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Re: Revocation of Warning

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 3:56 am
by Juliette
General Riviera wrote:I have every right to an opinion Clarkey.
You also have the duty to control yourself. Please do. That goes for all of you.
Psyko and I are discussing the matter, as we stated in our PM. :)

Re: Revocation of Warning

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 5:46 am
by Quina Quen
You know me Juliette, I don't mince my words. Why edge around the blatant truth for the sake of being polite to someone who is a complete eegit.

Re: Revocation of Warning

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 8:10 am
by Jack
General Riviera wrote:What a load of crap. Your minion of click-happiness Jack posted after another user made a valid post regarding an alternate OS. I posted in direct reference to his shoddy moderation abilities.

To be honest, I can't be bothered. Do as you wish. Ban me for all I care. The only thing some of you moderators are consistent with is double standards.

1. Read the rules you're so fond of quoting. If you want to discuss a mod action, there is a time and a place for it. If not taking to the appropriate place, you will be warned.

2. I am not JB's minion, rather he is mine.

3. You should calm down, getting so worked up about something so insignificant is not good for your health. :(

Re: Revocation of Warning

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 8:26 am
As someone who posted on the same topic, I believe I posted "Buy a Mac" or something to that nature. I will go on the record to say I was just being a jerk and making a smart remark, I can see that my post has been deleted by a Mod as well. I understand we shouldn't downplay a Brand/OS, I guess I was spamming at the wrong time and wrong place, and in no way did I help the author of the post with his issues, though I wish too :neutral: I would like to say sorry for posting the none sense on there, but I back up the General. He was just merely trying to help the guy and give some advice on what was better. I think it should have been left alone, I mean someone needs to draw and line so we wont cross it.

Re: Revocation of Warning

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 8:59 am
by Jack
GR only got warned when he spammed after I had warned people not to.

These are the posts that GR is complaining about that got removed.

Zeratul wrote:Problem description seems a bit vague to us, so we can't offer much help, though we're sure that someone else here might have an idea...

but on a general basis, we'd say this is the reason:
CCexy wrote:I have vista

Vista is well-known to be a fairly hopeless OS.

Sadow wrote:im not completly sure what the problem is, but using a Windows PC is a big problem, add on top of that its Vista.

™THE_LEGEND™ wrote:Buy a Mac :smt021

Re: Revocation of Warning

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 11:06 am
by Empy
General Riviera wrote:I have every right to an opinion Clarkey.
Indeed, but it is against board rules to personally offend other members of the forums. Calling someone a sorry effort for a human being I daresay would qualify under that for most people.

Re: Revocation of Warning

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 2:08 pm
by Jack
Tetrismonkey wrote:
E.M.P. wrote:
General Riviera wrote:I have every right to an opinion Clarkey.
Indeed, but it is against board rules to personally offend other members of the forums. Calling someone a sorry effort for a human being I daresay would qualify under that for most people.

I disagree. Anything said on these forums can be construed as a personal attack in some way shape or form. There have been far worse comments made on these forums that was said above and are not a warnable offense.

[BoT] Jack wrote:
General Riviera wrote:What a load of crap. Your minion of click-happiness Jack posted after another user made a valid post regarding an alternate OS. I posted in direct reference to his shoddy moderation abilities.

To be honest, I can't be bothered. Do as you wish. Ban me for all I care. The only thing some of you moderators are consistent with is double standards.

1. Read the rules you're so fond of quoting. If you want to discuss a mod action, there is a time and a place for it. If not taking to the appropriate place, you will be warned.

2. I am not JB's minion, rather he is mine.

3. You should calm down, getting so worked up about something so insignificant is not good for your health. :(

You should act in a more appropriate manner when handling any situation while on duty as a mod. This is a recurring issue that you are well known for and perhaps was even fired for once before?

The thread is in TTT&T. A few smart ass comments here and there should never warrant a verbal warning via pm or thread. Most threads in that section, correct me if im wrong, deviate from the main subject in some form or another. This warning should never have come about had Jack handled his job better.

Let the warning stand for constancy, but do reconsider Jacks position as a mod.

