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Re: The Star Wars RP

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 12:35 pm
by Zeratul
You can go with the ground teams for now... The ships will be a quick jump away when the jedi come... You can return before then if you wish...

I sense that you do not trust me, Lord Tarjcul... You need not worry, I like my new powers... I have no interest in becoming a weak Jedi again...

All I want, is to show the Jedi their weakness, and either capture, or kill them!

Re: The Star Wars RP

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 12:55 pm
by Magni
"Very well, my Master, I shall prepare for the ground assault at once."

He bows before his Master and departs, ignoring Jocasta's comment. As he walks away he calls back to Jocasta, without turning around.

"You're weak Jocasta, and I shall kill you when I have the chance."

Tarjcul leaves the command bridge and heads down to the shuttle bay to await the ground assault. He's already wearing parts of his Mandalorian armor (the boots, greaves, gloves, full arm protection, shoulder pauldrons and, of course, his helmet) under his robes. The rest of the armor is on display in his quarters for when he is tall enough to wear it all.

Arriving in the shuttle bay, he boards a troop transport and awaits his Master's order to begin the assault.

Re: The Star Wars RP

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 1:28 pm
by Zeratul
Let the Invasion begin!

First target, Dreshdae... The greatest defenses will be there...

Capture the majority of those that resist... We will make sure to have ample public executions and tortures later on... It is much more civilized that way...

However, if it stands between killing and loosing a life, you know well how to use the full power of the dark side...

Lord Tarjcul, You will lead the ground forces... I will track down the Sith lords and subjugate them... After Dreshdae is conquered, we will take on the academy... The doctrines taught there need to be rectified...

The ships will make sure no one leaves or comes down to the planet... They have instructions to fire first, then skip asking questions later...

Re: The Star Wars RP

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 2:35 pm
by Magni
"Understood, my Master."

The transport has filled up considerably since Tarjcul first arrived. He feels the shuttle lift off the deck, pass through the shield to space and rocket towards the planet. The ride is smooth enough, until they hit the atmosphere. The transport shutters violently as they descend toward the spaceport of Dreshdae.

"My lord, they are asking for our authorization to land at Dreshdae. What should I tell them?"

Tarjcul smiles to himself behind the mask.

"Tell them they are being invaded. Tell them to lay down their arms and surrender if they wish to be spared."

After a few moments, the pilot speaks again, this time more frantically.

"They've fired missiles! Taking evasive action, everyone hold on!"

Tarjcul feels the ripples through the Force as some of the transports are shot down. They almost make it through the missile storm, but a lucky shot hits their ship.

"Damn, hold on everyone! We're going in hard!"

"Try to put us down inside of Dreshdae."

"What? Inside Dreshdae?"


"But that will kill..."

The next word was most likely going to be "us" but a lightsaber through the pilot's chest cut the thought short. Pulling the body out of the way, Tarjcul takes control of the transport. He straps himself in and using a combination of the ships controls and the Force, manages to aim them at Dreshdae.

30 seconds later, a huge explosion echos through Dreshdae and a troop transport crashes through the building.

When Tarjcul becomes conscious again, he looks around. He is lying inside of what appears to be a shuttle bay with debris burning all around him. There don't seem to be any other survivors. Outside, he can see the remaining transports touching down.

Infiltrate Dreshdae, check

Tarjcul rises from the ground and is greeted by seven Sith soldiers and what appears to be five Academy apprentices.

"Lay down your down your arms and surrender. You will be spared and welcomed into Darth Perfidious's army."

A young apprentice, no older than 18 is the first to speak up. His arrogant attitude and over-enthusiasm toward the coming fight betrays his lack of skill. The Sith soldiers lower their blasters and let the apprentices sort this out.

Perhaps you don't see that you're outnumbered or that we are Sith apprentices or maybe you're just plain stupid. Either way, let me spell it out for you, you don't threaten us here. Besides, aren't you a little short to be a Manda..."

The boy finds himself suddenly unable to speak as his neck constricts and he is lifted into the air, struggling to breath.

"It's curious that the Sith Academy would let someone as weak as you into their ranks. You cannot hope to defeat me, none of you can. Now let's make sure you understand that lesson."

