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Re: Intelligent Alien Life. Does it exist?

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 5:35 am

Re: Intelligent Alien Life. Does it exist?

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 5:45 am
by KnowLedge
you dont beleive me?>

find me evidence, especially for venus, lmao

they have evidence of something that looks like it could have been water on mars, but this isnt proven to be a fact yet

Re: Intelligent Alien Life. Does it exist?

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 6:30 am
by [KMA]Avenger
KnowLedge wrote:
@ kidfox what 3 planets have micro life form....? Im sure thats not proven yet

As KF said, Mars is one of them, i don't know which other 2 may or may not have life (in whatever shape or form). I remember hearing that an asteroid (or piece of one) in our solar system also had a strong possibility of somekind of lower life form because of water....or something along those lines, but i cant be sure.


KnowLedge wrote:
they have evidence of something that looks like it could have been water on mars, but this isnt proven to be a fact yet

Actually: ... water-ice/

and: ... southpole/

I found those 2 links using a very basic search term "Mars has water" ;)

Re: Intelligent Alien Life. Does it exist?

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 7:15 am
by Alpha13snake
Jerusalem UFO update - Three angles on synch:- ... re=related


Re: Intelligent Alien Life. Does it exist?

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 2:43 pm
by ljietuvis
There are ~10^23 stars in the Universe. A lot of them have planets, so many of them have the right conditions for life. However, we don't know what's the probability of abiogenesis, what's the probability of primitive life evolving into complex life, what's the probability of it evolving into intelligent life. Also, we don't even know what 'intelligent means'.
By the way, what do you think about

Re: Intelligent Alien Life. Does it exist?

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 11:22 am
lol a billion years from now when the Earth and all life thereon is long since gone, a group of aliens may receive our TV shows who's signals have been beamed out for decades, I wonder what they will think, will they debate the level of our intelligence in a forum like this ? Will they enjoy StarGate and be gutted when the transmissions end :-D

Re: Intelligent Alien Life. Does it exist?

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 11:32 am
by xDaku
Especially considering that no matter how advanced our technology becomes we'll only be able to see 10% of the universe around us from earth itself. It was some law but I don't remember the name, saw it in some BBC documentary a while back. There's so much of the universe that we may never know about that giving a definitive "no" to this question is just ignorance at its best.

Re: Intelligent Alien Life. Does it exist?

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:27 am
by ljietuvis
I just realised that in my previous post I didn't post the link to part 2 of the video, which is in fact even more important. So here's the rest of the video.
Also, I meant not what evidence he want, but the evolutionary argument. So far, I don't have an opinion on it.

Re: Intelligent Alien Life. Does it exist?

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 6:29 pm
by xDaku
Not to forget the universe is infinite :)

Re: Intelligent Alien Life. Does it exist?

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 9:34 pm
by KnowLedge
Kit-Fox wrote:I'm sorry but its somewhat hard to take the guy in that video seriously. He wants proof in the form of some sort of intelligent communication that alien life exists.

Does he even understand how long it would take a message conveyed by laser to reach our nearest star? Never mind the nearest possibly inhabitable planet & if other life only exists in other galaxies then we may never get a response. The distances are too great.

This is especially relevant when you consider how long we have existed for and then look at how long we have been able to either transmit or recieve such messages, which is a shockingly short amount of time, we might have already missed a message sent in our direction or we might have left the planet totally by the time one reaches it.

All of that doesnt mean that alien life can not exist however somewhere in the universe, especially considering how huge & random the universe it.

EDIT: Nutshell - he thinks because we havent communicated with any aliens that they cant exist, but when you stop to think about the size of the universe and how fast things can travel in it you realise that not having communicated with any that *may* exist isnt all that much of a shock.

you and the rest of you who "don't take him seriously" are a bunch of idiots.

He is a professor at a university, If you even know how long that takes become.. then you should already have respect for him..

