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Re: Pay your CO2 taxes to Al Gore and the banksters or the..

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 2:08 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Lithium wrote:co2 is as much important to life as h2o but some studies are saying its increasing at alarming level. it harms humans when it reach a certain lvl. the nature has a balance over everything but if we push with industry then it ll be auto fixed and many will perish.

To quote Dr. Sam Beckett...Oh boy!

The planet has cycles, past cycles have had periods with MUCH greater CO2 levels in the atmosphere, some periods have had MUCH lower CO2. more CO2=more oxygen and greater food yields as has been proven in many recent controlled experiments, all of which are public and can be found on the net.
The Fact you are quoting the propaganda spouted by scientists and NGO's means you have swallowed "their" propaganda hook line and sinker. but as stated below....

Lithium wrote:for sure the new world order is being prepared and need a scenario to start the last phase.

That's very true, it's also beyond the scope of this thread :-)

Edit: i forgot to mention that many top scientists not only agree but have confirmed (going by past CO2 levels studied from ice cores and other sources) that we are in a CO2 low cycle.

Re: Pay your CO2 taxes to Al Gore and the banksters or the..

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 2:12 am
by [KMA]Avenger
[KMA]Avenger wrote:@KF, not in so many words, but that is the gist of the article. just don't forget to pay your taxes otherwise the greenies-both human and ET-will doom us all!

@Lith, whoa there my friend, i don't think the guys (guys=non generic, damn the PC brigade lol) who frequent this section of the forum are ready or willing to accept that info.

To correct you on 1 item, CO2 does not destroy, CO2 is a MAJOR building block of life on this planet. without CO2 there would be no flora and fauna, and without anything green, life on this planet would have no oxygen to breath, which is why this whole business of CO2 taxes is worse than a joke.

Hence why I said 'Carbon Releasing Tech'. All the Carbon is already there, over millions of years it has been trapped in plants & animals which have died, all we do is set it free.

I recon I might get some t-shirts made



I completely missed that post ](*,)

I LOVE that T-shirt...mind if i get one made up?

Re: Pay your CO2 taxes to Al Gore and the banksters or the..

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 2:20 am
[KMA]Avenger wrote:
[KMA]Avenger wrote:@KF, not in so many words, but that is the gist of the article. just don't forget to pay your taxes otherwise the greenies-both human and ET-will doom us all!

@Lith, whoa there my friend, i don't think the guys (guys=non generic, damn the PC brigade lol) who frequent this section of the forum are ready or willing to accept that info.

To correct you on 1 item, CO2 does not destroy, CO2 is a MAJOR building block of life on this planet. without CO2 there would be no flora and fauna, and without anything green, life on this planet would have no oxygen to breath, which is why this whole business of CO2 taxes is worse than a joke.

Hence why I said 'Carbon Releasing Tech'. All the Carbon is already there, over millions of years it has been trapped in plants & animals which have died, all we do is set it free.

I recon I might get some t-shirts made



I completely missed that post ](*,)

I LOVE that T-shirt...mind if i get one made up?

Go for it, but if it takes off and ya make a Million remember your ol' pal Mezz and buy me big car with high emissions :-D

Re: Pay your CO2 taxes to Al Gore and the banksters or the..

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 2:34 am
by [KMA]Avenger
It would be my pleasure :D

Re: Pay your CO2 taxes to Al Gore and the banksters or the..

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 3:02 am
by Kit-Fox

Re: Pay your CO2 taxes to Al Gore and the banksters or the..

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 3:14 am
Kit-Fox wrote:EDIT: @Mezz; they probablyh would consider publishing it if you got the look & feel of what you sent to them correct, as after all papers dont care about the veracity of a document. You can bet they would however chack things like formatting and headings and any names or contact details and make sure they all correspond to available NASA information first, one slip up is all it would take for them not to publish so make sure you get it right ;)

Ive never done a hoax before, but this could have potential. Get the detail right and it could go down in history with other great hoaxes. Anyone wanna help ???

Re: Pay your CO2 taxes to Al Gore and the banksters or the..

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 4:01 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Kit-Fox wrote:Its not saying that at all KMA, its just essentially a thought experiment, a 'whatif' scenario.

Your really reading too much into, at most its a published paper so NASA etc etc can say 'look we're doing something, give us some more government funding'

And as to CO2, I'm sure i've covered this with you before, higher levels of CO2 = death for a fair bit of life currently in existence. Sure the planet has had higher levels of CO2 which led to bigger plants and bigger animals but those plants and animals were also slower to adapt to changing evironments and died out as a result.

