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Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 6:01 am
by Vegito
Wow... this is so bleeding pointless... just because this "person" gets alot of naq and alot of UU real quick and then it disappears does not mean that it is a multi... it could be that this "person" is helping out a friend who is ascending... or many friends...

don't go blaming people for multi'ing with out proof... just because naq and UU come and go from an account does not constitute cheating... so get proof or be quite because this is pointless babble

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 6:11 am
by TheSoulHarvester
well this is my opinion and democracy entitles me to my opinion which also includes to tell You to **Filtered** off! I suspect him to be a cheater, and this is cheaters section bozo!

not that it matters... someone should take more agressive means against cheaters. there are ways to test it for forum, but sadly he is busy programming the game and no doubt he has a life, unlike some I could mention...
I cant check wether his ip matches, is he sending his stuff to one player, or perhaps an alliance. wateva.

tis kind of action is suspicious, doesnt matter wether You think i babble or not! it IS suspicious.

and btw, that must be a MIGHTY good friend to help ascend by giving BILLIONS of naq and 100k's of UU... :evil: