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Re: I am now descended

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 12:52 pm
by deni
It has been an honour Colos.

Enjoy your break ;)

Re: I am now descended

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 1:18 pm
This leaving kinda shocked me bro.

Colos - The Beast wrote:AXYS - Even though we had our differencies, I hope I can still call you a friend. And I do hope you will get a life in the near future :D

-I stick to that! :P :D
-You're out of the loop.. I've already got one. :D

Thank you for that you've remembered me. Nice to be in the list.. :P
We've lost a proud hungarian player, but we're proud of your achivements!
You made that TOC alone.. congrats for that, again!

I hope many of us will meet in Österbrau in the summer,
I'm looking forward to meet you again!

Re: I am now descended

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 2:31 am
by InR
[-o< finally my god Jamaal can live in peace. He is no longer afraid of beeing DESCENDED :lol: I have luck that u havent visited me i guess ;)

I wish u all well in RL!!!

Re: I am now descended

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 4:07 am
by Dmonix
I must also say thank you for the last hit you gave me on ascended, to see the full power of your ToC

As with all battles, this one has been recorded for the official history of DmonIx. This is the official report of the battle:

In the tradition of the realm, ColosSeum comes alone into TearjerKer's DmonIx, to challenge in an Ascended battle...

For ages the battle rages on across planets, galaxies and centuries....Finally... it is decided!

Having their physical military neutralized the physical defences of the realm, ColosSeum moves to meet TearjerKer in a one on one Ascended Battle!

Starting with 267,393,771 weildable life force, with 1,001,182,442 attack potential after accounting for energy attack power and skill,ColosSeum meets TearjerKer - who has 177,772,267 life force capable of being used in battle- in an ascended match of epic magnitude!
Simutaneously, the two ascended beings launch ascended energy attacks on each other. Time stands still, the surrounding physical plane crackles with diffusing power, and the entire Ascended plane shudders while the battle rages.
ColosSeum impales TearjerKer with 1,001,182,442 of ascended damage.
The energy absorbing power, skill, and the unique skill of energy repulsion -usable only within ones own realm, and their constitution, lessens this by 848,414,125 to 152,768,317 total damage taken, thereby reducing their life force and reserves by this amount.

TearjerKer, at the same time, hits ColosSeum with 585,299,190 total power, while also repulsing 375,443,416 of ColosSeum's own attack back at them, for a total of 960,742,605 potential damage! This, though, by the energy absorbing power and skill of ColosSeum, and their own constitution, reduces by 631,207,891 resulting in 329,534,714 total damage inflicted by TearjerKer on ColosSeum!

Both parties are exhausted, these battles being very taxing on ones being. While the battle is now over, it is also not finished. It has will finish in 3 real hours (or 3 eons ingame time). Yes - linear time is one of the things that are left behind in the ascended planes.

Regardless, the two ascended beings have will part ways, and both wonder about the next time they meet....
Thought I'd hit in return for the lulz

As with all battles, this one has been recorded for the official history of DmonIx. This is the official report of the battle:

In the tradition of the realm, TearjerKer comes alone into ColosSeum's TL, to challenge in an Ascended battle...

For ages the battle rages on across planets, galaxies and centuries....Finally... it is decided!

Having their physical military neutralized the physical defences of the realm, TearjerKer moves to meet ColosSeum in a one on one Ascended Battle!

Starting with 177,772,267 weildable life force, with 585,621,846 attack potential after accounting for energy attack power and skill,TearjerKer meets ColosSeum - who has 267,393,771 life force capable of being used in battle- in an ascended match of epic magnitude!
Simutaneously, the two ascended beings launch ascended energy attacks on each other. Time stands still, the surrounding physical plane crackles with diffusing power, and the entire Ascended plane shudders while the battle rages.
TearjerKer impales ColosSeum with 585,621,846 of ascended damage.
The energy absorbing power, skill, and the unique skill of energy repulsion -usable only within ones own realm, and their constitution, lessens this by 445,014,041 to 140,607,805 total damage taken, thereby reducing their life force and reserves by this amount.

ColosSeum, at the same time, hits TearjerKer with 1,001,182,442 total power, while also repulsing 175,686,554 of TearjerKer's own attack back at them, for a total of 1,176,868,996 potential damage! This, though, by the energy absorbing power and skill of TearjerKer, and their own constitution, reduces by 889,547,464 resulting in 287,321,532 total damage inflicted by ColosSeum on TearjerKer!

Both parties are exhausted, these battles being very taxing on ones being. While the battle is now over, it is also not finished. It has will finish in 3 real hours (or 3 eons ingame time). Yes - linear time is one of the things that are left behind in the ascended planes.

Regardless, the two ascended beings have will part ways, and both wonder about the next time they meet....

Re: I am now descended

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 6:37 am
by gerey
good luck bartender

Re: I am now descended

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 7:03 am
by Solus
Sad to see you go Colos, I'll try catching you on MSN soon. its been good having you onboard the ascended mod team. thanks for your time :)


Re: I am now descended

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 8:43 am
by bigcakes
hey bud, just came back the other day to check up on everyone, have fun in RL my friend and maybe chat sometime in the future.

Re: I am now descended

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 6:27 am
by ~Deathlok~
sad :(

have fun in R.L.

Re: I am now descended

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 7:21 am
by solmyr
but now who will i hire to descend people...

have fun mate :-D

Re: I am now descended

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 1:28 pm
by ~Deathlok~
me :razz:

i will try to catch him

Re: I am now descended

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 8:56 am
by Atomos
Take care buddy, you had a monster ascended from what I saw!!

Hope you can answer this quetsion before you leave:
How many ascended kills did you have? :) (if you can remember of course :P )

Good luck with everything!