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Re: Founders Day in Britain

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 12:59 pm
by [KMA]Avenger
Doing what they (they as in politicians/leaders) say there were going to do in an election campaign holds VERY little meaning for me if the system carries on as it has without ANY real change whatsoever.

Slogans like "new labour" and "change you can believe in" should get peoples alarms bells ringing the instant they hear it but such is the world that we live in, we (we as in generally speaking) would rather cross our fingers and hope to god we elected the right person this time is just stupid and begging for trouble...and trouble is exactly what we get every time without fail.

slightly off topic...

I remember the first time i laid eyes on Tony Blair, i said out loud without thinking that "there's a slimy **Filtered** if ever i saw one!". i forgot sitting next to me was my father in law who is so far left he's fallen off the bench, he gave me a verbal bashing that "we are working class so we vote labour, don't you dare saying anything bad about labour in front of me again!" i turned to him and said "that man is no good and neither is this new labour crap, they've dressed it up but it's still the same crap. mark my words!" and with that i got up and left the room...suffice to say he still hasn't given me an apology even though he sought of admitted i was right....he's still a lefty!

That was more from intuition than anything else, it was his face and that evil smirk he always had on like "i'm screwing you and you're coming back for more!?!" :twisted:

Re: Founders Day in Britain

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 1:53 pm
by Jim
KMA: Image
Ever seen that mask before? Stop complaining on a Canada based internet forum, put it on and go blow some stuff up.
Are you happy with your cynical existence? I grew out of that a number of years ago.

We are all aware how much our politks sucks. "Democracy is the worst form of government, but its the best we have got."

What you going to do about it?

As far as my views go...he hasnt hurt me in any way so far. Il be out of uni before the cuts kick in properly and I dont pay taxes. When I leave uni it will be just as hard to find a job as ever. Il see if i care in a years time.


Re: Founders Day in Britain

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 11:35 pm
by [KMA]Avenger
Jim wrote:KMA: Image
Ever seen that mask before? Stop complaining on a Canada based internet forum, put it on and go blow some stuff up.
Are you happy with your cynical existence? I grew out of that a number of years ago.

We are all aware how much our politks sucks. "Democracy is the worst form of government, but its the best we have got."

What you going to do about it?

As far as my views go...he hasnt hurt me in any way so far. Il be out of uni before the cuts kick in properly and I dont pay taxes. When I leave uni it will be just as hard to find a job as ever. Il see if i care in a years time.


Sorry but i'm not even going to respond to something so pathetic :roll:

Re: Founders Day in Britain

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 12:57 pm
by Mordack
My opinion is different to yours, clearly, but I don't think it's fair to label me as 'uneducated.' I am well aware of both the cyclical nature of British governance and the existing theories regarding the emergence of a New World Order. As well as being educated to postgraduate level, I work in politics for a living. Keeping track of it is what I get paid for.

Re: Founders Day in Britain

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:51 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Sorry it's taken me so long to respond...

Keeping my conspiracy's about the NWO out of's all window dressing mate, who are they kidding!?!
These guys all went to school together, they shop at the same shops for their cloths, they are members of the same clubs and week after week they get up on stage and dance their merry dance about how they are better than the opposition and how the ruling party is destroying the country with whatever new tax or tax increase or law has just come into force and when they get in power you don't hear the opposition say "we are now the ruling party and remember that tax increase/law from 2 years ago that we didn't agree with?! guess what?! we are scraping it!"

Case in point is the congestion charge...did you know it was the conservatives that dreamt up that new tax? if it was the brain child of the conservatives, what the hell are labour doing implementing it since they publicly disagreed with it in the first place? And after Labour got in and then introduced the congestion charge, the conservatives were all up in arms that labour had piled on one more tax on the motorist...IT'S SHEER MADNESS!
That's NOT an isolated case, it's all a show and if you think otherwise you are deluded.

This has nothing to do with any conspiracy or NWO agenda, this is plain and simple fact.

Re: Founders Day in Britain

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:56 am
by Ashu
Avenger, perhaps if you would bring your ideas to the table in a more concise and eloquent manner your point would get through more often than some people labeling you as a conspiracy junkie.

There will also be no more name calling or addressing of other people in any other manner than the out most respectable.

Re: Founders Day in Britain

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:09 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Mittenz wrote:
There will also be no more name calling or addressing of other people in any other manner than the out most respectable.

Who said i was name calling? :? I'm not just throwing that word around in an attempt to belittle or offend anyone, i used the word because it was precisely the word that was needed. If you were having a discussion about rugby and i wade into the discussion and say a few things which show without doubt i have no idea what i was talking about, would that not make me ignorant of the subject being discussed regardless if i think i know what i am talking about?
That is EXACTLY what i mean by "ignorant", i am NOT using it in a derogatory manner, i am stating it as fact.

On topic, and one more thing, all these parties support the wars we are waging, they supported all the bailouts, they are ALL pro-EU and all of them have engaged in heavy taxation of the populace...where's the choice?
Window dressing, nothing more and nothing less.

PS, i also forgot to mention that every Govt since Ted Heaths is guilty of treason and therefore illegitimate. as i have stated on MANY occasions, i have the proof that Ted Heath committed treason and sedition which has been supported by EVERY Govt since then...that makes EVERYTHING our leaders have done for 40 years illegal.

The proof: ... ideo_title ... re=related