With that, the boy's head twists violently to the side and he falls to the ground. The Sith soldiers take aim with their blasters and the apprentices extend their lightsabers. Another one of the apprentices charges toward Tarjcul with his lightsaber at his side. In one fluid motion, Tarjcul sidesteps him, extends his own lightsaber and cuts the boy in half. At this point, the soldiers open fire with their blasters and the rest of the apprentices charge him. In the opening volley, two soldiers are struck down as their shots are deflected. The three apprentices are now close enough for melee combat. Tarjcul could have easily dispatched the remaining apprentices if it wasn't for the remaining soldiers.

The apprentices swings are wild and inaccurate, but quick and powerful, while the shots from the soldiers are precious and patient; the shots of battle hardened warriors. Adopting the Soresu form, Tarjcul goes on the defense and waits for an opening. But that opening never comes. Instead, Tarjcul is forced to dodge and block the lightsabers, while avoiding getting shot. If only that full set of Mandalorian armor fit... As it was, Tarjcul had no time to use his Force powers and occasionally a blaster bolt would ricochet off his helmet. The battle is overwhelmingly in the favor of the Sith soldiers and students, and Tarjcul is just about to be defeated when at last, his soldiers arrive.

Tarjcul's soldiers open fire as soon as they arrived. One of the apprentices falls to the ground as he gets shot in the back and two of the Sith soldiers also buy it. The two remaining apprentices jump back away from Tarjcul and run for the door. The remaining soldiers also surrender to the overwhelming force. Tarjcul shots each apprentice with a weak Force Lightning bolt to stun them. All of them are taken as prisoners. The soldiers are taken back to the transports while the apprentices come with Tarjcul.

They go through Dreshdae with the apprentices to attest to Tarjcul's skill. They say that Tarjcul and his soldiers cannot be defeated and that they only way to survive is to join him and his master. The words of the Sith apprentices go along way with the people in Dreshdae and most of them surrender without a fight. Occasionally, a group of soldiers would refuse to go with them and they would be quickly dispatched. Soon, all of Dreshdae was under Tarjcul's command. He sends a message to his Master.

My Master, Dreshdae is ours. I will wait here until you are ready to join me and assault the Academy."

Re: The Star Wars RP

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 3:01 pm
by JediMasterX
They walked outside and into the training grounds. The training grounds were set in the middle of the the temple outside. The training grounds were set about 2 feet off of the marble tile floor and was covered in grass. The brilliant sun shine reflected off of the smooth glossy surface of the tile. Small fountains and beatiful planets lined the edge of the training grounds with some statues of Jedi Legends from the past.

Triko stepped up onto the grassy area and took off his brown Jedi robes and tossed it the side. He stretched his arms and stretched his legs with a couple quick moments. "Come Akadalyte, jump up." Triko walked to the edge of the raised training grounds and pressed a button on the side. With a loud hiss a middle section of the sparring grounds opened up and a rack full of training lightsabers that were designed to hurt instead of kill rose up along with a few objects that ranged from small rocks to a heavy piece of Capitol Ship armor plating. While it wasn't that big, the piece of metal weighed over 1 ton.

"First we're gonna work on the art of the force. I sensed your anger back there. You need to learn to control it and hide it. Anger is a form of the Dark Side. If you do not hide it it will consume you and will lead you to a dark path. The Sith are blinded by it and use it as a weapon."

Triko remembered the last time he faced a Sith. It wasn't but 10 years ago in the Mandalorian Wars. He had defied the Order. He had gone to fight the Mandalorians and the Sith in order to save the innocents. In his time spent in the war he had seen many Sith. They fought like savages. Showing no mercy for any life. Whether it was an innocent. An enemy. Or even their own.

Triko pushed the bad memories away. The reminders of the war was something he did not welcome. He turned back to his blue skinned Padawan. "For our first exercise I will need you to reach out with the force. Close your eyes and meditate and I will give you instructions."

Re: The Star Wars RP

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 1:05 am
by Zeratul
As always, you have served the empire well, Lord Tarjcul...

I am on my way down... You may send our forces to surround the academy...

They will only need to make sure noone leaves, we will all enter the academy... You, I and Jocasta... We will see then how the local sith stand up to us, only to be defeated...

Your control of the dark side is improving, apprentice... Soon you will be ready to take up the title of a true sith lord... You will be one of the youngest sith to ever take up such title...

The sith master and the fallen jedi Land near the sith academy, just as the sith troops surround it...

Walking up to his apprentice, standing before the main doors, he spoke...

