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Re: Potential New Superpowers

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 6:19 am
by Kit-Fox

Re: Potential New Superpowers

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 7:38 am
by EbilCC
lol The EU currency could collapse in the next few years lol some superpower potential :twisted:

Re: Potential New Superpowers

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 10:54 am
CC/EP wrote:lol The EU currency could collapse in the next few years lol some superpower potential :twisted:

Serves them right for being so dumb, at one point the 1 Euro coin had less value than the base metals that made up the coin, people were melting them down for scrap :lol: Anyone who thought it was a good idea to link the currencies and national base interest rates of so many different countries with such extremes of rich & poor, and political & economic ideologies was a new kind of stupid no word has yet been invented for. Oh wait, there is a word, Eurocrats :lol:

Re: Potential New Superpowers

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 11:32 am
by ~Massin4Christ~
Lord Baal wrote:Currently the United States is the sole superpwer still. Despite everythng else thus far. But not all good things last forever. I personally Think it is naive at best for Americans to beleive that they will still be in the same position of supremacy in the next 25-30 years in terms of Economics/Finance, Political Credibility, even Militaristicly. (I don't mean to offend) but given that in today's world in an every growing and changing globalised world I have seen some potential in countores which show great potential in shifing the current global order which are as follows:

European Union

Now with all of these countries and surpanational organisation (EU) I have noticed that in terms of economics, military, and political influence in the next few decades that many of these countries/organisations listed above will be the type of peers that the US is going to have to contend with across the entire board.

Now please people keep it civil, despite ones national preference or bias, we should be honest and not give in to insults or anyting of tha nature. Anyway there is the topic. So lets her what all of you think.

Im sorry but if America collapsed the whole economy of the world would collapse.. Same if the EU collapsed... ... ernal_debt

England, damn that healthcare really put you guys in the hole! :razz:

Re: Potential New Superpowers

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 12:47 pm
by Kit-Fox

Re: Potential New Superpowers

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 7:59 am
by ~Massin4Christ~
Kit-Fox wrote:
~Massin4Christ~ wrote:Im sorry but if America collapsed the whole economy of the world would collapse.. Same if the EU collapsed... ... ernal_debt

England, damn that healthcare really put you guys in the hole! :razz:

As for the last comment about the UK & the NHS, yeah it maybe costly but at least you arent turfed out onto the street to die a painful death if you dont have private health insurance and at least everyone can get any treatment needed without having to be rich or well connected to get it.

Ok, first off everyone has to work for what they get, otherwise they dont deserve it... Yet some still manage to get healthcare while on welfare and be 25... Yea that is utter **Filtered**... No way should that ever happen... Unemployment is at 10% or so in America, it wont go down until they stop extending the Unemployment... I quit my job a few weeks ago, I have to have a drug test and background check before I get hired... The people on unemployment, and welfare didnt have to get a drug test... Yet the government is handing out money to them for nothing..

You dont have to be rich and well connected to get healthcare, I can get it for $50 a month, I turned it down... I chew tobacco, if I get cancer its not the governments fault, it is no ones but mine..

Healthcare is not expensive over here, you just have to be employed to pay for it... When there are druggies that lay around all day and do work for cash that are on Welfare that is a problem...

Also, if I got in a wreck and broke both of my legs, and went to the hospital signed my name in sign in... Then they must bill me, if I cant pay for it, and they know I have no money, they will let me go... They just pass the bills to who can pay and who has insurance, thats why hospitals around here are so damn high to do anything!

KitFox, People need to learn how to take responsibility get off there ass and make something of themselves... When I get older I want to have alot of stuff and have bought it with hard work and sweat!

Re: Potential New Superpowers

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 6:20 am
by Brdavs
All you EU haters, US State Dpt. allready considers us a superpower. Second rate superpower maybe, but a superpower nontheless lol. Step by step baby.

Not to mention that people using USD as a form of currency really have no grounds to diss any other currency, least of all the euro lol. :razz: