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Re: era 26 bugs

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 8:55 pm
by dsutton14
lol i was just looking around and uhhh i think this is a huge bug An Era must be 7 days old, before it will allow support...There are -20 more turns to go before then...

Re: era 26 bugs

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 12:54 pm
by R0B3RT
hmmm... not so much of a trail of disaster at all... your troops report the enemy had no weapons, hoping that either they tell the truth, or at least that nobody finds out otherwise...
this is my recon
Meshed Ion Cannon Defense 50 ???/290,000
Area51 Enhanced Fighter Attack 150 278,571/278,571

i thing sab not work again ?????

Re: era 26 bugs

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 9:11 am
by Deerslayer
Has been next turn for 0 min for the last 5 min...wth

Re: era 26 bugs

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 9:49 am
by nimious
it's been like that for almost an hour

Re: era 26 bugs

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 9:55 am
by J I X
not just me then

been out with the dog for an hour and came back to no naq :(

Re: era 26 bugs

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 12:17 pm
by Apophis
Seems Theres Still A Bit Of A Problem With The Max Alliance Member Cap As Now There's An Alliance With 16 Members, Proberbly Same Reason, Invites Sent Before Alliance At Cap Then Accepted After Max Number Of Members Reached

Re: era 26 bugs

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 8:24 pm
by Viceadmin
There seems to be a problem with untrained units. I'm not getting any at all and it has been about a day now.

Anybody else having this issue?

Re: era 26 bugs

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 1:53 pm
by Forum
sab seems ok to me - if not, what does it appear is wrong?
if you are not getting any UU, maybe you are getting all miners? :) --remember your speciality.
so far so good, yes?
for alliance i thought if fixed it, so maybe the loophole is elsewhere...checking...

Re: era 26 bugs

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 2:31 pm
by Feri
Forum wrote:sab seems ok to me - if not, what does it appear is wrong?
if you are not getting any UU, maybe you are getting all miners? :) --remember your speciality.
so far so good, yes?
for alliance i thought if fixed it, so maybe the loophole is elsewhere...checking...

The Sab function is not wrong, it works correctly however the formulas to calculate damage done are too low it seems.

When you squared covert you reduced the power of covert but not the formula on how much damage is done
so the amount of damage you can do with sab is extremely low. for the first few months of eras sabbing is basically worthless because of how little can be done. Later on in the era you can do some miniscule amount of damage with sabbing but it is still too low at anytime throughout era to be worth doing.

If you increase the amount of damage possible with sabs then it would be a viable option again.

Currently the only way to damage someone is to mass and AC spies. you cannot kill attackers (that is fine and how it should be) however since sab is so low you cannot even hurt someones strike weapons. It basically gives people the opportunity to build big strikes and not need covert to protect since there is really nothing that can be done to hurt a strike.

It would be nice to see stronger sabs and then because of that be able to hinder someones ability to keep a strike unopposed.

Either that or make it possible to mass someones strike weapons again as it was possible in some previous eras.

definitely needs something though not sure what would be best.
Hope you consider.


Re: era 26 bugs

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 2:44 am
by bebita
dunno if damage is affected
reducing the numbers unless biggg covert level is around sab is pointless
280 k power on weps = Covert 2,520,456 covert power atm at level 23 with under 200k spy
but this wave numbers will be broker again so ....

Re: era 26 bugs

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 5:43 pm
by Forum
ok - i tried something new. since we 'tweak' values between eras, i do not want to have cov/sab mess up each time :)

i says to merself...."dude, what would a level 20 covert agent do?" and this voice answers "prolly bust up a big weapon" -- so thats what i did.

I have a 'era adjuster' on sab power that multiplies (or divides) power based on: <top attack weapon power, unmanned> / <sab power of 1 agent, cov level 20, 10000 covert cells, 50,000 agent in pool>

it then takes that number, and multiplies your sab potential by it...

it will not show in 'covert power' calcs -- just when you go to sab.

<adjusting the 'check power' thingy now...>

Re: era 26 bugs

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 9:48 am
by Feri
The covert power checker is inaccurate. Not sure what its doing but the numbers are way low.

For instance

I have
Infiltration Units 194,353
Covert 3,075,916

however if I do the covert checker it gives this result.

If you send 100,000 covert agents, your covert power will be: 470,925,314.
If you send all your 194,353 agents, you covert power will be: 656,519,711

not sure but estimating that 100k covert agents would be more like 2m or so cov power

The new sab formulas at least at a glance tho seem to be better, at least possible to do damage sabbing.

Re: era 26 bugs

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 11:15 am
by Forum
so your 'natural' covert power with all units is 3million.
if you send in all units (with the covert/sab multiplier) it gives you 656million 'sab power'.
that is about 218 times ... which is close to the sab multiplier.

if you send 100/194, its not linear -- remember the exponent :) -- so 50% of your units giving 65 or 70% of total power is ok....

where is the innacuracy? or am i missing something?

Feri wrote:The covert power checker is inaccurate. Not sure what its doing but the numbers are way low.

For instance

I have
Infiltration Units 194,353
Covert 3,075,916

however if I do the covert checker it gives this result.

If you send 100,000 covert agents, your covert power will be: 470,925,314.
If you send all your 194,353 agents, you covert power will be: 656,519,711

not sure but estimating that 100k covert agents would be more like 2m or so cov power

The new sab formulas at least at a glance tho seem to be better, at least possible to do damage sabbing.

Re: era 26 bugs

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 1:43 pm
by Feri
maybe nothing wrong then. I guess just confused by the multiplier making it appear like sab damage is lower. I realize that is actually more powerful just lower cov power.

Re: era 26 bugs

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 3:50 pm
by Forum
if you can think of a better way to describe it, i am willing to change it to avoid confusion :)
Feri wrote:maybe nothing wrong then. I guess just confused by the multiplier making it appear like sab damage is lower. I realize that is actually more powerful just lower cov power.