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Re: Attack versus Defenders

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 1:32 am
by Tekki
No no, I meant that your attackers would die.

If you attacked a 0 defence with enough attackers some of them died in the cross fire, only one or two.

Re: Attack versus Defenders

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 2:05 am
by Sarevok
though 50-100 losses when massing say 10m supers undefended is a bit bias

Re: Attack versus Defenders

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 6:24 pm
by Lore
CABAL wrote:Unarmed troops also should deal damage :)

After all, nobody would sit there and be shot - They'd fight back

exactly, if nothing else they be throwin rocks and bricks and picking up sticks and stuff

Having 50 mill Defensive men is sheer madness when weapons reach 0 in what? 30 hits? After that ALL DEFENDERS are sitting ducks, and cost you NOTHING to kill.

and sorry but AC units shouldnt get free kills neither!!!

Re: Attack versus Defenders

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 8:36 am
by Maha Vishnu
1)Make defence weapons stonger then attack

Currently 1 super attacker holding best ascended wep = 151776
Currently 1 super defender holding best ascended wep = 138000

2) Make the cost of weapons increase as you get more

Although, it has to be balanced, as seeing defences with 6-10 million supers is annoying at times :D and so attack weapons at maybe 3/4 million in number get stronger exponentially wrt to cost.

Then link att to def ratio (similar to merc level) which can be bought so this then stops 10 bil defences and 1 tril strikes

Re: Attack versus Defenders

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 9:02 am
by Sarevok
Sorry, only part i can see that would help, is part 1

Making costs exponential would just be worse for the defender. Would mean the attacker had say 600,000 ^ 1, where as the defender need 600,000 ^ 5 to prevent from being attacked. (unless i'm misreading your post)

The third is good. At least it allows for something to be destroyed as retribution, and is required to be had with a massive attack. OR just allow attacks to be attacked like a defense, except with the soul purpose of destroying stuff

Re: Attack versus Defenders

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 10:34 pm
Yes, def weapons should me more powerful than atk weapons...

Defenders should also get a higher chance of AB (Much higher)
I mean, if 10mil of your worshippers were about to get killed, wouldn't you step in an'help a'lil?

Re: Attack versus Defenders

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 11:54 pm
by Sarevok
True, thing is, if your followers were warriors, you'd also help them out when trying to take someone else over

Re: Attack versus Defenders

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 4:18 am
by Nobody101
Just on this and the bit about attack soldiers being unkillable i was thinking maybe once the defence is 0ed that for example "in the interests of galaxy security attack forces are recalled to defend" or something along those lines, the attack soldiers would only be half as effective in defence eg 100 bill attack would go to 50 bill in defence, for this to work the current bias on attack would have to swing to a bias on defence so that its actually possible to hold a defence up, but if other suggestions on changing the weighting of attack and defence are implemented than maybe that could come in. There would have to be other conditions on it so people don't just build a huge attack and use it for defence aswell against naq hits

Re: Attack versus Defenders

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 5:46 pm
by Sarevok
Thing is, their huge attack atm, would become 1/2 defense, and then 1/5 again to be massed (1/2 * 1/5 = 1/10). So effectively, if they have a strike of 1T, you'd only need a strike of 100B to start damaging their offensive weapons. And if your strike is equal theirs, then their defense would be only 1/10 of your attack.

Basically, it's a good suggestion, and i THINK (i can't be sure) would only require slight changes. Only downfall i can see, is people selling their weapons after a few hits on people.

Re: Attack versus Defenders

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 3:45 pm
by Tekki
Has anyone noted here that an armed strike super is slightly stronger than an armed defence super?

(assuming I got my math right and assuming an ascended account)

Fixing that would also help.

Re: Attack versus Defenders

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 5:11 pm
by Sarevok
Also, a attack weapon of max level is CHEAPER then a defense weapon of the same level

Re: Attack versus Defenders

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 5:19 pm
by Lore
Buy Weapons

Attack Weapons Strength Price Buy
Armed Military Fleet 5,760 555,800 Naquadah

Defense Weapons Strength Price Buy
Targeted Spacial Distortions 5,750 599,200 Naquadah

Re: Attack versus Defenders

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 5:26 pm
by Sarevok
Is what i meant, cept I'm on VAC atm, and don't want to come off yet, so couldn't post the exact values. evening them up, or swapping power and price would also help

Re: Attack versus Defenders

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 8:45 pm
by Nobody101
Defence is pointless in this game, got massed last night and was loosing 117k defenders to the attackers 30k soldiers, the game is built for attacking, it took 2 pages to 0 my 700 bill defence (15 turn massing) which isn't much, but still it would be nice to think defence can stand up to a little bit more then that, as 2 pages of massing left my 6 mill spys open to die and with out nox on and not really expecting to be massed 9 mill of my guys were just slaughtered with little casualty to the masser who is doing what most people now do in this game and went on ppt before i logged on to return the favor and no doubt the person will have re arranged his account to make sure i cant get my own back, the best defence is a top 30 strike in this game and never have more then 10% of your army size a kill able and that's exactly how i have my account set

Re: Attack versus Defenders

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 9:01 pm
by Tekki
Top 30 strike actually doesn't do you much good if you don't have a defence, get AC'd and have the pretty little weapons sabbed away. And if you are any good at sabbing you can do that cheaply, though without bringing in another topic, yes, sab should be more effective on strike weapons. :P

Though was it 2 full pages of 15 ATs to mass, 'cos to me that seems more than it usually was, just that obviously off nox and crit you can be massed very fast. Your other bit of advice is good and should be heeded by all... but isn't always.