Come, lord Tarjcul... Let us enter the temple, and confront the master of the academy...

Re: The Star Wars RP

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 12:24 pm
by Ra
Blood trail ends..I hope they don't have reinforcements planetside..

Marcus turned back towards the center of the small spaceport, hoping to find another lead on the missing Jedi. At the very least he needed to find out what the mysterious piece of paper said. Perhaps the Jedi would know what to do, but force some reason he doubted he'd be allowed entry.

Once back on board his ship Marcus opened up his comms unit, "Kindee are you on this line" Moments passed and luckily Marcus received a response, "Indeed master bounty hunter, are you on your way to Coruscant yet?" "I am, I need to speak with a Jedi. Can you arrange a meeting, somewhere discreet. And preferably a Jedi that won't gut me where I stand." "I'll see what I can do, I have a Jedi in mind already. I'll ask him to meet you at the Outlander Club in the Undercity." "Agreed, I'm leaving Tatooine as we speak."

Marcus cut the transmission and began procedures to leave the planet. Powering up the main core and beginning pre flight. In moments The Miranda had exited the atmosphere of Tatooine and was entering hyperspace destined for Coruscant..

Re: The Star Wars RP

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 8:25 am
by Angnoch
sitting alone in the docking bay Kal slowly begins his ritualistic inspection of his beloved fighter, muttering to himself as he slowly paces around the fighter running his fingers over the dark green paint recently applied to the fuselage

hmm the outside looks like its in excellent shape as is usual for my fighter, I think its about time I found us a new client, its been months since we last worked and even my inheritance will run out eventually chuckles softly, almost purring bah that'll never happen

jumping upon the wing and lithely settling into the adjusted pilots seat Kal scans over the computer as it continues to run its routine inspection, he gently manipulates the flight stick and watches as the craft responds to his every touch, a sad smile etched upon his face as he remembers the last flight and how he failed to protect Jo'na Lar'key his wingmate even during his days in the academy, her death left a huge hole in Blade Group

well everything seems to be in perfect order i think I shall head down to the Outlander Club, always someone looking for fighter pilots down there, not to mention I will probably have to pull half the group out of some sabacc game before they end up gambling themselves into slavery...again

Re: The Star Wars RP

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 4:16 pm
by JediMasterX
Akadalyte hope up onto the stone stage. He followed his Master's instructions and closed his eyes and began to meditate and use the force. The tall blue creature looked at peace as he sensed his surroundings. "Good, very good" Triko said. The Padawan was showing that he had mastered a basic skill. Triko figured he would, but it was still an important power to have and to be able to use it at all times. "Remember, always rely on the force to feel your surroundings. Whether your eyes are closed or open, the force will reveal what they can not."

Triko looked at the objects that were arranged in front of his Padawan. From a few small stones to the large sheet of Capitol Ship armor. "Now I want you to use the force and feel the objects. You know what they are. Now you must concentrate and pick them up without doing it physically. Rely on the force. Invision yourself picking each of them up."



His chamber doors hissed open.

Some light entered the Dark Lords meditation chambers. It was filled with darkness. A Sith Knight stood in the door way in his black robes. His skin was pale and his head was bald. He dared not to step into the chambers without permission, for he had seen the consequences on the foolish ones who had. He got down to one knee and bowed to the Dark Lord of the Sith Order. "My Lord, the Sith Faction is here as you have forwarned about. They have landed around the Academy and have disabled our ships and expected."

The Dark Lord opened his eyes, but did not move from his meditative stance. His red eyes shown like burning flames in the pitch blackness of the room. "Very well, is everything ready?"

"Yes, My Lord."

"The Dark Lord arose from his stance.He disgarded the hood that hid his face. His jet black hair dangled down his neck and stopped. His pale skin reflected the light that the open door allowed in. His face was slightly scarred from the effects of the Darkside over the years. "Come, lets not keep our guests waiting."

The Sith Night noeed and followed his Master out of the chambers to the entourage that awaited outside. It was a majority of the Sith that were in the Academy. Hundred of Apprentices, scores of Sith Knights, and the handful of the Sith's most elite, the Sith Masters surrounded the Dark Lord. Their movements were in unison as they marched through the dark and dreary halls of the Korriban Sith Academy. They walked outside of the temple and into the snady and rocky world known as Korriban. The sun was slowly setting. Ahead was a large number of Sith Troops, but the Sith Lord could sense who was in charge of everything since he was very powerful in the force and the Darkside seemed the radiate from the Vashan.

