world government - it's worth a shot

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Re: world government - it's worth a shot

debunked by who?

answer me these 3 questions from your common sense POV...

is the main ingredient of rat poison good for you when it kills rats?

do you think that the by-products of the aluminium industry, the fertiliser industry and the nuclear industry is a good thing to put in your mouth much less your stomach?

the Nazis and the communists gave fluoride to prisoners because they cared about their pearly whites before they gassed and executed them?

for heavens sake man, they are saying on national press that mercury is good for our brains...would you put mercury in your body because they say its good for you???? :?

you know, if i break into your house and you catch me in the act of cleaning you out, i'm pretty sure i would regret it BIG TIME, to say the least...but the banksters steal trillions and then to add insult to injury, they hand us a bill for it as well and nobody here gets even the slightest bit agitated much less angry, but i say something and you guys are all over me...what the hells wrong with that picture?!

you guys need to grow some balls and start recognising who your true enemy is because its the very same people who you guys want to head up a world Govt and its not me whose stole 60+ TRILLION from the tax payer....

thats last years figure, nobody knows what the current figure is because the stimulus money has run out (and they wont tell us where it all went)as predicted it would, and now they want a 2nd round of bail outs from the tax i've guys better **Filtered** open your eyes and start paying attention!
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Re: world government - it's worth a shot

Last edited by Kit-Fox on Sat Jan 28, 2012 2:53 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: world government - it's worth a shot

sigh, well that response was bloody obvious!

mate, fluoride is cumulative and...

well you find out for yourself.

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Re: world government - it's worth a shot

Last edited by Kit-Fox on Sat Jan 28, 2012 2:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The river tells no lies, yet standing at its shores the dishonest man still hears them

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Re: world government - it's worth a shot

I can't find the old fluoride thread for merge .. muh

either way you obviously don't know what an isotope is avenger.

maybe you should look that up and stay on topic.

Let's get some coherent reasons why a global government is a bad idea. If your going to suppose one already exist you will need to provide evidence for such a claim.
Universe wrote:You don't have a case, as Lord Thriller clearly explained.
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Re: world government - it's worth a shot

I`d give it a shot. Seems the next logical step in the historic progression. I dont buy the whole "cant be done, human kind is not mature enough" exuse.

A couple 100 years ago they would never have believed world as it is today was plausible. Countries of 100s of millions being ran in a democratic manner, women voting, capital punishment banned in more than half the countires, europe at peace etc. etc. Humans are very adaptable to new ideas. Thats why we outlasted the competition during the struggle of the fittest heh.

I dont see why a world government would inheritly have to be an evil dictatorship bent on our genocide and whatnot. I mean unless the x-files were filmed after a true story it doesnt make any sense whatsoever does it. All these "evil nazi nwo" theories are laughable. Paranoid much? It has the potential to be 1984 or Star Trek. Up to us to make it the latter.

It doesnt look sustainable for the long run, todays political and economic system, does it. So I kinda hope someone out there is thinking ahaed a bit. I could get behind a unified government, allways liked Issac Assimovs opus about the human galactic empire lol.
I mean just think how earth must look to a passer by. Some 190 groups, bickering and threathening eachother with arms, able of blowing themselves all up at any second for no apparent reason and squabbling over some imaginary notion of value in an extremly complex economic system that squanders their limited and fast running out resources while bing based on debt that wont ever get repaied. No serious vision for the long term future, nada. Its a bloody mess lol.

Steven hawkings said it recently and I tend to agree... its gonna be a rough couple of centuries coming up at some stage. He recommended we colonize space to "diversify our portfolio" since we`re gambling thusly lol.

So, long story short, I`m in the EU, havent been poisoned or killed by the big bad gvmt., my fammily hasnt been rounded up and deposited in a mass grave and its a pretty liberal, tolerant and rights of an induvidual respecting society. Could use some trimming on the edges but the basic idea is good. Sure as hack an improvment over what my great great grandad went trough. I`m all for exporting the formula, what the heck. City states became greece, greece became europe, europe becomes continet, continents become world etc. etc. If we can get to the next step on the social evolutionary ladder that we seem to be on without a bloody revolution and/or armageddon then I`m more than willing to give it a shot. Nationalism is so 19th century anyways. :razz:
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Re: world government - it's worth a shot

Thriller wrote:Let's get some coherent reasons why a global government is a bad idea. If your going to suppose one already exist you will need to provide evidence for such a claim.


