Senate Judiciary Committee PASSES Internet Censorship Bill

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Re: Senate Judiciary Committee PASSES Internet Censorship Bi

[KMA]Avenger wrote:
Guild wrote:the only problem with an internet takeover is that theres people out there (not on the goverments payroll) that would make it absolute hell for them to attempt to do :D

if this passes in the states it will be law all over the world, it will merely be a matter of time....

FURTHERMORE...if "they" have to stage a cyber attack to get these laws passed they will do just that.

just wait, the purpose as far as im aware is to lock down the internet to secure american secrets and suchlike in times of need, now why would america want this law passed throughout the whole world as it would create a potential whole in the defence of other countries.

and your making a lot of presumptions, and arent really justifying it
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Re: Senate Judiciary Committee PASSES Internet Censorship Bi

Guild wrote:
[KMA]Avenger wrote:
Guild wrote:the only problem with an internet takeover is that theres people out there (not on the goverments payroll) that would make it absolute hell for them to attempt to do :D

if this passes in the states it will be law all over the world, it will merely be a matter of time....

FURTHERMORE...if "they" have to stage a cyber attack to get these laws passed they will do just that.

just wait, the purpose as far as im aware is to lock down the internet to secure american secrets and suchlike in times of need, now why would america want this law passed throughout the whole world as it would create a potential whole in the defence of other countries.

and your making a lot of presumptions, and arent really justifying it[/quote]If you're talking about the law this topic was made about it's basically to stop Internet Pirating, Copyright infringement... Torrenting, y'know. Although as stated I'm sure it could quickly change in to whatever they want.

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Re: Senate Judiciary Committee PASSES Internet Censorship Bi

its a complete censorship of your ability to knowledge. Basically they can filter your access to information. Render it impossible to obtain information or access to anything. And it has high potential for abuse and the lengths which leaders have gone to make such things pass....whats to stop them....cause its obvious they have morals right? Its basically a dark ages version of only allowing the "privileged" access to books.
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Re: Senate Judiciary Committee PASSES Internet Censorship Bi

Ifrit has hit the nail on the head, basically, TPTB want "the dark ages 2". they rely on the masses to censer themselves, but for that to happen we have to be deprived of knowledge and more importantly we have to be deprived of "teachers", those that have access to information and then spread it to the masses.

"they" hated the printing press but because the masses got their hands on it (just like the internet) and started to print bibles (so the masses didn't have to rely on the clergy any more) and educate themselves about the word of God, the net has also put that very same power in the hands of the masses again and allowed us all to find information from sources other than those "they" own.

they couldn't get rid of the printing press so "they" decided to buy them all up and control what information was released, now "they" want to do it again with the net.

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Re: Senate Judiciary Committee PASSES Internet Censorship Bi

Last edited by Kit-Fox on Wed Jan 04, 2012 4:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Senate Judiciary Committee PASSES Internet Censorship Bi

what has paranoia got to do with anything? :?

mate, you really need to be able to read between the lines once in a while, what i'm trying to say is, i shouldn't have to go into minuet historical detail to explain everything i say.
i should be able to make general statements to save on lengthy telling me you dont know the history of the printing press and you expect me to go through its entire history just so i can make a statement/reply/whatever without having to reply to "nitpicking"?

come on mate, be serious :? ... _s=PM:TECH

that link is meant to provide you with a glimpse of what they have in store, sooner or later, the net as we know it will be shut down and they wont have to install anything on your PC to track anything and everything you do...hell, they can (and do) already track everything we do BUT with 1 crucial it stands they cant control the masses of information, with internet2 they can track, trace and shut you down in moments.

all this will be done with the promise that "they" out of the goodness of their heart want to give us ultra fast lightning quick very kind of them!

none of this is paranoia, read their own stinking documents for crying out-loud.

history ALWAYS repeats itself, if you want to know what's coming and what they want then research your history, look at the tactics that were employed by the aristocrats and especially the catholic church, the Vatican and the clergy in order stop people from reading their bibles and educating may think that's all in the past but you are sadly mistaken!

given less than half a chance "they" will bring about a new dark age.

talk about asleep at the wheel 8-[

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Re: Senate Judiciary Committee PASSES Internet Censorship Bi

Last edited by Kit-Fox on Wed Jan 04, 2012 4:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Senate Judiciary Committee PASSES Internet Censorship Bi

sorry mate but i have to laugh because i really am pissing into the wind :smt042

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Re: Senate Judiciary Committee PASSES Internet Censorship Bi

KMA your just assuming the worst, thats the problem and stereotyping one event with another.

you cant just say that because rights were restricted it will happen again (probs will lol but not the point) , but lets say they are, the reason they would be, is going to be for the protection of the goverment and an effort of protecting the democracy that a large part of the world has.

hardly a bad thing
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Re: Senate Judiciary Committee PASSES Internet Censorship Bi

Last edited by Kit-Fox on Wed Jan 04, 2012 4:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Senate Judiciary Committee PASSES Internet Censorship Bi

at this point i really should apologise, i wasn't trying to be patronising, i am in position of having greater knowledge than you lot because i have spent VAST amounts of time gaining that knowledge.