"You are either foolish or you have a reason for comming here. However, I sense it is the latter. I have been expecting you and your army for quite some time." croaked the dark one. Tell me, what is your name and purpose?"

Re: The Star Wars RP

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 2:58 pm
by Zeratul
Greetings, ancient one...

You know why I am here... As I told you when I let you learn my plans three years ago, the sith are weak... divided... I have come here to take command, and lead the sith back to glory, and lead the sith empire into a new glorious age...

In the time since that day, I have traveled the stars, conquering world after world reuniting the ancient sith empire once more...

I propose that we lay a trap for the hated Jedi... I have excellent bait here, in this former Jedi master, Jocasta Yullzah... She has decided to come over to our side, after a bit of convincing... I have instructed her well in certain of my skills...

"I do not believe this! She is playing us all! I shall strike her down before she betrays us all to the Jedi! ", screamed a nearby sith knight, igniting his lightsaber while running forth...

Master? May I?
Yes, Jocasta... I believe a demonstration is in order...

With barely a flicker of her hand, Jocasta lifted the sith knight up in the air, immobilizing him fully, then as everyone focused on him, they could see him seemingly mummify right before their eyes, all the while screaming in pain... While he slowly turned into a dried husk, all the sith lords could see rich, dark tendrils of the force flowing straight back to the fallen jedi, until he resembled a skeleton, whereupon he collapsed, and she released him...

Anyone else want to join him? I would be very happy to drain more of you...

Now ancient one... What say you to my offer?

Will you join My empire, or do I have to destroy you, just like my fallen Jedi destroyed one of your knights? The Jedi will have no chance of getting out of my trap unscathed... But the more that join me, the more Jedi we can trap...

I would happily release my apprentice upon more of your apprentices, for where Jocasta has had days to learn, He has had years...
What say you? Do you wish to live to see the sith empire take its rightful place in the galaxy, or do you want to merge with the force?

Re: The Star Wars RP

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 5:05 pm
by JediMasterX
The Dark Lord watched the Sith Knight quickly get the life sucked out of him by the turned Jedi Master. He expected as much. There was no room for the weak in the Sith Order. As much as he hated to see the someone challenge his authority in the Sith Order he knew he must set aside the usual urge to cut down anyone else who would have done so and join forces with Darth Perfidious and crush the Jedi now. They were on the brink of collapse in the Mandalorian Wars years ago and now the Sith would be stronger than ever.

After all, he could put an end to the Vashan and his forces at a later date without the Jedi being around.

"I believe that it would be in the best interest of ALL Sith if we joined our forces and destroyedt he Jedi and seize control of the Galaxy from the Republican forces and anyone that stands between us."

The Dark Lord turned and motioned for everyone to follow him back into the Sith Academy.

"Come, we must finalise our plans and prepare."

Re: The Star Wars RP

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 10:16 pm
by Ra
Marcus stepped out his cab, tipping the driver his due credits. His was surrounded by the neon glow of underworld clubs and the noise of dozens of bad cantina bands.

Approaching his destination, Marcus took inventory of his surroundings. Outlander Club had one front entrance, flanked by a rodian and human of medium build. I hope this is easier than I think it will be..

Marcus approached the club.. "Marcus're..expected" The two bouncers stepped aside and opened the door to the club. Inside the club was a fury of activity; drinks being served, fights, card games, and females..entertaining. None of this however concerned Marcus, he moved towards the rear of the club, towards the private rooms.

I hope Kindee has indeed found a Jedi who won't disembowel me.. Marcus passed through a curtain and was greeted by the sight of Kindee and a strange furred alien. "I don't see the Jedi..and who is this with you?"

Re: The Star Wars RP

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 2:11 pm
by Magni
"Master, events seem to be unfolding here as planned. With your permission, I will go and prepare the trap for the jedi."

Darth Perfidious simply nods to his apprentice and follows the Sith into the academy. Lord Tarjcul heads back to the newly captured space port of Dreshdae where he boards a shuttle. Once aboard, he takes a seat next to the pilot.

"Plot a course for Coruscant."

"Right away, my lord."

The shuttle lifts off and after a few minutes they have cleared the planet's atmosphere. The pilot proceeds to initiate the hyperdrive engine.

