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Re: USA 2012 elections

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 12:02 pm
by [KMA]Avenger
And i, i dont think...i know your a nutjob!

RP is the sanest man in any part of the US Governmental system.

You people really have no idea who RP is do you?! :-k

Edit, are you the same Ra that was in AK and served as one of my officers for a short while?

Re: USA 2012 elections

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 2:55 pm
by Psyko
Cole wrote:From what I read on papers/internet articles, the most serious and decent competitor to current president Obama in the Republicans side, seem to be Mitt Romney..
Personally, if I was American, he's the only one among republicans (well, McCain was convincing for 2008, even though I disagreed with him on some subjects) to whom I would give my vote, even though I disagree on some subjects with him, I find him to be most solid/appropriate/experienced among all of the republicans.
I am not convinced at all by neither Libertarianism (Ron Paul) nor "Tea Partism" (Bachmann, Palin, Huckabee..whoever else there's). But well, I'm European, that must be why I'd only be likely to vote for the "establishment" candidate if I was to vote..? :-k

As for there ANY competitor to Obama? I don't think so, but there might be..?

You are incorrect about Romney. Romney has been private, secretive, and out of the limelight the past few weeks when the Debt Debate was going down. He practically vanished off the face of the earth and then waited until the deal was voted in by Congress to say, "I do not agree with this plan." That was a poor choice on his part and his poll numbers show it.

Especially after dealing with Obama's lack of fixing things, the American public is not going to want to vote in a guy who sits back, away from the public, and waits until things are decided to step up with an opinion. That just ain't happening.

The problem with Ron Paul is not his policies, it's his party. At the end of the day, most of American voters vote based on their Democrat/Republican political affiliation. Libertarian Party, Green Party, Constitution Party, and the literal hundreds of other smaller parties will not be able to win the election (as proved by Ralph Nader's attempts at running for office). The American political system has been turned into a two party competition. The Tea Party is an attempt to change that, but because they are basically the Far Right Republicans, they will simply be added to the Republican Ticket instead of having their own.

At the end of the day, the election will come down to whomever the GOP decides to back out of Bachmann, Romney, Caine, etc. vs. Obama.

(Someone asked if Obama were the only Democratic choice and the answer is YES! The Democratic Nationalist Party has to pick one candidate to back without question for the election and it will be Obama because he is the current President. The same happened when Bush came up for re-election; it was Bush vs. whomever the Democratic Party decided to support out of the Democratic candidates.)

My problem with the Tea Party (particularly Bachmann) is that they are completely uncompromising. Yes, Americans want politicians who can stand their ground on their beliefs/morals, but not at the expense of freezing up the government. Nothing will be accomplished if a President, Congressman, or Representative is unyielding and never compromises. That's the simple fact.

Palin has not decided if she is going to run for President, and I really hope that she chooses to stay on the side lines.
Perry has decided to announce whether or not he is running sometime later this month.
Gingritch needs to pack up and go the **Filtered** home because there is no way he's going to win this.
Ron Paul, as I said, is not going to make it because he is Libertarian.
Romney is floundering.

The other candidates all need to amp up their face-time on national news programs if they have any hope of earning their spot on the ticket. Palin and Trump are on Fox News every damn day and they aren't even running for Christ's sake!

On a completely different note, I am sick and **Filtered** tired of hearing Hannity (a Fox newscaster) call Obama "The Anointed One"!!! Not only is it disrespectful to President Obama the office he holds (and as a patriot I don't care if you hate the President and what he is doing, you still respect his position and authority because he is your Commander and Chief), but it is condescending and OTT. You can call him Obama, you can call him The President, or Mr. President, but calling him Mr. Obama is refusing to acknowledge his position and The Anointed One is going too **Filtered** far! /rant

Re: USA 2012 elections

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 3:13 pm
by Mordack
The Republicans are acting a little too smug for my liking. Some of them seem to think it's "in the bag" so to speak. With an attitude like that, they may as well lose. Labour thought the in the 1992 UK General Election and look what happened there. I don't feel as though Romney has the requisite gravitas. Some of the Tea Party folk are good on economics, but appalling on just about everything else. Ron Paul would be nice, but if we're honest he doesn't have a hope in hell. I don't really see 'the' candidate for them out there.

Re: USA 2012 elections

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 3:24 pm
by Psyko
Mordack wrote:I don't really see 'the' candidate for them out there.
Nor do I. As an Independent voter, I will vote for whoever I think can do the job and has a chance of winning. But it seems like many people want to elect Not Obama and few care who it is who comes out ahead in the Republican primaries. Depending on who wins the Republican nomination, I might stick with the devil I know.

Re: USA 2012 elections

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 4:55 pm
by doc holliday
Ron Paul, no way
Donald Trump would've made things exciting. like a sgw farm fest when the world comes off ppt :-k

Re: USA 2012 elections

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 5:14 pm
by Psyko
doc holliday wrote:Ron Paul, no way
Donald Trump would've made things exciting. like a sgw farm fest when the world comes off ppt :-k


The last thing America needs as President is an American businessman who has filed for bankruptcy FOUR times! The most recent being 2009.

