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Re: unfair

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 6:28 pm
by Jack
Snipes wrote:ToToRo got banned for using a racist word to prove a point to the mods that if the word was not allowed why should a racist symbol be allowed in the forums

The symbol is not inherently racist, it was not used by Hitler in a racist way. It just happened to be used by a racist.

Snipes wrote:i don't feel it is fair

What's not fair about someone breaking the rules and then being banned?

Snipes wrote:i also believe he was banned because he proved his point and they did not like that

lol Reaching much? Banning someone because we don't like their post even though it does not break any rules would be irrational and uncivilized. Yet, that has not stop the others from demanding the same thing? :lol:

Snipes wrote:i ask that you look at the posts and see how the mods have been treating us (the people who find the symbol offensive) some have gone as far as telling us to grow up we were being immature

Yes you were... And you still are. Throwing a hissy fit and breaking the rules because someone has something you don't like is childish and irrational. We told you to grow up because we knew if you didn't, you'd end up getting yourselves banned.

Snipes wrote:sorry to drag this on folks but this is a realy unfair turn of events and its all over a sig and then things escilated lol i would like to see the end of this as much as everyone else

This is definitely proof of the immaturity of your side. Whining about things that are unfair, especially when they are not, is something a child would do. Blaming your own stupid behavior on something else is, again, something a child does. Finally your own inability to control yourself is, once again, a childish attribute.

~Invisible fox~ wrote:can you unbanned him? i 'm sure he didnt meant or didnt knew

It's hard to not know you're masking, it's like saying you didn't know that you were peeing on the side of a building, yet you had to unzip your pants and pull *it* out and aim at the building. :lol:

~Invisible fox~ wrote:
Mormegil wrote:It's a 2 week ban and after that he will be unbanned. 3 warnings = 2 week ban. :?

2 weeks!??!?!thats alot time >< cant you do something..? please

No, he broke the rules, he knew he was breaking the rules, he will serve his time. Besides, I have been lenient on him, not warning him for his earlier post. Yes, I saw it before you edited it. ;) He had his chance and he still screwed up.

~Invisible fox~ wrote:and your problam is? i have my resones and i dont belive i need to explin myself to you.

Why do you see the need to attack those which disagree with you? Yet again, even more childish behavior.

~Invisible fox~ wrote: but less agressive cause it tend to make me defensive for nothing ;)

The only one being aggressive here is you. ](*,)

Q MAN wrote:sorry, i didn't mean to come across that way, i don't usually do it >.<
ok, enough of posting here, its not looked upon too well! i'll go pm you now! ;)

Ignore him, Q, you were not being aggressive. He was the one being aggressive.

Re: unfair

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 6:36 pm
by ~Invisible fox~
i think he was bit agressive and yes i sdmit i was agressive to ,to Muffa and i've apolagized few minuts ago.. person can be perfect. and Jack..whats up? why your mad?

Re: unfair

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 7:54 pm
by Noobert
To stop the debate, I'll put it simply.

It does not matter what he was trying to accomplish. A violation is still a violation. A Moderator does not moderate based off of other occurances, but the occurances he or she encounters. Simple as that.

Re: unfair

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 7:57 pm
by ~Invisible fox~
Noobert wrote:To stop the debate, I'll put it simply.

It does not matter what he was trying to accomplish. A violation is still a violation. A Moderator does not moderate based off of other occurances, but the occurances he or she encounters. Simple as that.

Ohhh i got tierd =.= sorry
nooby ..

