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Re: Where'd you all go?

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 10:46 am
by Legendary Apophis
I am still around. Though, I must say that it has been a little quiet around here.
My Ha'TaK is getting bigger as time goes, my armies widen in numbers. Beyond 400 millions of super soldiers, mercenaries, spies, miners, minelifers under my orders...

Anack Shol Kree Shel? :sge

Re: Where'd you all go?

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 3:40 am
by Egeria
Moments after Semper left, Egeria dissapears in a flash of light, appearing on Semper's ship.
It was fun playing with you Semper, but you know I do not like being grabbed.

Egeria releases control and lets Aiyana (her host) have control. The two kull warriors are slammed against the wall by an invisible, yet very tangible force. She presses something on her belt and her personal shield extends from grazing her skin to a white ellipsoid around her body. The two kull warriors rise up, but suddenly their arms are twisted out of their controls, pointing their weapons at each other, firing and killing them both.

Egeria disappears in another flash of light, appearing once again in the Council chambers, along with the two dead kull.

The two kull drop to the floor, obviously dead.
Without speaking, Egeria sits back down on her chair.

Re: Where'd you all go?

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 5:04 am
by Thoth
Well this has turned out different than I suspected. xD

Re: Where'd you all go?

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 10:38 am
by semper
*Semper stands looking into the view port, the old System Lord Councils space station orbited the planet below, a nameless rock long ago decimated by the ancient system lords Rek, AncientAnubis and Ra. His memories dwindled for a second as an asgard teleporter activated behind him. At this moment something said something, a small voice. Tiny. Barely echoing into his awareness. He heard his name and percieved the Kull guards falling to the ground but he didn't move. He didn't flinch.

Another split second passed, an eternity for someone who could see a galaxy through eyes of the immortals. The kull were killed. This was Egeria. An old foe, a worthy foe. Right now though she was nothing, an insect...barely registering.

She was gone.

Nodding to the cowering servant on the far side of the Pel'tak Semper gave him the signal to engage the hyperspace. The ship's engines powered up, slowly, or at least to him. An ascended being, one who had moved beyond the mortal constraints like he and his fellow ancient Goa'uld could traverse the Universe in a matter of years, this trip would take him seconds but the others watched. They watched him as they had Anubis, Ra and the others. The others always watched and they outnumbered the Dark Lord and his kin. For now.

A humming had built up in the few seconds of introspection and with little more time the ship blasted it's way into sub space, vanishing from the scene. It left a sarcophogas behind, floating in space inside a small shuttle. Momus would be his vessel now, the Supreme System Lord had other business to attend to.*

Re: Where'd you all go?

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 11:36 am
by Thoth
So s'happening?