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Re: Tail, And or Wings

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 7:14 am
by RoKeT
So getting a Tail, is Possible, And I could Control It!

While Wings, are possible I could not Control them Very Well? Is that what you are saying good sir, and if So can you provide truth or is that just theory?

Re: Tail, And or Wings

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 7:15 am
by Hitchkok
Teal'C wrote:that just theory

Re: Tail, And or Wings

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 7:20 am
by Kit-Fox
Teal'C wrote:So getting a Tail, is Possible, And I could Control It!

While Wings, are possible I could not Control them Very Well? Is that what you are saying good sir, and if So can you provide truth or is that just theory?

I cant provide direct links to 'proof' as I cant recall where I read everything. However it is well known in genetic research that we once had a tail of some sort & that the code for that tail still remains in our make up today but is dormant. So to have a tail and control over it all you'd have to do is reactivate that dormant code.

I'm sure if you google around for a bit you'd find pages and pages on the whole thing.

As for wings well thats a theory based on our genetic & biological understandings. You'd need significant work to make wings a possibility & it wouldnt be possible for them to be an 'addon' you'd need to engineer a person with the genetic code and body to graft biomechanical devices too which would provide the lift needed.

As for those who consider such stuff anathema, personally I'd ignore them. They just arent prepared to risk/dream/imagine (take your pick) and thats one of the things that makes us human

Re: Tail, And or Wings

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 7:28 am
by LegendaryA
You would have problems for dressing clothes, driving car, sitting in metro,...

Not worth the cost in my opinion.

Re: Tail, And or Wings

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 7:32 am
by RoKeT
I could Fly :smt047 Who the hell cares, and if I had the cash for such, Don't you think I could modify my car's and Clothing?

P.S. If someone knows of someone like a Price Range let me know, or Of a doctor that actively does it, let me know!

Re: Tail, And or Wings

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 10:09 am
by Brdavs
Wings would make you a real hit with the birds, thats for sure.

Re: Tail, And or Wings

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 2:05 am
by Londo Mollari
improbable =/= impossible

the genetic manipulation required would be complex, but by no means unachievable

tail would be significantly easier, as humans previously had tails, the gene sequences would exist in a dormant form (as previously mentioned)

wings would be more difficult, our skeletal structure is not suited for flight, our bones are too dense and heavy, and our bodies are not very aerodynamic

Re: Tail, And or Wings

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 9:35 am
by Thriller
you could always join in on a production of the WIzard of OZ :razz:

Re: Tail, And or Wings

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 10:02 am
by Q Man
Thriller wrote:you could always join in on a production of the WIzard of OZ :razz:


very good, got a laugh out of that.

also, i don't see the point to this, surely we want to try and distance ourselves from monkeys :-k but everyone to their own.

Re: Tail, And or Wings

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:07 pm
by Kit-Fox

Re: Tail, And or Wings

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 2:17 am

Humans already have a vestigial tail reminent, I believe it's called the Coccyx, and there have been reports people born with tails but they are far shorter than a monkeys, more like a short stumpy dogs tails and are usually surgically removed soon after birth.

I dont think genetic manipulation is advanced enough to make you grow a tail or have conscious control of one, but with the drugs used to stop organ donation rejection it might be possible to transplant one from an animal. After all doctors are already working on using pigs hearts in humans.


Wings are another matter entirely, humans have never had wings at any point in our evolution, and animals that have wings either have them instead of arms ( like birds ) or attached to their arms ( like bats and some lizards ). It might be possible to use skin grafting techniques to create wings similar to a bats wing, but they would never produce enough life to get a human body in flight, at best they might provide a limited very hard to control glide if you jumped from a height.

Bottom line, if you really want a tail and wings you'd be better of seeking psychiatric help than surgical :smt047

Re: Tail, And or Wings

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 5:52 am
by Kit-Fox