Still on your old tired crusade, eh Tet? It's cute, really.

What is and is not allowed in Misc is dynamic and decided on a case by case basis. In this case, a user requested assistance with a computer problem and the majority of posts were barely more than flamebait. Utterly useless, so in an attempt to keep the thread on topic atleast long enough for the problem to be resolved, I removed the offending posts and issued a verbal warning to keep it on topic. GR chose to ignore that warning, and believes he should be able to do so without consequence. He is mistaken.

As for his inappropriate comment earlier in this thread. That most certainly is an insult which is against the rules. In any other section he would have been warned for that. But it doesn't matter to me. As most people already know, I welcome such comments. Just don't start crying when I throw one back at you. ;)

Re: Revocation of Warning

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 2:16 pm
by Quina Quen
The comments from the other users whilst not the most helpful were still valid and relevant to the topic. You choose to deem them as spam and I simply defended them as again, relevant. You took your mighty wand of mod-wizardry and removed them. I don't think I'm above the rules - I was completely oblivious to there being on about responding directly to a moderators actions in a thread - to which I hold my hand up. You handled the entire situation miserably though and it is my opinion that you are a poor moderator. The previous insult, or rather honest assessment as I would like to put it still stands.

And this - "What is and is not allowed in Misc is dynamic and decided on a case by case basis."

That is a complete joke. As much a joke as you are a joke. 'Dynamic', lol. 'Case by case basis'? So basically what you are saying is you can hand warnings out to some but not others for identical offences? Or just when someone gets your back up because they made a very valid comment that damages your poor ego?

Whatever though man.

Re: Revocation of Warning

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 2:26 pm
by Psyko
Boys. Timeout! Y'all need to chill. :smt117

Tetris and General Riviera you both know full well the Ombudsman does not have the authority to influence who is on the forum staff. Juliette and I cannot do or say anything that will have the Administration even consider firing Jack.

However, we are allowed to make other recommendations in regards to all aspects of this current issue. We are working together to formulate the best resolution for all of the forum in regards to the specifics of this case. Please stop fighting and throwing around insults.

Riviera, I know you are upset, but earning yourself more warnings while trying to have one removed is not conducive to your case with us. Please take a step back and try to be more civil in your replies. You can disagree and dislike someone to your heart's content, and you can do so without insults and name-calling.

Re: Revocation of Warning

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 2:44 pm
by Quina Quen
Ok, my head is in the freezer and I'm chilled.

Re: Revocation of Warning

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 3:00 pm
by Jack
General Riviera wrote:The comments from the other users whilst not the most helpful were still valid and relevant to the topic. You choose to deem them as spam and I simply defended them as again, relevant. You took your mighty wand of mod-wizardry and removed them. I don't think I'm above the rules - I was completely oblivious to there being on about responding directly to a moderators actions in a thread - to which I hold my hand up. You handled the entire situation miserably though and it is my opinion that you are a poor moderator. The previous insult, or rather honest assessment as I would like to put it still stands.

And this - "What is and is not allowed in Misc is dynamic and decided on a case by case basis."

That is a complete joke. As much a joke as you are a joke. 'Dynamic', lol. 'Case by case basis'? So basically what you are saying is you can hand warnings out to some but not others for identical offences? Or just when someone gets your back up because they made a very valid comment that damages your poor ego?

Whatever though man.

Being oblivious to the rules does not protect you from them. Read them, or don't and risk violating one without realization and suffer the consequences regardless.

If you do not feel that you are above the rules, then why do you demand immunity? If you truly felt that way, then you would accept the consequences of your actions. However, you do not. It is quite clear that your ego has been bruised. You fervently refuse to accept responsibility for your actions and demand to be treated better than others. Your desperation is made clear by your constant and repeated insults. You claim that I behave poorly and inappropriately, yet you are the one that is behaving childishly by demanding special treatment and insulting your opponent. Talk about double standards. ;)

You are welcome to whatever belief you wish to hold regarding how I mod and my ability to do so. It, like you, is irrelevant to me. However, you do provide me with amusement. Please continue. :smt047

Re: Revocation of Warning

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 10:03 pm
by Psyko
Ombudsman Official Decision Regarding General Riviera's Warning

It is the conclusion of the Ombudsman team that the warning issued to General Riviera for replying to a Moderator's official post stand. Due to the long-standing precedent within the forum staff, such a reply is cause for an automatic warning. However, we will recommend the details regarding the rule in question, Section 4b, be reexamined by the Administration.