Re: USA 2012 elections

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 5:42 pm
by soundmanc
Psyko wrote:
doc holliday wrote:Ron Paul, no way
Donald Trump would've made things exciting. like a sgw farm fest when the world comes off ppt :-k


The last thing America needs as President is an American businessman who has filed for bankruptcy FOUR times! The most recent being 2009.

Agree 100%. He was a joke from the beginning.

Re: USA 2012 elections

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 7:13 am
by Ra
[KMA]Avenger wrote:And i, i dont think...i know your a nutjob!

RP is the sanest man in any part of the US Governmental system.

You people really have no idea who RP is do you?! :-k

Edit, are you the same Ra that was in AK and served as one of my officers for a short while?

No one in the tea party is sane. Honestly there are no candidates worth voting for.. so I think I'll cross my fingers for anarchy. and yes

Re: USA 2012 elections

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 7:35 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Forget the tea fact forget all the parties, just vote RP!

WOW! your STILL playing this game? :shock: How ya been? :-)

Re: USA 2012 elections

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 8:56 am
by Jack
Obama's voting record wasn't that long. He wasn't a politician very long before he became a president but what little there was, it was pretty **Filtered**. He flip flopped, a lot.

Re: USA 2012 elections

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 9:13 am
by papa~smurf
Lithium wrote:teh next president will be a replilean from Zeta Reticuli :)

LMAO ya know my roomie was just talking about that

on a real life note, i will be voting to remove every sitting member of congress from office regardless of party. it broke and its time to voice it in the only truly democratic way, with my vote.

most Americans when polled say that the congress needs to change, but when it comes down to it, it always every other states elected official they want removed, not there own.

on the presidential front, the only person still expecting "change" is the guy with the sign on the road side i gave a dollar to yesterday. Didn't vote obama the first time, and sure as hell not going to do it the second. Look to Rick Perry to change the face of the race when he declares at the end of the month. I believe he waiting to see what shakes out of the straw poll in Iowa this week to know who is the front runner. In the end thou, i will look for leadership that speaks to the core issues of the of my life, like jobs and the economy, ending the conflicts in Afghanistan. These wars have been a constant drain on our resources, and need to be done. They started to get Osma bin, and that's been done, they morph in to holding the line with alquid and thats been done, time to come home and fix what needs to be done.

Re: USA 2012 elections

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 9:35 am
WOW has Papa gone political ??? Smurf party for the win, I'll vote for anything blue lol

TBH it amazes me anyone still votes at all, if Obama proved anything it was that good intentions & high ideals are meaningless in politics, politicians are just disposable facades for big business. Praise them, vote for them, blame them, scapegoat them, and repeat with a new one.

Do you really think you have a say in how your country is run ?

Do you believe voting for someone will change anything ?

Really ???? I would love to have that kind of blind dumb faith.

ps Mmmmmm McCain - He makes lovely oven chips here in the UK

Re: USA 2012 elections

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 9:44 am
by Lithium
there is no difference in those names they come from the same family , u know what i mean,
the only one not from that family were killed. end of story.

Re: USA 2012 elections

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 10:06 pm
by papa~smurf
MEZZANINE wrote:WOW has Papa gone political ??? Smurf party for the win, I'll vote for anything blue lol

TBH it amazes me anyone still votes at all, if Obama proved anything it was that good intentions & high ideals are meaningless in politics, politicians are just disposable facades for big business. Praise them, vote for them, blame them, scapegoat them, and repeat with a new one.

Do you really think you have a say in how your country is run ?

Do you believe voting for someone will change anything ?

Really ???? I would love to have that kind of blind dumb faith.

ps Mmmmmm McCain - He makes lovely oven chips here in the UK

i was always political mezzy, my dad was a history teacher who minored on political since in college, grew up with it. Elections and such are my football lol

Re: USA 2012 elections

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 1:54 pm
by Legendary Apophis
I think Mitt Romney is going to be Republicans' candidate.
Rick Santorum is a catholic radical, and I think religious conservative voters who happen to be from other branches of Christianity might vote for another republican for theology disagreements with catholic. Newt Gingrich is in trouble with his ex wife (not really popular in Republicans world when you don't have a united couple, see previous republican candidates for elections) and Ron Paul is just too unique for establishment to support him and those who prefer a mainstream candidate -should I say less radical- wouldn't go for him. I think however Ron Paul might be the last competitor to Mitt Romney, due to rather large support among voters.
Sure Mitt Romney is a former democrat (some might say he's opportunist) and is the establishment's favorite, some voters might consider it as a reason not to pick him, but I think that the fact he has a rather good record in his state Massachusetts (according to what I read at least) might be in his favor.