then when it's done, return to the old alliance. And if a war breaks out, what's to stop individuals simply renaming themselves for a few days, building up, then renaming, and re-joining the war.

Bugs to date:
*PPT (failure to start, though resources taken)
*ME (calculation have NEVER been right)
*1AT hits (does the same damage as 15, but at 1/15 of the AT cost)
*Blood realm (from what i hear)
*minus weapons repairs (where they can not repair the weapons, but are still damaged and are shown in the stats page)
*Being ascend, and ascended at the same time (they have both un-ascended and ascended attributes)
*Random loss of 4 officers (guys woke up with all he's officers gone)
*vacation mode sometimes failing (people trying to go on vacation, but it fails to register, even though they haven't attacked or PPT'd in the last 24 hours)

All you need do is look at the bug section. Why not fix existing bugs, before adding more features, which while simple like i said, could STILL incur bugs like ME (simple calculations, like simple search, yet full of bugs)

Re: search by race

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 9:05 pm
by Empy
Sarevok wrote:Would it not be simpler for them to just join an alliance, and have an alliance vs alliance, then when it's done, return to the old alliance. And if a war breaks out, what's to stop individuals simply renaming themselves for a few days, building up, then renaming, and re-joining the war.

Bugs to date:
*PPT (failure to start, though resources taken)
*ME (calculation have NEVER been right)
*1AT hits (does the same damage as 15, but at 1/15 of the AT cost)
*Blood realm (from what i hear)
*minus weapons repairs (where they can not repair the weapons, but are still damaged and are shown in the stats page)
*Being ascend, and ascended at the same time (they have both un-ascended and ascended attributes)
*Random loss of 4 officers (guys woke up with all he's officers gone)
*vacation mode sometimes failing (people trying to go on vacation, but it fails to register, even though they haven't attacked or PPT'd in the last 24 hours)

All you need do is look at the bug section. Why not fix existing bugs, before adding more features, which while simple like i said, could STILL incur bugs like ME (simple calculations, like simple search, yet full of bugs)

So why update the game at all then? There are always going to be little bugs like the ones you listed, and i could pick holes in every one of them, but that is pointless.

Why not join a new alliance for the war? Who says the war is mutual, do you always warn another alliance before massing them? No, you find them, mass them, then post/PM and let them know. What is to stop people from changing their name in an alliance war, leaving the alliance, and then coming back when it's over? The same thing that will stop people from changing race and hopping back and forth during a race war, their ID. Your looking for flaws in a system that is already established in the game, so why not complain about that? Adding a search function for Race Names is exactly the same as the Alliance search function or Name search function. They are already there and are very useful, not that there are more dynamic race names, a search function for race names is needed. Simple.

Re: search by race

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 9:59 pm
by Sarevok
I wouldn't call expecting to be on PPT for 2 days, and finding out 1.5 days latter, you've been hit every hour for the past day and a half, a small bug. I wouldn't call, going on vacation, cause your going on a month long trip, and coming home to find out it didn't work, and you've been farmed ever how for a month, with nothing left, small. I wouldn't call loosing 4 loyal officers with no explanation a small bug.
Maybe because you haven't experienced them, but maybe when you do, you can tell the people that have had that that it's no biggie.

Enhance the game by making updates to it's game play. Yes, like i already said, being able to have race vs race is a good feature, especially with all the variety of races now. But before doing such small updates, take the time to fix the bigger ones that have been lingering for months or even years.

Re: search by race

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 10:45 pm
by Fallstar
I pulled myself out of this because I knew it was going to go sour.

Everyone needs to just calm down.

This is a "suggestion" forum.
So if the admins decide it is worth their time to implement this it is their choice.
We are here just discussing a suggestion put forward by a member of our community to increase the playability of a game they enjoy.

Sarevok I know where your coming from.
I've played many a game where new features get piled on and the player base just has to deal with it.
And the bugs just keep growing and band-aids get put over and so on.

But I think if your not going to provide any feedback on this then you shouldn't keep spamming the thread with why it shouldn't be put in because other things need to be done.
If you feel so strongly about the bugs then I guess you should post in the bugs forums and try to get more activity over it so the admins will get round to fixing it.
Or try to work out why these bugs happen so you can do the legwork for the admins and they can get right on to fixing it.

Re: search by race

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 11:00 pm
by muffafuffin
I like the idea. would be cool in a few ways. Can check who wanted the same things as you and ya you could totally do new race wars as the general section has already displayed people recruiting different types of players into there races. Just now people can switch to waht they like and dont have to worry about how they cant fight on the side they want without giving up the ascended race bonus they really wanted and all that. All in all i think the idea has merit especially considering how easy the coding would be.

And on not for the ascended bug i cant feel too bad for the people that dont realize that there ppt didnt work til 3 days later because honestly you dont even take a check to see if you have the protection timer before you leave your account for a few days unattended?