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Re: On a lighter note...Jurassic park, yay or nay?

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 2:30 pm
by [KMA]Avenger
2) Where would they live ? Zoos ? Are any wild environments today capable of supporting them in sufficient number for them to remain viable.

Firstly, i'm not condoning the idea of cloning them back into existence, i'm simply replying to the question :-)

Seems like the areas they used to roam are more or less homo sapien free, they could very well thrive in the Arctic and Siberian tundras...IF the gene pool could sustain enough diversity.

I can't see them marching far enough south into Canada and over the boarder in the US (i'd like to see a pot-bellied TSA perv try and strip search a mammoth trying to cross the US/Canadian boarder...i can see it now "oi you, what's in the trunk?!" lol), or far east enough to trouble the Chinese :-D

As for dinos...hell no, i've seen that film as well, it didn't end to well for some of those dinos :? :smt017

Now this dino was the biggest carnivore to ever exist (i think, not counting Megladon, that's a fish and not a dino), this guy would be well able to look after himself from those pesky humans 8)


Re: On a lighter note...Jurassic park, yay or nay?

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 2:31 pm
by KnowLedge
Just because you have a DNA of an organism, doesn't mean you can clone it or create it.. there so much more that we don't know yet.

Re: On a lighter note...Jurassic park, yay or nay?

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 3:06 am
by Legendary Apophis
Have Manfred "Manny" back to life is probably a bad idea, one doesn't know whether the viruses and illnesses around nowadays wouldn't kill him straight, also, would he survive long as a "clone" and how many attempts would fail before a success of bringing a mammoth clone to lasting life...
Sure it's tempting to say it would be cool, but I doubt it would be a good idea to start re-create animals from past.
Also, I suspect we have a slight biased view of Mammoths (Realistically talking: did they have rut too? Would it be more devastating and crazy than nowadays' elephants'?), just like we have of Polar Bears thanks to Coca Cola! :-D