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Re: Top 5 Greatest movie car chases ( or street races )

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 7:35 am
by semper
Pile of crap this list. If I wanted to see half the things that happen in these supposed 'great' car chases i'd just go and watch the motorway or sit in town on a friday night.

The ONLY good...nay.. GREAT car chase I have seen worthy of the title is the one at the end of the Borne Ultimatum. Reversing a police car into his pursuers? Stealing said car to begin with? It's short, sweet, mean and fast paced with originality beyond just watching the cars do some jumps, turn corners fast or see them go straight from a really fast speed (aka a snooze fest(... exactly how a car chase should be.

End of Gone in 60 seconds is.... ALRIGHT... but I wouldn't call it great. As for the italian job...well that's more an iconic film as opposed to the actual great car chase itself.

Re: Top 5 Greatest movie car chases ( or street races )

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 4:51 pm
by GrizzZzzly
The old Italian Job with Michael Caine. It's Iconic for sure but also the best I think.