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Re: So hows that communist...

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 5:59 am
by Kit-Fox

Re: So hows that communist...

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 6:00 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Kit-Fox wrote:
Cole wrote:What alternative is there to bureaucracy? Judge Dreddism? :-D

Lmao, mentions of NWO, that always make me chuckle when I see it mentioned! :-D

I've already outlined the alternative, each country should offer to prosecute its own citizens for another country if the evidnece exists & if the other country isnt satisfied it should refuse the right of entry to that person.

Much more effective solution than throwing people in jail randomly for in a lot of cases stuff that even the warrant issuing country wouldnt prosecute its own citizens for


Re: So hows that communist...

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 6:03 am
by Cole
[KMA]Avenger wrote:Why do you chuckle at the mention of NWO?

Because that reminds me of one of what my teacher at university says, he always mentions a new world order being implemented after the 1st, then the 2nd world war, but not as a conspiracy theory with crazy stuff, but more as a change of hegemony in the world's politics and economy.

I chuckle because I think about the conspiracy theories when he says that expression. From a serious and realistic thing, I think about the paranoid borderline scifi novel of the satanic millenium aged of the NWO super soldiers coming from the space a long time ago. (what's his name polemist English journalist with his crazy theories about elites coming from another galaxy or something?) -I'm not saying it's impossible to have aliens within human population, it's just that I am rather doubtful with the theories coming from the "underground rebels"-

at Kit Fox, the Arrest Warrant according to wiki was initially meant to bypass bureaucracy between countries. But now probably bureaucratic as well.

Re: So hows that communist...

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 6:08 am
by Juliette
You are referring to David Icke. 8)

Re: So hows that communist...

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 6:12 am
by Cole
Juliette wrote:You are referring to David Icke. 8)

Indeed, it's thanks to you that I have heard about his theories. :P

I think that if aliens invasion there is, it must be recent, or at least they have been on hiatus or something, because it seems unrealistic to me that for such advanced and superior creatures as they could be, to require such a long time to install their master plan of domination. Thousands of years, come on. Why would they wait for us to develop, and considering the long time it requires for humanity to technologically develop itself, it must have been boring for them.

That's why I take more seriously the criticism towards EU or any institution, than stuff about NWO and sideline stories.

Re: So hows that communist...

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 6:17 am
by [KMA]Avenger
What do Aliens have to do with the NWO? :?

And before you go any further with David Icke, i suggest you research what he says because you are way of course.

Re: So hows that communist...

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 6:29 am
by Juliette
[KMA]Avenger wrote:What do Aliens have to do with the NWO? :?
And before you go any further with David Icke, i suggest you research what he says because you are way of course.

David Icke is creative. He should just stick to writing his fiction, instead of appealing to the name 'journalist', which he obviously isn't.

Re: So hows that communist...

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 6:35 am
by [KMA]Avenger
We'll have to agree to disagree as far as DI is concerned...

But the question still remains, what do aliens have to do with the NWO? :?

Maybe a split is in order?

@the EU supporters (would be good for the discussion if other EU supporters also waded in to this discussion as well).

You guys are happy to give up your freedom and irrationally conform, the problem is you guys want to force that on the rest of us as well.

I have shown you time and time again just how corrupt and anti-freedom the EU really is, and all i get is the same irrational, uneducated ( i say uneducated because you have no idea who conceived of the EU and why, and have chosen to ignore historical fact while spouting EU propaganda...if you have relatives who fought in WW1/2, they will be rolling in their graves right now) rubbish.

Re: So hows that communist...

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 9:43 am
Just LOL

Shout all you like mate, I happen the agree with you, anti-EU, anti-devolution but no one is listening, all they here is the propaganda BS.

In Wales we recently had a referendum on more powers for the Assembly, another layer of pointless and expensive bureaucracy, and get this The Nationalists supported it because they believe its a step towards independence LOL

Im proud to be Welsh, but also realistic, with a population of 3 Million being independent would mean becoming a 3rd world nation, our GDP simply isnt and could never be high enough to maintain our inferstructure, current quality of life or provide the services we receive.

The only choices for Wales are to be a subsidised principality within the UK, or be a subsidised state within the EU. Devolution from the UK is a step towards the EU and away from all common sense, it will make us less represented in a undemocratic Government even further away than London.

Now try telling that the nutters who voted for it ](*,)