"Entering hyperspace in 3...2...1..."

The shuttle lurches and the universe washes away around them, becoming a tunnel full of blue light instead.

"We'll be arriving in Coruscant in a few hours, my lord. Where would you like me to put down once we arrive?"

"Get me as close as you can to the Outlander Club. I'll be meditating in the back, notify me as soon as we arrive."

Lord Tarjcul exits the cockpit of the shuttle and begins his meditations in the back. Tarjcul quite liked the silence hyperspace offered; the lifelessness of it somehow comforted him. He stretched out with the Force, but for as far as he could see, there was nothing. Only the pilot and himself. After a few hours, Tarjcul felt the ship drop out of hyperspace and his senses were immediately flooded by the life of the planet below. The transition was painful, as if he had left a dark cave and stared directly at the sun, but Tarjcul reveled in it. It reminded him he was still alive. Tarjcul exited his mediation and went back to the cockpit.

"My lord, I was just about to come and get you. We've just been granted permission to land."

"Did you use the fake access codes?"

"Of course, my lord"

"Excellent, there must be no record of our being here. Now hurry, I'm supposed to be meeting someone."

The shuttle descended through the atmosphere and down into the technological wonder that was Coruscant. From here, the journey to the docking platform was short. Within a few minutes, Lord Tarjcul was descending down the entry ramp of the shuttle. From there he took a transport to the Outlander Club. When he exits the transport, he waves his hand across the drivers face.

"I was never here. You did not drive me nor have you ever seen me. Now drive away."

Lord Tarjcul walks to the entrance to the club, keeping his cloak tight and preforms his mind trick on the two bouncers.

"Take me to see Kindee, he is expecting me. After, you will forget you ever saw me."

The rodian takes Tarjcul to the club's private backroom. Their passage goes unnoticed. When they arrive, Tarjcul sees Kindee, his Bothan body guard, and a human, who Tarjcul assumes is the bounty hunter Kindee told him about. Just as Tarjcul arrives, Marcus asks his question.

"I don't see the Jedi..and who is this with you?"

"The bothan is of no concern. I am the one you wish to speak to. I understand you are looking for the missing Jedi Master, Jocasta Yullzah."

Re: The Star Wars RP

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 8:20 pm
by Angnoch
head snaps up at the two new comers, most especially the one insulting me

excuse me, did you say that the bothan is of no concern a soft hiss escapes as Kal struggles to control his anger I am very much afraid you have me mistaken for someone else...friend the names Kal and I am the leader of Blade Group, perhaps you have heard about our anti-sith agenda or perhaps you are the one who should be disdained in this esteemed company, mind your manners next time you open your mouth you insolent little swears in bothan

turning to face the bounty hunter I gently bow my head in greeting as my voice takes on the calm practiced tone of a politician/salesman My name is Kal, and I am looking for work for my group at the moment, this blasted republic has ignored the help we have given them and are refusing to hire us again, at least until they realize that without us they might actually have to get their hands dirty, the Blade group functions as an elite group both in naval and land engagements, every member of the group has received extensive training both in combat and intelligence gathering and although there are some better on land than us, there is NO ONE you would rather have fly with you than us

leans in as Kindee whispers in my ear ahh interesting eyes rove over the robed figure

Re: The Star Wars RP

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 9:31 pm
by Ra

Marcus pulls both pistols, fires one shot through the throat of Kindee. Then he rushes the new comer..slamming him into the wall. "Kal, move now." Marcus then runs into the heart of the club, hoping to lose his enemy.

Shouting behind of the bouncers flies into the side of a table, his back snaps like a twig. Then Marcus see's him, the new comer seething with rage..staring with utter contempt at the bounty hunter.. Marcus fires shots into the air, hoping to scare the crowd and create confusion to escape..

Rather not fight one skilled in the least in a fair fight.. Another bouncer moves to stop Marcus, he slams into the bounty hunter. Both pistols fly from his hands, he now adapts a defensive stance. The bouncer throws a wild punch and Marcus dips down then counters with a punch to the gut of the bouncer. A south paw to the jaw of the bouncer puts him down. Shaking off the daze Marcus grabs his weapons and moves for the door and dives through, turning as he falls. He lands on his back and somersaults to his feet. Marcus waits for the bothan, both pistols trained on the entrance of the club. Lets go bothan, I'm not waiting forever..