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Re: Mother ship updates

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 4:23 pm
by Tekki
then perhaps they should also post.

the major flaw I see with your argument is that you are taking the 'blessing' state to be the natural state when you keep saying 70%. The natural stat is what should be considered here.

Though perhaps what you are really advocating is that you would like a MS only attack?

Re: Mother ship updates

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 1:21 am
by beliblisk
Well dear $tekki$ in an not talking of MS being distant action. Clearly in this game we have MSs,planets and live force.

While MS can battle in space (against planets and MSs) it is more than obvious that they are able to project their fire power on target planets (meaning level where live force fights with their personal weps).

But other way around is a bit wrong........please go watch some scy-fi regarding mother ships....not that i did many but i all space ships can do some damage around solid ground.

As for 70% is at your levels in comparison to low ascended small palyer almost all the time so dont get smart here.

Players that are leaving couldnt care less about SGW or forums atm.

....i know you non conventional players are just laughing at us-underdogs since these last updates are just a final frontear you won.........what you couldnt do other wise :roll:

Re: Mother ship updates

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 1:36 am
by Lithium
odji resumed it pretty well

i was thinkin since Admin put this %%% in order to engage it might be best to limit the engage at all.

say player A got 1t strike and hits player B 30T def . A gets huge loses due to this % , then, why not to engage at all instead of having loses. also player B wit some higher strike shuld not engage player A wit small def .

this way the big stats guys cant press the comunity that cant afford stats

Re: Mother ship updates

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 1:53 am
by minisaiyan
I made a thread regarding a ms only attack.

But on the subject of the updates, I can't see why a ship shouldn't engage against enemies with a high defence considering the enemies ship is what it would hit first. So surely that would always engage?

Re: Mother ship updates

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 2:43 am
by beliblisk
Agreed....but we are to few to think like that :roll:

Re: Mother ship updates

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 2:26 am
by odji nsu
Lithium wrote:odji resumed it pretty well

i was thinkin since Admin put this %%% in order to engage it might be best to limit the engage at all.

say player A got 1t strike and hits player B 30T def . A gets huge loses due to this % , then, why not to engage at all instead of having loses. also player B wit some higher strike shuld not engage player A wit small def .

this way the big stats guys cant press the community that cant afford stats

that is exactly what it should be like, If your so powerful then you should not be able to beat up on a little guy who isnt powerful, and before some say well they can mass you and then sell of, it should be that if you have war set then alls far game,

Re: Mother ship updates

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 6:59 am
by Sarevok
I agree Odji.

The little guys should be able to fight with others about their skill level, and the larger players fight with themselves, and not the large players pick on the smaller ones. Though obviously we need some sort of mechanism that changes the set-up when they are considered inactive. Otherwise, there'd be no farming for anyone

Re: Mother ship updates

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 12:03 am
by Lithium
well the % in power would define who to hit or not , regarding farming then who needs raiding or farming inactives then it shall drop in ranks/power , by not building huge MS , def , or strike.
a 30-50% set would limit massing small targets.

Re: Mother ship updates

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 3:01 am
by minisaiyan
But what if you are massing someone who started big... After a while, you wouldnt be able to do damage.
There would need to be some kind of turn timer for how long they have the 0 stats increasing the %. Or work off capacitys

Re: Mother ship updates

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 3:36 am
by Lithium
well maybe the % that limit u to attack can run every 12 hrs to once per day. also when u mass u also lose supers that drops u aswell.

Re: Mother ship updates

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 3:42 am
by beliblisk
.....or mabye just remove 35% limit(maybe even return 1 AT minimum) 8)

Re: Mother ship updates

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 6:47 am
by Lithium
MS battle should not be affected by strike/def power.

the 3 at's min just rise the cost to mass MS and def.

the best solution would have been lowering the income generated from lifer/miners instead of raising other costs

Re: Mother ship updates

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 8:41 am
by MaxSterling
Lithium wrote:odji resumed it pretty well

i was thinkin since Admin put this %%% in order to engage it might be best to limit the engage at all.

say player A got 1t strike and hits player B 30T def . A gets huge loses due to this % , then, why not to engage at all instead of having loses. also player B wit some higher strike shuld not engage player A wit small def .

this way the big stats guys cant press the comunity that cant afford stats

Umm... hello? Doesn't ascended server come to mind? That server is an utter failure and most of that has to do with the snipers on that server. Build what you need to attack, then sell/untrain to drop so no retaliation can be made.

Any small player can build up if they play smart. There are plenty of examples of new players that recently started new accounts and have something decent within a few months.

Every single one of us went thru the constant harassment of larger players and we're all better players now because we weathered thru it all. Handholding does nothing for the game except breed crybabies who will quit at the first sign of getting massed.

As for the MS engagement issue, sab down a defense and your MS will engage. Stop being so damn afraid to take on losses. Christ, most of you think yourselves to be elite players. Act and play like it.

There's always the possibility to stop farming the big players, and surrender to them. Then only deal with them every few months to enjoy some quiet time with growth. Point is, you keep pushing the issue... you only keep wasting resources that could be going into account development. Instead you waste them to build and attack again. ](*,) Kenny Rogers said it best. You gotta know when to hold 'em... know when to fold 'em... know when to walk away.... know when to run.

Re: Mother ship updates

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 8:43 am
by minisaiyan
Lithium wrote:
the best solution would have been lowering the income generated from lifer/miners instead of raising other costs

Surely that would result in less need for miners by the bigger people who would just jump at building bigger defences.

As the farms would have less income, those $$ players you are complaining about have a greater advantage when buying naq for $$

Re: Mother ship updates

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 10:38 am
by Lithium
well admin raised cost of the game to bare the inflation , actually thats not a smart move, best is to lower the income one generates when in ppt.

if u dont produce that much then u naturaly fix the "farming a lot" coz it takes more turns to have our 30-40b and not many stays hours online, also the naq price raise up so cash players dont get it cheap.

the idea of this thread is not to stop the MS fight due to a big def , MS's engage each-other at the first approach so why adding limiting it. why raising unneccessary cost to MS fights?.

As for adding a % not to hit distant players it might work or not but game isnt the same at it was 3 years ago, ppl grow and have more responsabilities in life whle still wanting to play a bit due to being bit addicted.