Secondly, he says "there is probably life, if you understand evolution, then you would know that it is impossible to have INTELLIGENT life"
now, if you remember, I posted a topic afew years ago.. this topic was about how life on any planet cannot be more advance then our own, because the universe is only 4.5 billion years old, and it took us (humans on earth) to become this intelligent in 4.5 billion years.. thus life has to be similar to us and never more intelligent. Did you know the basis for my argument? it was evolution!

thirdly, Id like to tell you that you don't even know how signals work. did you know that we are still receiving signals from the big bang? do you even have any idea how the laws of electromagnetism work.. An intelligent life will not make such a trivial mistake as too only send one signal at one point in life.. the signal would be ongoing. even the signels that we are sending are ongoing at all times.... so that an alien life wont "miss" it.

look kit-fox, you question the knowledge of a university professor, and you don't take time to understand what he is saying.. Its like he said "if you understand evolution, then you would understand why a more intelligent life then our own can not exist" and this is what I said last year in my thread. unfortunately people on this forum are too stupid to understand evolution and science, and end up insulting a prof...

please don't even argue about his knowledge.. how dare you question a professor's knowledge? ill tell you what, got to the UCLA faculty website and find his email and take the discussion to him, rather then arguing against me and others on this forum.. don't even bother posting a reply you stupid fool

ps: here is his Wikipedia page, ... .When you get your own Wikipedia page, you can come back and argue about his knowledge, k?

Re: Intelligent Alien Life. Does it exist?

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 3:03 am
by Infinity
Alpha13snake wrote:Personally I say the odds are good.

The real question is:- Are they here on Earth?

This should be a wild one...


Odds for aliens are good if odds of god are good ;)

Odds that life developed on earth by itself(considering all the factors) are just a bit better than odds that maker made all this.

In other words, We are standing here today cuz a miracle

So 2nd intelligent life would mean another even bigger miracle and would significantly reduce the odds of evelotution as we know it. (with alliens)All the sudden we have a bigger chance that god created life than evolution. Aliens would be the biggest proof of maker so far.

So the question should be: does god exist.

Re: Intelligent Alien Life. Does it exist?

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 5:43 am
iNFiNiTY wrote:
Alpha13snake wrote:Personally I say the odds are good.

The real question is:- Are they here on Earth?

This should be a wild one...


Odds for aliens are good if odds of god are good ;)

Odds that life developed on earth by itself(considering all the factors) are just a bit better than odds that maker made all this.

In other words, We are standing here today cuz a miracle

So 2nd intelligent life would mean another even bigger miracle and would significantly reduce the odds of evelotution as we know it. (with alliens)All the sudden we have a bigger chance that god created life than evolution. Aliens would be the biggest proof of maker so far.

So the question should be: does god exist.

Pretty sure that whole 'god' question has be rejected from the intelligent discussion area on the basis that only people on one side of the argument have intelligence ](*,)

Odds of life elsewhere in an infinite universe - GOOD

Odds of that life being intelligent - FAIR

Odds of a big beardy bloke sitting on cloud wishing things into existance and wanting people to pray to him and live by rules made up by religions without offering any proof of existence - Kind like winning the lottery every week for the rest of your life :-D

Re: Intelligent Alien Life. Does it exist?

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 7:26 am
by Infinity
Mezzanine, expanding universe isn't same as the term U used 'infinite universe'. And I am saying we are probably alone.

Re: Intelligent Alien Life. Does it exist?

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 11:50 am
iNFiNiTY wrote:Mezzanine, expanding universe isn't same as the term U used 'infinite universe'. And I am saying we are probably alone.

Hmm OK I'll give you that one on semantics, the matter that makes up the Universe is expanding & spreading outwards, the space it is expanding into is infinite, but then who's to say if within that infinite void there aren't other Universes expanding and possibly even collapsing so far out that we cant detect them.

But Alone ? Given the vast numbers of planets, so many we cant even count them, and the variety of conditions, and combination's of chemicals on those planets, Id say the odds of Earth being the only planet ever to have produced life is tiny, and if only a tiny % of planets ever produced life that could still be many tens thousands where life started, and it only takes 1 of those planets to support life long enough for it to evolve for us not to be alone.

I will admit though that given the vast distances, and odds of evolution coinciding at the same time in difference places, that Humans ever encountering intelligent alien life is extremely slim.

Re: Intelligent Alien Life. Does it exist?

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 3:11 pm
by KnowLedge
I dont even know what you mean by trolling,

I just explained to you what he is trying to say, something at your lack of knowledge can't comprehend..

If you truly understand evolution, then you would understand why a more intelligent life cannot exist.

your post doesn't trouble, it only troubles me that you question the knowledge of a university prof when you don't even have much knowledge on the subject yourself.