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Re: Admin to to read suggestions

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 8:31 pm
by Sarevok
Even more so, if the money he gets would net him say $100 for that hour. I know i'd put a few more hours in if i was admin lol

Re: Admin to to read suggestions

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 10:58 pm
by Lithium
Sarevok wrote:Even more so, if the money he gets would net him say $100 for that hour. I know i'd put a few more hours in if i was admin lol

unless the ideas comes from $ players otherwise they arent good ideas

Re: Admin to to read suggestions

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 6:09 am
by Sarevok
There only not good, if the $$ players DON'T like the idea. If their neutral, then there's no change.

Re: Admin to to read suggestions

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 8:03 pm
by ramen07
Tetrismonkey wrote:Ramen, your example is very exagerated compaired to these forums. There are only a few threads a week made for suggestions. Even then, half are repeats of things that have already been discussed. As I said before, it doesnt take much time to go through new threads. Even then, he only needs to keep an eye on the ones he likes or thinks would be a good idea to incoperate into the game or even test out.

Whats 1 hour out of his day to help improve his game?

I guess it's exaggerated, but it's the same idea. Just looks like too much.

Re: Admin to to read suggestions

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 10:40 pm
by Lithium
well all new updates fits best wit them, also their game play get adapted easily lol.

Re: Admin to to read suggestions

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 6:13 pm
by Lore
Sorry to say this guys but


created at admins request by Dadigi on
Thu Feb 05, 2009 8:38 am

and its
It is currently Mon Sep 07, 2009 6:06 pm

Take that how ever you want to. There was a long discussion refining the ideas before that thread, so your looking at a couple months longer.

Admin needs to get intouch with his player base, atleast a bit more then what hes doing now. Some form of communication needs to exist. As Mezz so plain said it, everyone feels like they are just pissin in the wind. I think putting forth 5 ideas a week is not to much to ask, have the mods clean them up and only put them forth if there is a good discussion, and atleast 50% approval from the community. If you did this you would run out of suggestions fairly quickly, then you can start rehashing failed or poorly thought out ideas and refine them into something useful.

But it still all based on admins participation, without him and his participation its all just wasting our time, as well as the mods, and jasons.

Edit, found this in the updates link
[spoiler]Aug/Sept 2008 Large Update

Ascended Bonuses
To clarify, the ascended race bonus is 5% per stat you are bonused on, up to ascension level 6. After that, it is 1% per level thereafter.
The chance of successfully using your Ascended Blessing is 2% per level after 6, with no unique techs. Each unique tech gives the amount stated (either ontop of zero chance, if ascended under 6 times, or ontop of 2%*(times ascended-6), if ascended over 6 times.
MS (mothership) capacity tech (and MS bug fix)
Mothership tech (available on the technology page) increases the number of units that can be in each weapon/shield/hanger bay.
Each increase in tech level increases unit holding capacity by 3% up to 10 levels.
Ascending will remove the tech levels, as it does all other tech levels. (although if you have more units than capacity allows after ascending, the units are not destroyed).
BUG FIX It used to be that a 1turn attack, was equal to a 15turn attack, in MS damage. This was fixed so that 1 turn did 1/15th the damage, but has since been revised so that a 5 turn attack, can do as much damage as a 15 turn attack. It is now valid strategy (not a bug) to attack with 5 turns to do maximum MS damage, while reducing your other damages with only 5 turn attacks, versus the full 15.
Keep in mind that the most any attack can do, is about 3% of shields, or 5% of weapons, regardless of strenght, or turns used.

Fleet Power
Fleet power x 2, cost x 2.
Since the most expensive part of having fleets, is the hangers, this allows more fleet power in your existing hangers. (at a cost, of course).

Mobile Defences
To counter the 'but my planets can now be taken' issues, and to add some further excitement to planetary battles, 3 mobile defence platforms are added.
These are assigned to ONE planet (although more than one can be assigned to one planet). The cost to build defences is less than an average size planet, although it does go up the more defences are added to the platform.
The concept is that while overall planets may be easier to battle than before, with these, one to three of them will not be, and additionally will hold a 'hidden suprise' for attackers.
These platforms are not spyable - where they are only you know. So when an enemy spies, and sends in fleets, if that is where your mobile platform(s) are, there is a good chance the fleet will be totally wiped out....
Likewise if your planets are getting massed, a quick change of where your mobile platform is, can bring down the fleet....
This is an update partially to secure some key planets, partially to increase the thrill, strategy and devestation of planet battles :)

Alliance Wars
Wars to this point were fairly standard. fight. try to get enemy goods while not losing yours. winner was hard to determine as the 'winning formula' was a bit loose....
Now - each of the 5 war types have a clear goal, and way to determine winner. This is reflected in the points you get, as seen in the war detailed summary.
Also, it is not a war unless it is accepted. A 'one way war' is simply an assault and will not be visible to the masses. Just your (and their) alliance.
The style of war is multifold. And the ultimate - war of attrition - is a true test of alliance versus alliance as both are wisked away to their own plane in the realm of blood, to interact with just each outside influence, no PPT, no moving goods to and fro.
Just your alliance, and their alliance...
Here, all soldiers fight (attack or defence) in every it if you dare.

Alliance Relations
Just a way to keep tabs on who your friends and enemies are, since an alliance leader can set an entire other alliance to 'friendly' or 'hostile'. It will not stop attacks, but now nobody can say they did not know.
Likewise, and individual can set relations with all alliance members at once. This is to help the individual in the same way as the alliances, above.

Selling Planet Defences
While facilities on planets remain unsellable, you CAN now sell the defences built on planets. They sell for a fixed rate, regardless of the rate you purchased them at.

Income Planets
These used to avoid the defcon, nox, and officer contribution, aspects of your income. This is a fixed bug. Income planets will now provide reduced income inline with your nox,defcon and contribution to officers.

Turns to 4/tick and Max Turns held (through turn generation) to 5000 (from 4000). This is aimed to keep the game speedy when needed, to increase overall turns available in the game (and markets), and provide more for those who choose not to use markets to get turns....

Military records enhancements
Military experience now keeps track of a few new items like planets, mothership, and weapon value destroyed while attacking...not just sabbing.
Also added the values of each specific item, so you know how points are determined. (and can help in balancing now that you know the formulas...)

Public display of alliance wars
The universe is not a vacuum. When there is a huge war, you will know...True - by the time you do know, it is likely already over, but you can see the details as recorded by spies and braggers :)

Anticovert (AC) being tied to attack army vs. defence army
It was always intended to have a prerequisite on anticovert destroying covert. It needed an army to hide behind while it hunted. The weakest account ingame, with a large AC, should not be able to invade successfully the top realms
Instead of adding a minimum 'can or can not' AC-- a multiplier of (attack strength / defence strength) was added to the effects of the AC. Without a full army to hide behind, they cannot be as effective as they possibly can.
This way, even the weak army can send in AC and hunt covert, but the weak army does not do so as successfully. But they do do it....

maximum defences per planet size
These have been lowered a bit - the mind blowering (largest size) is required for 1mil + defences...

Max naq gain on attacks
IF a target has over 500billion naq out (the old max), the new limit is now 500bil x target army size/ 100million units ... Thus, the new limit only applies to hits on enemies with over 500bil naq.

Max UU (untrained units) gain on raids
There was previously a bug that allowed 'over raiding' which has been fixed. The rate went to 80 to 100% of 1.5% of their UU, after the initial update. This has (as of Sept 3/08) been increased to 80 to 100% of 2.25% of their units (numbers based on 15 turn attack) War will increase this amount.

Naq gain on any attack
A successful attack of 15 turns, receives 80 to 100% of the enemy naq.
Being at war will take it to 100% with even less than 15 turns used, but then of course you risk a 2 way war if they war you and hit back.