In place of those larger plants & animals we now have smaller ones who dont require such a large amount of CO2 & to whom those larger amounts of CO2 from the past would actually be poisonous (just because some life now could handle the CO2 levels of the past doesnt mean everything can, and you'd be surprised how many things rely on animals you dont think about like bees for example ;) ). However the 'smaller' plants & animals now in exisance are able to adaprt and react to changing environments much faster & better than their predecessors so that they dont die out.

And you dont want a food source or air filters that cant adapt to small changes in their environment and die if a small change happens, because if that happens then where do we get our fresh O2 from? Where do we get our meat from? Where do we get a whole gamut of products in fact that rely on plants & animal life KMA??? You would doom humanity by doing such a thing.

As I've said before just because historical records show higher CO2 levels in the past doesnt mean that the planets ecosystem will be able to handle those higher levels now. Also what we really need is an extra say 1 - 2 % O2 in the air mix really which would lead to many more benefits ;)

But that's the point many scientists have made, the planet has suffered many changes and catastrophes and it's still here. by the same token, life on planet earth as you very well know has gone through many changes due to catastrophes as well as earth changes-and those species that cannot adapt in order to survive die out and are replaced with species that can adapt.

The human race as a species is extremely resilient and i have no doubt-barring an ELE- we would be more than capable of survival, if indeed the planets climate is changing as drastically as these lunatic thieves and scaremongers claim.

PS. the problem the honey bees are facing with colony collapse disorder really worries me because it's worse than is being reported.
Discussion for another time maybe?!

Re: Pay your CO2 taxes to Al Gore and the banksters or the..

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 4:11 am
by Kit-Fox

Re: Pay your CO2 taxes to Al Gore and the banksters or the..

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 5:19 am
by [KMA]Avenger
I got that, but the problem these psychopaths say with rising levels of CO2 is nowhere near any kind of danger level.
There are far more worrying problems and situations in the world than some non-existent problem with CO2, hence why i mentioned CCD as being more worrying for me...not to mention the other kinds of environmental damage that goes on without anyone being held to account.

Some crackpot with an agenda says "OMG" these nasty gas guzzlers and factories are releasing to many GHG's, we need to tax the bejesus out of everyone so we can stop the planet from cooking". in the mean time big business says "screw you, we ain't paying any carbon tax, we'll just take our jobs to somewhere like China who don't have these stupid taxes".
So, in conclusion, some hair-brained moron who should be castrated to stop him infecting his progeny and humanity with screw-ball science any further cooks up a ridiculous non-event and we the people are blamed, the result of which is our collapsed and decimated industrial base and the loss of thousands upon thousands of jobs to country's like India and China, to say nothing of the suppression of the industrialisation of Africa which helps to keep Africa in poverty.

But that last is not limited to just Africa as we all know.

Re: Pay your CO2 taxes to Al Gore and the banksters or the..

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 6:49 am
As in previous discussions I refer to previous 'scare stories'

In the 70s ( before my time ) most scientists agreed we were approaching a new Ice Age, if we had listened to them we would have deliberately tried to create a greenhouse effect by releasing more Methane and CO2.

In the late 80s it was CSC gases destroying the Ozone layer, and within a decade we were all going to be cooking in cosmic radiation & dying of skin cancer. Dont know about you but I get the occasional sun burn nothing more.

In the 90s it was the rain forests, we're all going to run out of oxygen if we cut down all the tree's. Turns out Tree's are very inefficient oxygen producers and account for very little oxygen in the atmosphere, most the oxygen comes from the oceans, Plankton & other micro organisms.

Re: Pay your CO2 taxes to Al Gore and the banksters or the..

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 6:54 am
by Kit-Fox

Re: Pay your CO2 taxes to Al Gore and the banksters or the..

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 8:06 am
Kit-Fox wrote:But trees & other plant life are an excellent filter ensuring the right balence of O2 in the atmo Mezz ;)

Google it, or watch some factual documentaries.

I agree the loss of rainforests and natural environment is a travesty. Sad fact is people need food, and there are ever increasing numbers of people, so if we dont control population growth we are faced with choosing human lives or the environment. Will you let children starve or be impoverished to save the land that could save them ?

I also agree biodiversity is important, simplifying the environment as we do with farming creates over dependence on single species, and purifying a species for one purpose makes it more vulnerable to disease & pests. A ticking time bomb.


The idea that Tree's are essential for oxygen production or removing carbon is bogus, most tree species are very slow growing and worldwide they contribute less than 2% of CO2 to Oxygen conversion, whereas over 90% comes from ocean bound plants & organisms.

Re: Pay your CO2 taxes to Al Gore and the banksters or the..

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 8:51 am
by Kit-Fox

Re: Pay your CO2 taxes to Al Gore and the banksters or the..

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 9:32 am
by Jack

Re: Pay your CO2 taxes to Al Gore and the banksters or the..

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 9:55 am
by Kit-Fox