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Re: Over Population / Unsustable Population Growth

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:44 pm
@ Jules,

Unfortunately Eugenics does not work, mating two highly intelligent people does not always result in an intelligent offspring, and sometimes results in mental illness rather than superiority, physical attributes are more commonly passed on, but there also lies a problem as pedigree stock become susceptible to congenital disorders.

So you see princess, much as it pains be to say this you and I are just not meant to be, we are just too intelligent and too pretty, our kids could be insane dimwits plagued by illness :smt043

Still, it dont rule out having some fun when the world goes to hell, I'll meet you in the Swiss bunker like we agreed :smt047 Just dont tell the plebs :-$ :smt043

Re: Over Population / Unsustable Population Growth

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:49 pm
by Legendary Apophis
We saw what the limits of keeping "blue blood" at all costs were during history of Europe, some of their children didn't have the best health and looked rather strange...consanguinity and its limits.

Re: Over Population / Unsustable Population Growth

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:56 pm
by Zeratul
breeding constantly for certain traits will produce flaws as well as advantages. you might be able to produce super-geniuses, but it could easily be that they also have a habit of killing their mothers in childbirth (too big) or perhaps penchant for gnawing on the furniture or something like that.

Dogs are a good example of such breeding. many have been bred for certain traits, but have also through that breeding gained flaws like a penchant for hip problems in golden retrievers.

Re: Over Population / Unsustable Population Growth

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:07 pm
by Legendary Apophis
Wikipedia wrote:In 2010, a working paper by the OECD estimated that 1.8 billion people were now members of the global middle class.[17]

More than I expected, but not so much after all. So yes, adding up middle and upper class would count up to less than a third of world population.
100mil-limited humanity? More than 97% of OECD's definition of global middle class exterminated if we consider the fact most of these 100mil would be from the upper class.
Good thing that I already think about saving money for my funerals! :D
I should probably thank this "100Mil Club" who wants my and my whole family's death -for being unwanted/unneeded "excess"-, for at least one thing, realize that death can happen at any time and that even when young, one should already think about how to prepare for it (funerals, inheritance...)!

And I was silly enough to believe that class conflict was over in Europe...guess I was wrong. :smt107

Re: Over Population / Unsustable Population Growth

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:06 pm
by Lithium
if 97% have to go then that 3% have too hide in bunkers while viruses kills the rest, there will be hordes of ppl devastating their cities and nations for years and prob after 100years the beunkers can see the light.
What.... their childrens are alive.... a class of warriors would take on them and thats the reset.

Re: Over Population / Unsustable Population Growth

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:07 pm
by Legendary Apophis
Lithium wrote:if 97% have to go then that 3% have too hide in bunkers while viruses kills the rest, there will be hordes of ppl devastating their cities and nations for years and prob after 100years the beunkers can see the light.
What.... their childrens are alive.... a class of warriors would take on them and thats the reset.

Obvious scenario. Considering middle classes would be included too in mass (see stats of OECD about amount of middle class), there would be countless potential "strategists" to lead the counter strike of the 97%, as among these middle-class people, many would have some experience about strategy games, or be officers of army/police officers themselves and thus have some skills to make strategy for survival and attack. Not to mention the hate factor which could probably strengthen their resistance to survive, their hate towards the ones who wanted their death in the name of "removal of the excess".

Re: Over Population / Unsustable Population Growth

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:10 pm
by Lithium
if they plan a super virus to change earth or to find refugee for 3% in bunks while earth burns from a meteor then i prefer to go.

Those who will live would envy death.

Re: Over Population / Unsustable Population Growth

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:17 pm
by Legendary Apophis
Lithium wrote:if they plan a super virus to change earth or to find refugee for 3% in bunks while earth burns from a meteor then i prefer to go.

Those who will live would envy death.

Not really, think about people who are led by desire of revenge/vengeance in such a situation (3% of population chosen to survive and the rest chosen to die). The "leaders"/"strategists" still alive would feed this feeling of revenge the masses still alive would have. They would probably try to get every weapon they can find and use it to get their revenge, and as they would have nothing to lose, they would be quite dangerous. The 3% would still be outnumbered and their enemy would have the hate and desire of revenge as a significant boost.

Remember the Eurondan from Stargate SG1, living in bunkers who sent poison in the surface of planet to kill people living there, because they hated other people of the surface who "dared" to reproduce by natural means and not cloning like Eurondan did ("for the pureness of the race" or something was their argument). The war still went on, SG1 probably helped in victory of the others, but it was obvious the Eurondan weren't any close to win their war.

Re: Over Population / Unsustable Population Growth

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:01 pm
by Lithium
i ve herd and seen those monstrous bunkers being built in many countries, saw pics of those in Sweden, USA , Russia etc also herd of FEMA plans , they ll turn humans against humans.....

are these the civilized countries we speak....? just fake... under peace and religious flags they bring terror to whole world.

