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Re: 2012 Approaching. the 4th Age

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 3:04 pm
by Legendary Apophis
I'm more worried about the fact Apophis might hit Earth in Friday 13th April 2029 (or 2036) than that. Because even though the chances are small that it happens (apparently would come no closer than 30000km), the damages done by this, if it was to happen, would be devastating.

Re: 2012 Approaching. the 4th Age

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 9:32 pm
by Rudy Peña
Legendary Apophis wrote:I'm more worried about the fact Apophis might hit Earth in Friday 13th April 2029 (or 2036) than that. Because even though the chances are small that it happens (apparently would come no closer than 30000km), the damages done by this, if it was to happen, would be devastating.

Oh, I know what we can do about that.........

We can send a team of people in 2 shuttles up to it. Have them drill a hole about 800 feet on a fault line, then drop a nuke down and remote detonate once they are a safe distance before the asteroid reaches 0 barrier. And both halves will miss us by 400 miles and most of the small particles will be vaporized......... 8-[ :-$ ;)

Re: 2012 Approaching. the 4th Age

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 2:03 am
by ~Drunken Master~
Do you have your 2012 Bug-Out-Bag

Re: 2012 Approaching. the 4th Age

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 3:10 am
by [KMA]Avenger
No bug-out bag needed for me, i have a place booked with some friendly Aliens who will save me and mine :smt025

Re: 2012 Approaching. the 4th Age

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 3:20 am
by ~Drunken Master~
[KMA]Avenger wrote:No bug-out bag needed for me, i have a place booked with some friendly Aliens who will save me and mine :smt025

Any room for 1 more :smt010

Re: 2012 Approaching. the 4th Age

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 3:27 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Dunno, have to ask the nice friendly aliens...i don't see any objections. so go pack your bags while i go find out for you :-)

Re: 2012 Approaching. the 4th Age

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 3:36 am
by ~Drunken Master~
[KMA]Avenger wrote:Dunno, have to ask the nice friendly aliens...i don't see any objections. so go pack your bags while i go find out for you :-)

OK , Im a packing...

What r u gonna get with u.. ? :smt017

Re: 2012 Approaching. the 4th Age

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 3:43 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Well, firstly the nice friendly aliens said your welcome to come along.
As for what i am taking, well they said they will drop us off at the nearest planet capable of sustaining life. but there wont be much else there apart from food and water. i'm packing a tent, an LED "green" torch which you shake to charge (i actually have one in RL). i'm packing 6 months of food rations and some other basics like a portable water filter and basic first aid stuff, cloths for all season...just in case the planet has seasons...but most importantly, i have been allowed to bring with me some Marijuana and tobacco plants :-)

Re: 2012 Approaching. the 4th Age

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 3:45 am
by ~Drunken Master~
[KMA]Avenger wrote:Well, firstly the nice friendly aliens said your welcome to come along.
As for what i am taking, well they said they will drop us off at the nearest planet capable of sustaining life. but there wont be much else there apart from food and water. i'm packing a tent, an LED "green" torch which you shake to charge (i actually have one in RL). i'm packing 6 months of food rations and some other basics like a portable water filter and basic first aid stuff, cloths for all season...just in case the planet has seasons...but most importantly, i have been allowed to bring with me some Marijuana and tobacco plants :-)

Great then, u can pack for 2, i will come in my undies... I heard it is very hot where your aliens r taking us..

Re: 2012 Approaching. the 4th Age

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 4:05 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Sorry buddy, if you don't prepare you are on your own!
I think i will ask the nice friendly Aliens to drop me off 2 continents further up to you....

Methinks it best to pack a shotgun or 10 and a few handguns with lots and lots of ammo! :smt064

Re: 2012 Approaching. the 4th Age

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 4:06 am
by ~Drunken Master~
[KMA]Avenger wrote:Sorry buddy, if you don't prepare you are on your own!
I think i will ask the nice friendly Aliens to drop me off 2 continents further up to you....

Methinks it best to pack a shotgun or 10 and a few handguns with lots and lots of ammo! :smt064

Thats not very nice MATE .. . :smt089

Re: 2012 Approaching. the 4th Age

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 4:17 am
by [KMA]Avenger
What do you mean that's not very nice?!

I'm taking stuff for me and mine to keep us alive till we can adjust to the new environment and guarantee our continued survival and you have now become a threat to that survival by leeching off us...

I did not have to ask the nice aliens if they had any more room and if you carry on being so childish i will tell them i don't want you along!
No go pack what you need to survive...and do yourself a favour, grow up and assume some personal responsibility!

Sheesh, the nerve of some people :smt021

Re: 2012 Approaching. the 4th Age

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 4:18 am
by ~Drunken Master~
[KMA]Avenger wrote:What do you mean that's not very nice?!

I'm taking stuff for me and mine to keep us alive till we can adjust to the new environment and guarantee our continued survival and you have now become a threat to that survival by leeching off us...

I did not have to ask the nice aliens if they had any more room and if you carry on being so childish i will tell them i don't want you along!
No go pack what you need to survive...and do yourself a favour, grow up and assume some personal responsibility!

Sheesh, the nerve of some people :smt021

Sorry BOSS.. Ima packing...

Re: 2012 Approaching. the 4th Age

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 4:30 am
by [KMA]Avenger
No need to call me boss, i have no authority to tell you what to do mate. just be a bit more understanding and appreciative and we'll get along just fine.

I also have no problem helping you out if you genuinely need it, but what i am not prepared to do is look after you, i have my own family to think about....which reminds me to go pack enough bog roll in case the leaves are to course. after all, i don't want a rash on my rump :?

Re: 2012 Approaching. the 4th Age

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 5:04 am
by Lithium
im dont need any preparation as im sure if any bad thing will happen i dont want to survive and see the tail of death left. the earth rebuilding would take 500 years or more so theres no point.

waht have ancient suggested and which was further followed by religions is to prepare yr self to leave yr flesh. if one can reach that lvl then all is fine if not yr energy wd go waste.

the universe is like a immense school and yr life has a reason, prepare well and u ll see.