its hard to know the things i know because every day i question my own sanity for knowing things like 9/11 was an inside job.
i know 7/7 was an inside job.
i know Diana was murdered.
i know for a fact that the British Monarchy are German Jews and don't have a drop of English noble blood in their entire collective bodies, and furthermore, are illegitimately occupying the British thrown.
i know that every war for the past 350/400 years to the present day has been (including WW1 and 2) funded by the Rothschild's.
i know the Illuminati and the NWO are VERY real and want you and me dead.
i know that most Govts on the planet care nothing for those who elected them and in fact don't even work for us, they work for the banksters.
i know the Vatican and the pope are both evil incarnate.
and that doesn't event scratch the surface as to what i know.
i know all this because i have read their own stinking documents and many US congressional records.

you can think of me what you want but i know the truth....

anyways, enough of that

the point of the link was to get you lot to look into it yourselves NOT to be ANY part of my argument.

they want internet 2, that is fact which is confirmed in THEIR writings where they discuss in great detail how they funded the nets creation but that it was NEVER meant for the masses to have access to it for the very reason they feared, which is why they want to kill it.

do your own research just like i had to-to find all this out, and stop assuming any of this is my opinion "IT IS NOT MY OPINION", therefore i know for a fact that i am not paranoid...i class myself as educated.

history does indeed repeat itself and has been proven to repeat itself by the history books.

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Re: Senate Judiciary Committee PASSES Internet Censorship Bi

Last edited by Kit-Fox on Wed Jan 04, 2012 4:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Senate Judiciary Committee PASSES Internet Censorship Bi

I dont know why i bother asking people to do their own research ](*,)

since you are not interested in learning for yourself i'll give you a small amount, don't ask for any more because i wont give it. if you want more then learn for yourself.

ISP’s have resolved to restrict the Internet to a TV-like subscription model where users will be forced to pay to visit selected corporate websites by 2012, while others will be blocked, according to a leaked report. Despite some people dismissing the story as a hoax, the wider plan to kill the traditional Internet and replace it with a regulated and controlled Internet 2 is manifestly provable.

The first steps in a move to charge for every e mail sent have already been taken. Under the pretext of eliminating spam, Bill Gates and other industry chieftains have proposed Internet users buy credit stamps which denote how many e mails they will be able to send. This of course is the death knell for political newsletters and mailing lists.

The New York Times reported that "America Online and Yahoo, two of the world’s largest providers of e-mail accounts, are about to start using a system that gives preferential treatment to messages from companies that pay from 1/4 of a cent to a penny each to have them delivered. The senders must promise to contact only people who have agreed to receive their messages, or risk being blocked entirely."

The first wave will simply attempt to price people out of using the conventional Internet and force people over to Internet 2, a state regulated hub where permission will need to be obtained directly from an FCC or government bureau to set up a website.

The original Internet will then be turned into a mass surveillance database and marketing tool. The Nation magazine reported in 2006 that, "Verizon, Comcast, Bell South and other communications giants are developing strategies that would track and store information on our every move in cyberspace in a vast data-collection and marketing system, the scope of which could rival the National Security Agency. According to white papers now being circulated in the cable, telephone and telecommunications industries, those with the deepest pockets–corporations, special-interest groups and major advertisers–would get preferred treatment. Content from these providers would have first priority on our computer and television screens, while information seen as undesirable, such as peer-to-peer communications, could be relegated to a slow lane or simply shut out."

Over the past few years, a chorus of propaganda intended to demonize the Internet and further lead it down a path of strict control has spewed forth from numerous establishment organs:

Time magazine reported last year that researchers funded by the federal government want to shut down the internet and start over, citing the fact that at the moment there are loopholes in the system whereby users cannot be tracked and traced all the time.

The projects echo moves we have previously reported on to clamp down on internet neutrality and even to designate a new form of the internet known as Internet2...

there's MUCH more but that's as far as i'm willing to go.

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Re: Senate Judiciary Committee PASSES Internet Censorship Bi

Last edited by Kit-Fox on Wed Jan 04, 2012 4:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Senate Judiciary Committee PASSES Internet Censorship Bi

so you in no way shape or form believe that this type of movement will be used or developed into censoring content that would oppose the system in any form? cause lets be realistic, these days anyone who is traveling, using maps, taking pictures, peacefully rallying, researching political information, people who support politicians that wanna limit/reduce government, as well as a ton of ordinary activities are being placed on a list of potential "terrorists". While at the same time every citizen in the US and other countries are being data based with all information possible, recorded conversations, land line and cell phone recordings (even if you have paid to have your number private), just a giant list of private information that is of no concern to the government, and its the peoples god-given right to privacy. Additionally policing is being governmentalized, citizens are being encouraged to spy on there neighbors, children are being told to spy on their family and friends. sound familiar? you really believe for a second the government and its agencies are interesting for a second about citizens use of internet? Actions speak for themselves and consider its current actions YES i will absolutely insist that this is another way to gag the people and empower government and corporations, and to silence the opposition.
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