Furthermore, we find the in-thread verbal issued by Jack prior to General Riviera's post to be questionable and will be discussing it further with the Administration to avoid future incidents. We find stating users' opinions as "worthless" when determining whether a post is spam or not to be over-reaching one's position within the community.

Re: Revocation of Warning

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 2:55 am
by Quina Quen
[BoT] Jack wrote:Being oblivious to the rules does not protect you from them. Read them, or don't and risk violating one without realization and suffer the consequences regardless.

If you do not feel that you are above the rules, then why do you demand immunity? If you truly felt that way, then you would accept the consequences of your actions. However, you do not. It is quite clear that your ego has been bruised. You fervently refuse to accept responsibility for your actions and demand to be treated better than others. Your desperation is made clear by your constant and repeated insults. You claim that I behave poorly and inappropriately, yet you are the one that is behaving childishly by demanding special treatment and insulting your opponent. Talk about double standards. ;)

You are welcome to whatever belief you wish to hold regarding how I mod and my ability to do so. It, like you, is irrelevant to me. However, you do provide me with amusement. Please continue. :smt047

Given that there are an awful lot of rules Jack, do you really think everyone knows them all inside out? You can pretty much guarantee that there are violations of the rules occurring on these forums all the time that go unnoticed or just not bothered about - dismissed as trivial violations. If you wish to vilify me for that, then you also vilify so many others indirectly. Which is fine, by the way.

I do not 'fervently refuse to accept responsibility' for my actions. I am a great believer in rules as they are supposed to uphold normality and the general peace. Without them we would have chaos and anarchy of course. I have my moments here just like we all do, and whilst yes, admittedly I sometimes have a tendency to become hot-headed about things I only ever do it when I feel that actions taken against me by users and moderators alike have been done unjustly and I will fight my case accordingly. It isn't a lack of responsibility, and nor are my actions out of 'desperation'. They are in the interest of getting a fair deal - which is something you would expect in modern day society, whether this is an internet forum or not.

As for 'demanding special treatment'? How and where have you got that from? I don't come here asking for anything other than what everyone else deserves, as already mentioned, a fair deal. The critique of your ability to moderate is within my rights as someone who is on the receiving end of the power you assume as a moderator. For anything that you have deemed as a verbal offence of yourself, then whilst not retracting my belief or opinion, will apologise for the sake of the peace on the forum.

Back to the rule in question though, Psyko has rightly pointed out that it does need review. The circumstances here are that I have been handed a warning for a violation of rule 4b - however, it needs to be refined for more clarity, as my response was not a repeat 'offence' and again, a polite warning I did not receive.

For now, and for the purpose of giving the two ombudspeople a break I will take my slap on the wrist, admittedly with a certain degree of disgruntlement and go on about my business.

Thank you to both Juliette and Psyko for reviewing the case.

Re: Revocation of Warning

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 3:27 am
by Noobert
I have no read this thread entirely, but only bits and pieces. I just wish to post this in case nobody has pointed this out.

You state that nobody will read all of the rules, and this is true due to the length. I agree with this part of the post but I disagree that you think that just because you chose not to take the time to read, however lengthy they are, the rules that you deserve a free pass.

The rules are still the rules. Read or otherwise.

Summing it up - You broke a rule, you acknowledge you broke the rule irregardless of how trivial it is to you, so accept what has happened and move on. State your case, and then let it be. Nothing more you can do than that.

Re: Revocation of Warning

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 3:33 am
by Quina Quen
The violation of 4b can be accepted as done, it is the consequence of the same however that still stands as a grey area Noobert. That matter is being looked into. So, we're all done here.