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Re: Trading market for making ascended more active

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 2:26 am
by Londo Mollari
raiding was removed for a good reason, it made it possible for players to get ridiculously large planet sizes

growth in the ascended server is riduculously in favour of newer accounts, the bigger you get the harder it is for growth (almost exponentially so)

you can already trade DMU for LF

AT generation is the same, lower ranks get much more AT's than the higher ranks, and there is no shortage of inactive accounts

the first post mentioned the option of allowing players to have the ability to descend or be descended removed, which is ridiculous. As it stands, most players (myself included) play to the point where they are effectively impossible to descend

what the server actually needs, is for descension to be made more achievable and to have more damaging repercussions, say for every 10 times you are descended you lose an ascension level in main...i think that would force a lot of players to rethink there attitudes to the ascended server (or annoy all of the currently lazy players who don't bother with it)

Re: Trading market for making ascended more active

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 2:18 pm
by Evilution
Yeah there would be a lot of raiding but then if you have untrained planets out doing nothing, why should they not be raided.

Bring back raiding and if you dont play ascended, you lose untrained planets. If you play or start playing ascended, build a def or just train planets as soon as possible.

Why is it that raiding is liked and accepted on main but not on ascended?[

EDITED... Oh yeah of course. Raiding was stopped because accounts was growing really big. Yeah but there is a cap to stop everyone getting to big, or at least, slow down your growth over a certain size, so raiding could come back now. If no one wants to be raided, train your planets

Re: Trading market for making ascended more active

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 10:09 pm
by Colos
You obviously haven't taken into consideration that silly action called Initiate Revolution.


Re: Trading market for making ascended more active

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 11:08 pm
by Lithium
DIH u really dont know how to play that server dont you?

boy in 1 year i builded from scratch to bare at strongest accounts there and in 6 -12 following i did built it to a scary level. and its not i was focusing only in ascended , jsut playing 1 hr/day

Re: Trading market for making ascended more active

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 6:15 pm
by Evilution
yep i can play it and im doing very well on ascended. I said i had 6b planets but I was mistaken. I have 8b planets and all power levels are very high.

I did'nt start this thread in hope that I could change the game for myself, I was hoping that someone would of like my idea or even thought up a better idea than mine which would of encouraged everyone to start playing on ascended server or at least make it more fun for the ones that do play it.

It's just a shame that updates are always for main and ascended seems to be forgotten about. There is only so much you can do on ascended. If you are new and do not have much time to play, then those newly ascended would get bored and not log in. I know I would not want to be a newly ascended the way ascended is atm if it takes about 1 yr + to be undescendable or just to have a good account, but nowhere near being rank 1.

Re: Trading market for making ascended more active

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 2:32 pm
by Londo Mollari
actually, being unascendable is all about balancing your stats

if done correctly, you could probably do it within a month of ascending, if not sooner

Re: Trading market for making ascended more active

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 8:09 pm
by Colos
What he said ^^



Re: Trading market for making ascended more active

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 12:14 am
by stuff of legends
yup :-D

But more so on topic, really the only way you can get more people to play or to make more progress is to give it more purpose, or forcefulness.

Re: Trading market for making ascended more active

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 1:09 am
by Colos
Want some forcefulness? Fix descention!


Re: Trading market for making ascended more active

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 2:04 pm
by Londo Mollari
Colos wrote:Want some forcefulness? Fix descention!



if there were more severe penalties from descention, then people would play the ascended server, for fear of the ramifications on main

Re: Trading market for making ascended more active

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 2:10 pm
Londo Mollari wrote:
Colos wrote:Want some forcefulness? Fix descention!



if there were more severe penalties from descention, then people would play the ascended server, for fear of the ramifications on main

that day would make history :D

like put more limits on the defenders defensive power up's and get rid or repulsion for ascended attacks as they are to powerful they should make it that repulsion only works on farming attacks.

anyways im sure it will get a revamping some day.

Re: Trading market for making ascended more active

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 10:33 pm
by stuff of legends
one day when our kids kids kids play the game.