Re: Over Population / Unsustable Population Growth

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:20 pm
by Legendary Apophis
Why do almost all threads here tend to be talking about New World Order and stuff related to it? :shock:

Re: Over Population / Unsustable Population Growth

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:29 pm
by Lithium
Legendary Apophis wrote:Why do almost all threads here tend to be talking about New World Order and stuff related to it? :shock:

because their politic is to maintain world under 500m so killing 97%

Re: Over Population / Unsustable Population Growth

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 7:43 am
by [KMA]Avenger
You guys are so misinformed it's not even funny any more...

The fact of the matter is this, the myth of over population originated in England in 1798 and was the brain child of Thomas Malthus, who fancied himself a mathematician. to cut a long story short, he sat down one day and made a few rough calculations. 2+2 really does=5 (and that by 1890 the world would be out of food because of reduced infant mortality due to industrialisation. this scaremongering has been going on ever since. if you go 1 step further, this myth is akin to someone walking down the street everyday screaming the world is about to end...just like the climate change supporters, or should i say, climate change lunatics!?!) for all you who support all this Malthusian ideology....i would replace the word "ideology" with the word B******T. so was born the science of eugenics which was transported to Germany and America.

Over population is a myth, go look up the proper numbers. western civilisation is in decline and if the Chinese don't change their ways will one day be a dead race. @Jim, we currently have enough food production to feed 14+ billion people....have you never asked what is happening to all that food? here's some irony for you Jim, your country alone throws away THOUSANDS of tonnes of bread each and every year. you should really look at your own crap before you try and preach to people in other countries (<not trying to be rude, just truthful. take it as you will but no offence was intended). we also have the tech to claim back allot of land if this would one day be needed, it is not needed. what we have is EXTREMELY POOR land management. as for Africa, when a nation industrialises the population stabilises. this is historical and undeniable fact.
People start breeding like rabbits only when health care, hygiene and living standards are so low that you cannot guarantee the well being and survival of ANY of your children.

Even the UN (a most sickening and disgusting organisation) agrees with all of the fact....most of the info above has come from the UN itself!

The fake liberals and eugenics-obsessed greenies with all their climate change crap-are the ones who are holding back Africa's development. in 09 during the Copenhagen climate summit the 3rd world walked out of the summit (resulting in the summits collapse, climategate 1 and 2.0, as well as the collapse of the CCX- Chicago Climate Exchange) when they were told by the west that Africa would not be allowed to develop due to climate change...if that policy is not a direct result of eugenics and Malthusian ideology, i don't know what is!
I know what it feels like to be Sarah Conner trying to warn the world, only to be looked at as a nut and someone to be locked away

Just who the **Filtered** do these **Filtered** think they are telling Africa they will not be allowed to develop!?!

Don't worry about it folks, you can go about your business and just ignore reality.

Ps, the last nail in the over-pop myth, UN numbers and experts agree the population will level out in the next 25 to 30 years and will then drop.

Pss, As for resource sustainability and energy, again that is a myth. tech is being suppressed, and i don't mean some futuristic tech. there is tech that is capable of giving everybody on this planet free electricity for life. instead we are all kept on meters. as for oil, we don't need oil, we can safely and cheaply switch to cleaner and more sustainable sources of energy, you are all asking the wrong question of the wrong people, you should really be asking this of your leaders and if necessary, put pressure on them to do the right thing or remove them from office again and again and again until someone is found who will act in the best interests of the people and the planet, not the corporations who have a strangle hold on our lives through making us dependent on them...i would think that was obvious!

Over population my arse!

According to the U.N. Population Database, the world's population in 2010 will be 6,908,688,000. The landmass of Texas is 268,820 sq mi (7,494,271,488,000 sq ft).

So, divide 7,494,271,488,000 sq ft by 6,908,688,000 people, and you get 1084.76 sq ft/person. That's approximately a 33' x 33' plot of land for every person on the planet, enough space for a town house.

Go to the UN's own database and check the numbers for yourselves...i have!

That's as far as i am willing to go on the subject.

Edit, you people here are FAAAAR more educated, intelligent and articulate than i am, how you can believe all this crap is beyond my ability to understand! :smt017

Re: Over Population / Unsustable Population Growth

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 8:02 am
by Coulson
Your history of eugenics is incorrect and colored beyond reason.

Re: Over Population / Unsustable Population Growth

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 8:11 am
by [KMA]Avenger
Malthus was the the one that really brought it to the front. i did say "to cut a long story short". so i failed to lay out the history of eugenics 100%...who the hell cares!?! Eugenics was born in England and evolved over time by many people (including Malthus, and later by others such as Darwin with his crap theory of evolution). was exported to countries as i named above and further devolped in the mid/ late 60's by sickos such as Paul Ehrlich and that other sicko ( i forget his name) Obamas science tsar.

So, now lets do what we always do, try to pick apart an argument by avoiding the main facts and nitpicking....sounds like a plan :-)

Edit, check the numbers for yourselves:

Re: Over Population / Unsustable Population Growth

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 10:05 am
by Juliette
Haha, :lol: he is right though. Eugenics comes from the Stone Age.