Re: unfair

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 2:38 am
by ~Snipez~
thanks to everyone for posting and i had no idea he had the 3 warnings and i havent been apart of the whole sig debate iam it doesnt offend me in anyway sorry if i have escalated this further that was not my intensions

and i didnt mean to rub anyone the rong way thanks all

Re: unfair

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 3:07 am
by ~Invisible fox~
Snipes wrote:thanks to everyone for posting and i had no idea he had the 3 warnings and i havent been apart of the whole sig debate iam it doesnt offend me in anyway sorry if i have escalated this further that was not my intensions

and i didnt mean to rub anyone the rong way thanks all
yes ,nither do i.. but i got tierd from all those msg..sorry ppls..
we only meant for our frind to get unbanned nothing more nothing less..

peace :-D

Re: unfair

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 5:08 am
by Juliette
Since the Ombudsman listed as on duty (Zeek) is no longer with us; you all are kindly requested to shut the hell up.
Ombudsman's Corner Rules wrote:1. One Topic per complaint.
2. No spamming the topic.
3. Only 3 parties should post in a complaint thread.
a. The person(s) making the complaint, or his representatives if he/they are banned.
b. The Ombudsman/Understudy
c. Mod(s) in question.

4. If you have something to add to the topic and are not one of those 3, then you may pm the ombudsman requesting permission to participate.
5. The only person to mod/remove/move a thread, will be the ombudsman/understudy. If in the event that immediate action is required, but I or the understudy are not online, the mod will act and PM the Ombudsman/Understudy.
6. All complaints are made in a calm, respectful manner, the ombudsman is here to solve your problems so does not deserve your anger.

The Mod in question or the Admin - Can post, but only that mod. Other mods defending a mod will be treated as spam unless there are serious circumstances.

This is to allow all complaints to be handled, kept track of, and settled in a normal matter.

If you have any problems with these a mod....don't post in the corner.

When the ombudsman is away, the Understudy will be listed here as the Ombudsman on Duty.


The Ombudsman currently on Duty is Zeekomkommer

Thank you for your consideration and cooperation.

Re: unfair

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 5:50 am
by ~Invisible fox~
take my apologize every one.. i have no attention to critic the mod or eny one esle.. sorry if some one taked me too seriously..i really didnt meant to..
sorry Uni .. i was sure that my last post was apologize to .=)

Re: unfair

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 6:05 am
by Manetheren
Ill take an in depth look at this later today.

Re: unfair

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 8:56 am
by Clarkey
Tetrismonkey wrote:Mane, if I may interject I would like to point something out. I have seen the posts in question, and have looked at some of the posts. Could this perhaps have been misspells and not actual masking? I think this should be considered.

Again, sorry Mane, but I think this is something important that should be looked at.

Try reading the post in question again.


In particular the end of the sentence. He knew he was masking a filtered word because he said he used 6's.

Re: unfair

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 10:31 am
by ~Destruction1~
For Att : Manetheren

ToToRo has asked me to post and inform you he has sent you a private PM, not sure if it is on these forums as he is banned or in game. He asks that you please read it before making a decision.


Re: unfair

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 4:42 pm
by Manetheren
~Destruction1~ wrote:For Att : Manetheren

ToToRo has asked me to post and inform you he has sent you a private PM, not sure if it is on these forums as he is banned or in game. He asks that you please read it before making a decision.


I got the pm and will take a look at this tonight when I have the time to investigate it.

Now if everyone not involved will stop posting, that would be great.

Re: unfair

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 7:57 pm
by Manetheren
Seems pretty clear cut here.
The posts were masking not to mention racist. While he was trying to make a point about a word not being allowed here but a symbol is, that is not the way to make the point. The 3rd post he was warned for even dared for someone to ban him.
I am however not 100% sure he knows what masking is so I will explain that to him but I dont see any reason to take the case to admins. Does anyone have anything else to add before I close this?

Re: unfair

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 5:03 am
by Clarkey
SuperSaiyan wrote:he didn't know what masking was, I explained it to him, but I am sure he'd like to here from you though ;)

I don't know what masking is either. <<<<< see how easy it is. :?

Re: unfair

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 11:02 am
by Clarkey
SuperSaiyan wrote:
Clarkey wrote:
SuperSaiyan wrote:he didn't know what masking was, I explained it to him, but I am sure he'd like to here from you though ;)

I don't know what masking is either. <<<<< see how easy it is. :?

ToToRo wrote:i really didn\'t know also i feel i should serve out my punishment because i was masking

your right, but he isn't complaining about the ban :roll:

No he's not... but someone else is when it's nothing to do with them.