Also: lol@EU respecting rights
Ya'll acting like you know what monster is
Me have 25 years in the monster biz
All monsters think you can fuss with this
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Me sneak into your house, me leave before dawn
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Re: world government - it's worth a shot

UN is a government organization. Its basically a contract a lot of countires signed. As of yet there is zero element of supranationalism in it. Thats why its so "useless" and "inefective".

And lol @ you loling. I find it humorous that everyone on this site seems to be a resident freedome, legal system and civil rights expert. Cum laude form glen becks night school of being stuck in some 18th century freedome farytale bs that never really existed. Loling at actual acomplishments in the field. :razz: Like it or not the european continent is on the forefront of civil liberties advancement and protection.
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Calibretto wrote: WIR SOLLEN *insert* AUSRADIEREN

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Re: world government - it's worth a shot

i have to ask the question...

seriously, are you pro-EU/1 world Govt supporters brain dead or what?

go and watch the footage of how the EU parliament works, you will see that our EU members get 1 minute of talk time on the floor and just like the American Congress, get no time at all to review new legislation. nearly all the time our EU reps are voting on things they don't even know what they are voting on. the law makers and those with the REAL power in the EU are unelected and unaccountable...and you guys want to expand such an organisation to encompass the entire planet?

when you read stuff like that alarm bells should be going off instantly, but instead you guys think its wonderful AND I'M A "CONSPIRACY THEORIST" WHILE OUR ECONOMY GOES DOWN THE TOILET AND THE SAME BUNCH OF THIEVING (whoops, sorry bout the caps) bastards rob us of trillions and give us a solution of 1 world bank and Govt...

you guys are crazy!

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Re: world government - it's worth a shot

Nobody is really robbing you of trillions cos those trillions are by and large imaginary. Its how the current system works. I`m all for a marxist revolution but apparently you dont want that either lol.

You`re naive to think nationality has anything to do with anything. That somehow resisting power of supranational systems is the vital thing. Its a useless distraction. Something to keep you preocupied. Real power is held by capital, thats why its capitalism. Thats no shock. Wanna change that, be my guest.

In the meantime I dont subscribe to the notion that there are freemasons controling it all bent on world domination and extermination. I`ll be the first one to say we have a somewhat **Filtered** system. But its a system that basically runs itself on inertia, no particular satan worshiping anticrist at the helm. And it will continue to do so in national states or a world government. Only difference is whether people hate eachothers guts based on their passport or come to a realisation that piece of paper doesnt really mean squat and that its silly. Maybe the energy spent on that could be better spent on solving actual long term problems humanity as a race faces and that we will need to adress in unison.
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Calibretto wrote: WIR SOLLEN *insert* AUSRADIEREN

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Re: world government - it's worth a shot

let me get this straight, you think the the trillions stolen by the banks are imaginary? then tell me mate, is the tax and bills we are all paying -and soon to be paying more of-also imaginary? if you say yes my wallet will disagree with you!

who said anything about nationality and passports? look, all i can tell you is what i see with my own eyes. i cant tell you about other country's but i will tell you what's happened to the UK with regards to the UK signing into all these damned EU treaties.

1, our fishing industry has been virtually wiped out, the UK is an island and we don't even have access to our own fishing reserves...but other country's can come and fish in our back yard.

2, our coal industry has been packed up and shipped to China and other country's who have dirty much for the environmental mob in the UK who are worried about pollution.

3, our once proud farmers are not so proud any more who are subject to all these useless and crippling EU regs

4, the UK for its size had a MASSIVE industrial base and capacity, a remarkable achievement for such a small island...all gone.

5, my own industry (the rag trade) packed up and shipped to country's who pay peanuts in wages.

6, we have been swamped with both illegal and economic migrants further reducing the job pool.

7, British people get few benefits, while migrants of all types are given everything...that doesn't mean the British people are lazy and want hand outs and freebies. look at how society is now, a whole generation of Brits have been brainwashed into wanting everything for nothing, that's not how it used to be...that's fact!

8, EU regs about minimum wages gave businesses the excuse to sack British workers and higher cheap immigrant labour paid at the much lower minimum wage....and they have the front to call us lazy!

9, don't even get me started on Euro truckers who don't even pay road tax while we pay through the nose!

10, the UK is paying upwards of £24 million a day into the EU and for what?! so they can give us useless and crippling regs, to drop our boarders and allow the EU to rape us and dump their unwanted people on us, to give us MASSIVE bureaucracy and representatives who don't represent the best interest of our nation?!

