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Re: A question to the US people

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 7:55 am
by RoKeT
I don't know what you mean lol I have a nude beach right down the road from me LMAO, but I also own a lot of guns lol

Re: A question to the US people

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 11:28 am
by Jack
Violence is considered more acceptable than sexuality in terms of entertainment. However, it is not even close to how outsiders and extremists would portray it.

There is still a lot of sex on TV. And violence is restricted. You will not see graphic violence where you will not see graphic sexuality.

Forget the whole nudity vs. violence debate. It's all **Filtered** anyway from both sides. What I don't get, is why are words considered the bane of society? You can have violence, you can have strong sexual content. But you can't say "shit"?

So my 10 year can watch people get slaughtered by the dozens, can see someone getting their **Filtered** sucked(as long as there is no actual showing of said **Filtered**), but they can not hear the word "sh
it"? They're going to start using the word? So? The whole world is going to end because some kid says the word "shit"?

If my kid sees someone cut another man's head off on TV, thinks it's cool, then turns around and does it himself. There will be a probably innocent man that has lost his life along with my child. If my child sees a couple having sex on TV, thinks it looks fun(which admittedly it is) and decides they want to try it out. The worst that could happen is they get aids, or get pregnant or get someone pregnant or get another STD. If my kid hears someone on TV say the word "sh
it" and decides to use said word. The worst that'll happen is that they'll offend some retard that doesn't deserve the consideration you'd give a slug.

Re: A question to the US people

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 1:03 pm
by Psyko
**Filtered**. I have to say it again. I hate when this happens. ](*,)

I agree with Jack.

I was born and raised in liberal America (some cities more liberal than others, my city more liberal than most). Nudity is perfectly acceptable while violence is not by our local society. There are numerous vegans, hippies, pacifists, etc where I live, and they have no problem protesting and raising a lot of hell when it comes to violence. Most accept that there is nothing they can do about violence on TV, but there are still some groups who try to fix that. Nudity is no problem for most of the city because it is natural and beautiful (even when it's really not beautiful on some people). We have an annual Naked Bike Ride and other such events and more strip clubs and sex stores per square mile than any other city in America (last I checked).

Most of the city is not ruled by religion. We believe in freedom of expression and individualism. But we frown upon RL violence. I'm pretty sure most people around here feel that if it's too violent on TV they change the channel or go find something better to do than sit on the couch all evening.

Many Federal laws about content tend to be idiotic, in my opinion. What more could I expect from a religiously ruled government?