Delay/lag on turn change is reduced
This is still under active investigation/enhancement...

All pages now use compression to load faster on your computer.
It is YOUR browser that uncompresses the pages, and all major browsers support this. If your browser does not, the game is smart enough not to compress the page for you.
On the off chance you have a wonky device that causes issues with compression, the 'plain login form' available off the homepage, has a 'do not use compression' option.

Alliance bank.
A 1% charge is levied against income, when you belong to an alliance. It is banked in the alliance bank.
The alliance bank has no current withdrawl system - but - eventually it will be used for wars and alliance features/abilities.
It will NEVER be able to be used to give any single or group of players currency. It will always remain for the use of alliance functions only.

Alliance minimum requirments
Alliance - those over 60 days old - MUST maintain 5 active members. Under this is not considered an alliance, and the union of true alliances (the UTA) will disband your alliance, and confiscate your alliance bank, if your alliance is under 5 active memebers, and over 60 days old.
Your alliance management page will show you the member count, and age of alliance.[/spoiler]
So it has been over 1 yr.

Re: Admin to to read suggestions

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 8:17 pm
by Sarevok
Correct Lore.

I think Jason doesn't bother coming, since there not much unity among the suggestions.

If a few were selected, and a optional poll put on peoples account (like beta, whereby you can have your say), and have links, then he can get an idea of the general acceptableness of ideas, and pick the most liked ones to implement. There will be people that don't like it, and possibly even quit because of them, but they'd be less then the people that quit out a boardem...

Re: Admin to to read suggestions

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 9:49 am
by schuesseled
Sarevok wrote:What'd be good, is if he felt he liked the basic idea of something, he should let us know, so we can develop it more for him.

Well the basic ideas he likes the sound of he puts into his updates, these he does onto the beta server, then makes a post announcing them and asks for users to find bug/report bugs and make suggestions on the proposed update.

As for coming here and noting things he likes well, Most of them are crap. OR been suggested 100 times, Probably would be a waste of his time he could spend better on coding the next update to come.

Ashu wrote:You actually think ADMIN...i mean ITS ADMIN...will come here and read what a mere player will write?Please...

What game do you think this is, Travian?, lol. Their are many games where admins take in all the cash it generates but ignore the playerbase.

Jason however does listen, when the Login code was first put in by Jason, he put it on the bank, to stop players banking without actually being a human and online, I made a suggestion, stating that where he placed it was ineffective as a Macro could be changed to simply buy weapons, spend on u.p or many other various things. It would be impossible to code everything not to mention be tediously annoying, so I suggested he change the login code to the login (hence name changed forthwit to login code - when it came out it was the bank code) and did he ignore he his player, did he read what a mere player wrote, well Im no mere player I had recently given him $300 on QW i believe :P, well yes he did, hence the change you who are probably quite new round these parts are blessed to have instead of the horribly annoying previous code.

Re: Admin to to read suggestions

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 9:57 am
by schuesseled
Some people quit because of boredom, some because of updates, some people are just never happy.

I will complain or try to suggest how to improve on an update or voice my opinion to be removed if I think as such, but generally at the end of the day, after all the talk, do I quit, no, I adapt to the situation I am placed with and keep on going.
I've been screwed over by a couple updates, and suggested an improvement to a couple that has been listend to and applied, and benefitted from a couple, It works out fine in the end.

Re: Admin to to read suggestions

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 4:55 pm
by Sarevok
it's true, 1 update may screw you over, but if your patient, then next may enhance/improve your game play. It's the impatient ones that quit.

Sorry Lore, using you as an example here...

Lore didn't like the planet update (or how it was done, not 100% sure) But he's still around, and there's probably been an update or 2 that helped he's game play style also.

More on topic.. it is true that many suggestions have been used in their prototype phases, but if the idea was developed some more in the first place, it'd make Admin Jason's job alot easier with the coding, cause then it's more laid out what people want/like, and easier for him