11, the EU is SOOOO, wonderful that the Irish were basically forced to vote yes in a 2nd referendum to join...what part of NO!!! doesn't the EU understand?!

12, i could go on and on, but if i do this response will never get posted!

this has nothing to do with being nationalistic, racist or with being xenophobic/phobia. this has EVERYTHING to do with being rapped and not liking it.
if the EU was a good thing, i would be all for it, but its not a good thing...far from it.

now if the EU, the UN, world bank and IMF are the model they will use for this 1 world Govt...THEY CAN STICK IT WHERE THE SUN DON'T SHINE!!!

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Re: world government - it's worth a shot

A lot of hot air and misintrepreted buzz words being used here.... :(

stop peddling and start discussing! [-X

Bailed out Greece did it not? That is its purpose - to supply loans when needed - with no intregrated system of lending we would have no way in countering insolvency in global terms

As for the global financial system it is rife with corruption due to lax regulation - tougher and harder regulation comes with more paperwork but with less risk - which do you wnat to see? We are dependent on this system so best method of change is from inside and not to demolish it in one go - gradual change....


Free movent of trade not good enough to stimule the UK economy? We irish have to pay the EU as well but we get benefits out of it being a massively exporting nation with free trade within the bloc

Also the EU can act as an Trade Bloc internationally and effect trade policies globally with its clout incomparision to an individual waning UK economy or a small Irish economy...

Free movement of people is a right within the EU and I am all for an Irish man I seen a massive inflx of people in the good tiomes and a mass exodus in the bad times...people need to live so they need to seek work where they will add to the diversity of each individual nation within the bloc

The Experiment:

The EU is the expirment which could lead to a international federation (why not?) at some stage - mistakes have being made but we still have a functioning bloc in terms of trade and economic policy - problems lay in:

- regulation of banks and future develeoment in growth sectors
- developement and co-hesion of foreign policy
- reduction in red tape
- military intergration and whether it should happen or whether it should remain in the hands of NATO
- and a more direct accountablility of EU politian to the general populace
- CAP and CFP need to be redressed (common agricultural and fishing policies)

Thes are the major road blocks that face us in this expirement.....time will show us if we are really ready for diversity in intregration... :)

The EU made some bad mistakes but it doesnt mean its an evil organisation...its the first real endevour of its kind in the world.
And I hope they will learn from their mistakes....

The EU should have respected the first vote of the Irish indeed but there was a severe lack of information provided by both sides in regards to the issues and alot of scare mongering expecially from the NO lets put it this way - we could have voted NO - It was our free decision to make again if we really felt that Lisbon was a major problem but we didnt - We had our say and we said YES!

THIS IS ONLY MY OPINION BY THE WAY :razz: Be nice in your responces :P
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Re: world government - it's worth a shot

What is avenger using the same political rhetoric that he so viamently tries to fight against.

this is my suprised face :neutral:

what part of "it's all in your head" don't you get.

Stop misrepresenting the facts with unsubstantiated conclusions.

Britain has Over Spent, Over Fished, and enacted retarded supply side economics under the thatcher administration. These are reasons why are you in the economic hole.

Subscribing these things to some puppet masters is delusional at best.
If such people were to exist than they would have taken your rebellion in acount already and realised it was meaningless. In order to shape events on the scale in which you speak would require the forthought and planning of a being no less than a God.

"The best laid schemes o' mice an' men often go awry" ... remember this
Universe wrote:You don't have a case, as Lord Thriller clearly explained.
MajorLeeHurts wrote:^ stole the car and my Booze and my heart * sobs*
Jack wrote: Just wanna be more like you, Master Thriller. :-D
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Re: world government - it's worth a shot

let me get this straight...your saying that there is absolutely no force on this planet greater than that of a lands Govt, such as the UK and US, and that EVERYTHING that's happening is an accident? :?

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Re: world government - it's worth a shot

[KMA]Avenger wrote:let me get this straight...your saying that there is absolutely no force on this planet greater than that of a lands Govt, such as the UK and US, and that EVERYTHING that's happening is an accident? :?

No, accidents happen and gravity is a greater force than strongest government that will ever exist
Universe wrote:You don't have a case, as Lord Thriller clearly explained.
MajorLeeHurts wrote:^ stole the car and my Booze and my heart * sobs*
Jack wrote: Just wanna be more like you, Master Thriller. :-D
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