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Re: Tired of being warned for this...

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 2:05 pm
by Jack
Tetrismonkey wrote:[And heres the door Clarkey, I do beleive you left SGW, why not stay gone and do us all a favor]

Clarkey wrote:Do everyone a favour? So you speak on behalf of the community?..... I thought not.

Oh and since when are Moderators meant to be telling members of this community to leave for good? You're not really the right role model for a Moderator.

There'll be none of that. [-X

RoKeT wrote:Personally, I wish Clarkey was back... He found more Multi's and did a great job on the forum... I don't see why he is so hated still rofl P.S. Good luck with this

Nor any of this. [-X

Stay on topic or stay out. Thanks.

Re: Tired of being warned for this...

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 2:12 pm
by LegendaryA
Tetrismonkey wrote:[And heres the door Clarkey, I do beleive you left SGW, why not stay gone and do us all a favor]

Anyways, I agree with what you have to say on this Mordack, that it truly isnt offensive enough to warrent a warning point, but, in this case, he has to far with it. Theres a line between joking, and being an ass about it. Jokes are fine, and embarrasing someone fun to. However, going about it the way he has isnt funny nor [lack of better word] "cool". There shouldnt be just one rule that is all, and has only one way to be delt with. There are many other aspects that need to be weight to.

Hope this was helpful, if not, just disreguard my rambling.

*goes back into zombie mode*

Clarkey posted something right, I don't see the point in bringing your arguement you both have in this issue.

@ Clarkey. Mikgamer admitted himself +/- to be a troll here to annoy people. He made this thread just for the heck of complaining, because only thing he knows doing is being an annoyance on those forums, and is aware of that.
Remember GuardianX? He's just another one of those...people posting pointless useless and uninteresting mocking threads because they think it makes them cool (it doesn't..). He just proably find it amusing to harass her because despite this big mistake she did, he probably knows that he will never ever compete with her within positive contribution factor to this game & forums, despite mistake she did. So he keeps going about this thing, because it's only thing he can poke her with, because he's one of those trolls thinking it's cool and "lulz worthy" to act like the local Nelson Muntz.
Annoyances of his sort become a problem when they develop in numbers.

Re: Tired of being warned for this...

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 2:55 pm
by Mikgamer
Hmmm, while some of you have good imaginations, none of you that are attempting to gauge me are getting close to tell the truth. I'd already have been on my 2nd two week banning if I were singling out uni as much as some of the forum staff do to me.

Oh ya, none of that was on-topic. Sorry about that. Some of you know this and some of you do not but once upon a time Clarkey, among other things more famous, deleted my forum account (same name & more posts). Now to me, that was no big deal and I just brushed it off and lulz'ed about it. But I could have also made a big deal and fuss about it. Did I get special treatment or an apology about it from Clarkey or any of the staff? No, not that I am aware of at least. Should I have gotten or still be getting special treatment because of it? No, I definitely do not think so.

Re: Tired of being warned for this...

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 3:10 pm
by LegendaryA
Mikgamer wrote:Hmmm, while some of you have good imaginations, none of you that are attempting to gauge me are getting close to tell the truth. I'd already have been on my 2nd two week banning if I were singling out uni as much as some of the forum staff do to me.

Oh ya, none of that was on-topic. Sorry about that. Some of you know this and some of you do not but once upon a time Clarkey, among other things more famous, deleted my forum account (same name & more posts). Now to me, that was no big deal and I just brushed it off and lulz'ed about it. But I could have also made a big deal and fuss about it. Did I get special treatment or an apology about it from Clarkey or any of the staff? No, not that I am aware of at least. Should I have gotten or still be getting special treatment because of it? No, I definitely do not think so.

It's not the same lol.

Universe did a big mistake. Admin punished her and banned her forum account for a few weeks, and she apologized to whole community several times about it. Then she got harrassed when she tried to become a mod, and every once in a while by the local complainers who wouldn't want to give her a second chance. She paid for her mistake and didn't do it again.

Now you bring your case. Clarkey deleted you because you tend to rather post non constructive all time and "lulz" like which hardly even are worth enough to be in temple of spam. Constant trolling and rather useless posts and such things being most common posts of yours. If someone had to apologize, it's NOT Clarkey. Yes, Clarkey did a harsh action on you. Clarkey was an admin. In MANY forums admins tend to do that to people they consider "troll" or "constant troublemakers". This forum is nicer and doesn't do it, but it doesn't mean the cop has to apologize to the robber because the emprisonment was longer than it should have been. Anyway, if you did change behaviour since then, then there might have been reason for him to be sorry for his move, but by this current behaviour, you just proved him right to have done it!! :lol: Since you like to mention how much Uni this Uni are proud of behaving like a troublemaker. She apologized and got punishment and thus deserves special treatment (second chance which she didn't break), however you got deleted for past behaviour and admit doing same behaviour again that got you deleted (second chance not taken by you). See the difference? ;)

Re: Tired of being warned for this...

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 9:34 am
by Mordack
As much as I love a bit of Clarkey bashing, I'm afraid this thread is neither the time nor the place. Jack has already asked everybody to keep on topic, and you know how he doesn't like to repeat himself.

Re: Tired of being warned for this...

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 11:39 pm
by Mikgamer
Hmmm, well this topic is still in the Ombud's corner so any official rulings yet?

Re: Tired of being warned for this...

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 5:26 am
by Mordack
Mikgamer wrote:Hmmm, well this topic is still in the Ombud's corner so any official rulings yet?

Well, I've posted my opinion. I'll need to convene with Jack and we can put our heads together to come up with a resolution.

Re: Tired of being warned for this...

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 7:14 am
by Angnoch
if my input is at all warranted, Mikgamer has shown time and again that he is willing to insult a forum user, but is he really all that offensive with this post, does it truly deserve a board warning =/ I would think not, despite the obvious inflammatory nature of the post it is nothing worse than what people say all over the forums and in real life. You make a mistake and you live with that mistake, it is up to each individual to forgive and move on, some will some won't, forcing people to accept the mistake and subsequent apology is shallow, and will just foster more resentment. Stifling his speech here is, unfortunately, incorrect and thereby the warning is far from necessary. Just my two cents, or nickel depending on how much y'all think it is worth ;)

as for the Clarkey issue....there is a wonderful device called PM's they allow a discussion to take place, totally ignorant of the rest of the users, and give everyone plenty of room to vent, I suggest moving there