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Re: ferretr55 ID 1977057

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 5:25 am
by DeathIncarnator
I`m posting his PM`s to me (yes mods I know I`m responsible for what he wrote because i`m posting it .....but it needs done).

from him to me Jul 16, 09:57
Censored. Way past the limit, not tolerated on those forums

My reply titled "Thank you"
care to rephrase that?

Seems more like your fantasy..........

Wash your mouth out with soap.

Take a deep breath.

Get some manners.

Grow up.

His reply :-Jul 16, 11:31
lmao basically i dont like you because you always attack my main crusader18

My response
Well thank you for a more polite Pm than last time.

You wrote \" lmao basically i dont like you because you always attack my main crusader18\"

Well its your perogative to like or dislike any player.

But crusader18 is in MY ALLIANCE.

A quick check of my logs shows I never made any hits on crusader18...ever

Could not find the text \"deathincarnator and crusader18\"

Now you`ve washed your mouth out and have been able to compose a polite PM please come back to me with a sensible response when you are not under the influence.

Enjoy DI

And his last communication Jul 16, 19:02

Censored. Again, such language is NOT tolerated on those forums.

And my last retort:-

Yep back to normal, whats it gonna be death threats next?
Grow up.
Have a nice day.


I make no judgements on this fellow hes probably not even in his teens or attending anger management classes.

Re: ferretr55 ID 1977057

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 8:47 am
ive also had PMs off this player all along the same lines as the other PMs you guys have PMed

Re: ferretr55 ID 1977057

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 9:09 am
by BenjaminMS
Warning issued to DeathIncarnator. You admitted that you are held responsible for the words inside those PMs, in other words, you knew that you were in the wrong with posting it - yet you went ahead anyway. Hence, one warning point issued.

Re: ferretr55 ID 1977057

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 4:44 am
by crusader18
Thats funny because he sent a PM to someone in Omega threatening them for attacking to explain.

I didn't know that, and I agree with Legendary Jimster, he is spreading rumors, because i didn't know about him until he sent me those msgs. I never talked bout me getting hit by anyone with him. I would show everyone the msgs, but its to obscene to post on here.

Re: ferretr55 ID 1977057

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 4:17 am
by DeathIncarnator
Thank you for the board warning.

Its much appreciated.

Now how about doing something constructive like banning him for his below (now censored) pm to me this before he starts issuing death threats?
And .......I dont need a reply to that question just some action.

PM Removed due to masking, you are responsible for the contents of your post be it PMs or not.


Re: ferretr55 ID 1977057

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 5:15 am
by BenjaminMS
No mod or admin on those boards can ban him or punish him another way ingame except for the regular 'player dealt punishment', that being, attacking with their own account. If you want to see him banned ingame, mail the gameadmin ( about it with the case. I can't help you further with that in any other way.

Re: ferretr55 ID 1977057

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 5:20 am
by [BoT] Jason
Alert admin and He'll perhaps remove his PM abilities for you ...

Re: ferretr55 ID 1977057

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 10:07 am
by DeathIncarnator
Thank you for the second board warning.

I did send admin an email.

ferretr55 sent me another pm which was nice.

I am unable to send him a nice reply back as it seems my ability to communicate with him no longer works.

Have fun

Re: ferretr55 ID 1977057

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 5:04 pm
by DeathIncarnator
This is all **Filtered** up

ferretr55 DeathIncarnator No Subject 16:34
WTH this edited ferretr55 can still send me offensive pms but i cant reply to them WTH is happening to this game.

Random latest pm sent by ferretr55 16:34

Masking. Is a no-no

Ny forum reply as I can`t send him Pms:- my isn`t this nice.

Not that my Rl situation should never be refered to by this edited, I`m trying to keep the GF secret from the missis :D

I expect mods NOT to penalise me but perhaps send an email to admin reporting this edited maybe overwhelming support from the rest of the server might nudge you into taking action.

And yes Mods you do have powers, exercise them, delete / censor my post as you desire, however I`m really pissed that this **Filtered** can still pm me and I can`t pm him. Please do what is right......because you can!

OH AND ferretr55 I have your ip address .........I would recommend that you dont go much further you ..... you **Filtered** because if you persist I wont issue threats just promises.

Mod away,,,,,but do the right thing.

Re: ferretr55 ID 1977057

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 5:07 pm
by DeathIncarnator
Topic can now be locked

Re: ferretr55 ID 1977057

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 11:27 pm
by BenjaminMS
Topic locked. Didn't you blacklist him? That should at least solve it... if it doesn't work, PM me and I'll unlock this and move it to the Bugs-section.
On another note, I understand your frustration but I am going to talk to my collaegues about your post... since this would be the third warning in this topic and in total so far (thus an 2 week ban) for you if I'd warn you now...

- Edit - After having talked it through, warning issued